commit 9b4916ef93a52788a175f0feaf4c54a717713a57 Author: liaowei <> Date: Fri Sep 6 19:15:39 2024 +0800 第一次提交招聘系统前端代码 diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7034f9b --- /dev/null +++ b/.editorconfig @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# 告诉EditorConfig插件,这是根文件,不用继续往上查找 +root = true + +# 匹配全部文件 +[*] +# 设置字符集 +charset = utf-8 +# 缩进风格,可选space、tab +indent_style = space +# 缩进的空格数 +indent_size = 2 +# 结尾换行符,可选lf、cr、crlf +end_of_line = lf +# 在文件结尾插入新行 +insert_final_newline = true +# 删除一行中的前后空格 +trim_trailing_whitespace = true + +# 匹配md结尾的文件 +[*.md] +insert_final_newline = false +trim_trailing_whitespace = false diff --git a/.env.development b/.env.development new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7932ba --- /dev/null +++ b/.env.development @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# 页面标题 +VUE_APP_TITLE = ZeroErrOA系统 + +# 开发环境配置 +ENV = 'development' + +# ZeroErrOA系统/开发环境 +VUE_APP_BASE_API = '/dev-api' + +# 路由懒加载 +VUE_CLI_BABEL_TRANSPILE_MODULES = true diff --git a/.env.production b/.env.production new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9cbd2c --- /dev/null +++ b/.env.production @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# 页面标题 +VUE_APP_TITLE = ZeroErrOA系统 + +# 生产环境配置 +ENV = 'production' + +# ZeroErrOA系统/生产环境 +VUE_APP_BASE_API = '/prod-api' diff --git a/.env.staging b/.env.staging new file mode 100644 index 0000000..990b496 --- /dev/null +++ b/.env.staging @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# 页面标题 +VUE_APP_TITLE = ZeroErrOA系统 + +NODE_ENV = production + +# 测试环境配置 +ENV = 'staging' + +# ZeroErrOA系统/测试环境 +VUE_APP_BASE_API = '/stage-api' diff --git a/.eslintignore b/.eslintignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89be6f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/.eslintignore @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# 忽略build目录下类型为js的文件的语法检查 +build/*.js +# 忽略src/assets目录下文件的语法检查 +src/assets +# 忽略public目录下文件的语法检查 +public +# 忽略当前目录下为js的文件的语法检查 +*.js +# 忽略当前目录下为vue的文件的语法检查 +*.vue \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.eslintrc.js b/.eslintrc.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82bbdee --- /dev/null +++ b/.eslintrc.js @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +// ESlint 检查配置 +module.exports = { + root: true, + parserOptions: { + parser: 'babel-eslint', + sourceType: 'module' + }, + env: { + browser: true, + node: true, + es6: true, + }, + extends: ['plugin:vue/recommended', 'eslint:recommended'], + + // add your custom rules here + //it is base on + rules: { + "vue/max-attributes-per-line": [2, { + "singleline": 10, + "multiline": { + "max": 1, + "allowFirstLine": false + } + }], + "vue/singleline-html-element-content-newline": "off", + "vue/multiline-html-element-content-newline":"off", + "vue/name-property-casing": ["error", "PascalCase"], + "vue/no-v-html": "off", + 'accessor-pairs': 2, + 'arrow-spacing': [2, { + 'before': true, + 'after': true + }], + 'block-spacing': [2, 'always'], + 'brace-style': [2, '1tbs', { + 'allowSingleLine': true + }], + 'camelcase': [0, { + 'properties': 'always' + }], + 'comma-dangle': [2, 'never'], + 'comma-spacing': [2, { + 'before': false, + 'after': true + }], + 'comma-style': [2, 'last'], + 'constructor-super': 2, + 'curly': [2, 'multi-line'], + 'dot-location': [2, 'property'], + 'eol-last': 2, + 'eqeqeq': ["error", "always", {"null": "ignore"}], + 'generator-star-spacing': [2, { + 'before': true, + 'after': true + }], + 'handle-callback-err': [2, '^(err|error)$'], + 'indent': [2, 2, { + 'SwitchCase': 1 + }], + 'jsx-quotes': [2, 'prefer-single'], + 'key-spacing': [2, { + 'beforeColon': false, + 'afterColon': true + }], + 'keyword-spacing': [2, { + 'before': true, + 'after': true + }], + 'new-cap': [2, { + 'newIsCap': true, + 'capIsNew': false + }], + 'new-parens': 2, + 'no-array-constructor': 2, + 'no-caller': 2, + 'no-console': 'off', + 'no-class-assign': 2, + 'no-cond-assign': 2, + 'no-const-assign': 2, + 'no-control-regex': 0, + 'no-delete-var': 2, + 'no-dupe-args': 2, + 'no-dupe-class-members': 2, + 'no-dupe-keys': 2, + 'no-duplicate-case': 2, + 'no-empty-character-class': 2, + 'no-empty-pattern': 2, + 'no-eval': 2, + 'no-ex-assign': 2, + 'no-extend-native': 2, + 'no-extra-bind': 2, + 'no-extra-boolean-cast': 2, + 'no-extra-parens': [2, 'functions'], + 'no-fallthrough': 2, + 'no-floating-decimal': 2, + 'no-func-assign': 2, + 'no-implied-eval': 2, + 'no-inner-declarations': [2, 'functions'], + 'no-invalid-regexp': 2, + 'no-irregular-whitespace': 2, + 'no-iterator': 2, + 'no-label-var': 2, + 'no-labels': [2, { + 'allowLoop': false, + 'allowSwitch': false + }], + 'no-lone-blocks': 2, + 'no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs': 2, + 'no-multi-spaces': 2, + 'no-multi-str': 2, + 'no-multiple-empty-lines': [2, { + 'max': 1 + }], + 'no-native-reassign': 2, + 'no-negated-in-lhs': 2, + 'no-new-object': 2, + 'no-new-require': 2, + 'no-new-symbol': 2, + 'no-new-wrappers': 2, + 'no-obj-calls': 2, + 'no-octal': 2, + 'no-octal-escape': 2, + 'no-path-concat': 2, + 'no-proto': 2, + 'no-redeclare': 2, + 'no-regex-spaces': 2, + 'no-return-assign': [2, 'except-parens'], + 'no-self-assign': 2, + 'no-self-compare': 2, + 'no-sequences': 2, + 'no-shadow-restricted-names': 2, + 'no-spaced-func': 2, + 'no-sparse-arrays': 2, + 'no-this-before-super': 2, + 'no-throw-literal': 2, + 'no-trailing-spaces': 2, + 'no-undef': 2, + 'no-undef-init': 2, + 'no-unexpected-multiline': 2, + 'no-unmodified-loop-condition': 2, + 'no-unneeded-ternary': [2, { + 'defaultAssignment': false + }], + 'no-unreachable': 2, + 'no-unsafe-finally': 2, + 'no-unused-vars': [2, { + 'vars': 'all', + 'args': 'none' + }], + 'no-useless-call': 2, + 'no-useless-computed-key': 2, + 'no-useless-constructor': 2, + 'no-useless-escape': 0, + 'no-whitespace-before-property': 2, + 'no-with': 2, + 'one-var': [2, { + 'initialized': 'never' + }], + 'operator-linebreak': [2, 'after', { + 'overrides': { + '?': 'before', + ':': 'before' + } + }], + 'padded-blocks': [2, 'never'], + 'quotes': [2, 'single', { + 'avoidEscape': true, + 'allowTemplateLiterals': true + }], + 'semi': [2, 'never'], + 'semi-spacing': [2, { + 'before': false, + 'after': true + }], + 'space-before-blocks': [2, 'always'], + 'space-before-function-paren': [2, 'never'], + 'space-in-parens': [2, 'never'], + 'space-infix-ops': 2, + 'space-unary-ops': [2, { + 'words': true, + 'nonwords': false + }], + 'spaced-comment': [2, 'always', { + 'markers': ['global', 'globals', 'eslint', 'eslint-disable', '*package', '!', ','] + }], + 'template-curly-spacing': [2, 'never'], + 'use-isnan': 2, + 'valid-typeof': 2, + 'wrap-iife': [2, 'any'], + 'yield-star-spacing': [2, 'both'], + 'yoda': [2, 'never'], + 'prefer-const': 2, + 'no-debugger': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 2 : 0, + 'object-curly-spacing': [2, 'always', { + objectsInObjects: false + }], + 'array-bracket-spacing': [2, 'never'] + } +} diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78a752d --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +.DS_Store +node_modules/ +dist/ +npm-debug.log* +yarn-debug.log* +yarn-error.log* +**/*.log + +tests/**/coverage/ +tests/e2e/reports +selenium-debug.log + +# Editor directories and files +.idea +.vscode +*.suo +*.ntvs* +*.njsproj +*.sln +*.local + +package-lock.json +yarn.lock diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be86d12 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# ZeroErrOA-Vue + +零差云控的oa系统前端代码 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/babel.config.js b/babel.config.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08324b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/babel.config.js @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +module.exports = { + presets: [ + // + '@vue/cli-plugin-babel/preset', + ["@babel/preset-env", { + "targets": { + "node": "current" + } + }] + ], + 'env': { + 'development': { + // babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node plugin only does one thing by converting all import() to require(). + // This plugin can significantly increase the speed of hot updates, when you have a large number of pages. + 'plugins': ['dynamic-import-node','transform-vue-jsx'] + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin/build.bat b/bin/build.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dda590d --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/build.bat @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +@echo off +echo. +echo [Ϣ] Weḅdistļ +echo. + +%~d0 +cd %~dp0 + +cd .. +npm run build:prod + +pause \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin/package.bat b/bin/package.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e5bc0f --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/package.bat @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +@echo off +echo. +echo [Ϣ] װWeḅnode_modulesļ +echo. + +%~d0 +cd %~dp0 + +cd .. +npm install --registry= + +pause \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin/run-web.bat b/bin/run-web.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d30deae --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/run-web.bat @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +@echo off +echo. +echo [Ϣ] ʹ Vue CLI Web ̡ +echo. + +%~d0 +cd %~dp0 + +cd .. +npm run dev + +pause \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/build/index.js b/build/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c57de2 --- /dev/null +++ b/build/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +const { run } = require('runjs') +const chalk = require('chalk') +const config = require('../vue.config.js') +const rawArgv = process.argv.slice(2) +const args = rawArgv.join(' ') + +if (process.env.npm_config_preview || rawArgv.includes('--preview')) { + const report = rawArgv.includes('--report') + + run(`vue-cli-service build ${args}`) + + const port = 9526 + const publicPath = config.publicPath + + var connect = require('connect') + var serveStatic = require('serve-static') + const app = connect() + + app.use( + publicPath, + serveStatic('./dist', { + index: ['index.html', '/'] + }) + ) + + app.listen(port, function () { + console.log(`> Preview at http://localhost:${port}${publicPath}`)) + if (report) { + console.log(`> Report at http://localhost:${port}${publicPath}report.html`)) + } + + }) +} else { + run(`vue-cli-service build ${args}`) +} diff --git a/nginx.conf.default b/nginx.conf.default new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29bc085 --- /dev/null +++ b/nginx.conf.default @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ + +#user nobody; +worker_processes 1; + +#error_log logs/error.log; +#error_log logs/error.log notice; +#error_log logs/error.log info; + +#pid logs/; + + +events { + worker_connections 1024; +} + + +http { + include mime.types; + default_type application/octet-stream; + + #log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ' + # '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' + # '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'; + + #access_log logs/access.log main; + + sendfile on; + #tcp_nopush on; + + #keepalive_timeout 0; + keepalive_timeout 65; + + #gzip on; + + server { + listen 80; + server_name localhost; + + #charset koi8-r; + + #access_log logs/host.access.log main; + + location / { + root html; + index index.html index.htm; + } + + #error_page 404 /404.html; + + # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html + # + error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; + location = /50x.html { + root html; + } + + # proxy the PHP scripts to Apache listening on + # + #location ~ \.php$ { + # proxy_pass; + #} + + # pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on + # + #location ~ \.php$ { + # root html; + # fastcgi_pass; + # fastcgi_index index.php; + # fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /scripts$fastcgi_script_name; + # include fastcgi_params; + #} + + # deny access to .htaccess files, if Apache's document root + # concurs with nginx's one + # + #location ~ /\.ht { + # deny all; + #} + } + + + # another virtual host using mix of IP-, name-, and port-based configuration + # + #server { + # listen 8000; + # listen somename:8080; + # server_name somename alias another.alias; + + # location / { + # root html; + # index index.html index.htm; + # } + #} + + + # HTTPS server + # + #server { + # listen 443 ssl; + # server_name localhost; + + # ssl_certificate cert.pem; + # ssl_certificate_key cert.key; + + # ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:1m; + # ssl_session_timeout 5m; + + # ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5; + # ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; + + # location / { + # root html; + # index index.html index.htm; + # } + #} + +} diff --git a/nohup.out b/nohup.out new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd40989 --- /dev/null +++ b/nohup.out @@ -0,0 +1,4051 @@ +Application Version: 1.0.0 +Spring Boot Version: 2.5.15 +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// _ooOoo_ // +// o8888888o // +// 88" . "88 // +// (| ^_^ |) // +// O\ = /O // +// ____/`---'\____ // +// .' \\| |// `. // +// / \\||| : |||// \ // +// / _||||| -:- |||||- \ // +// | | \\\ - /// | | // +// | \_| ''\---/'' | | // +// \ .-\__ `-` ___/-. / // +// ___`. .' /--.--\ `. . ___ // +// ."" '< `.___\_<|>_/___.' >'"". // +// | | : `- \`.;`\ _ /`;.`/ - ` : | | // +// \ \ `-. \_ __\ /__ _/ .-` / / // +// ========`-.____`-.___\_____/___.-`____.-'======== // +// `=---=' // +// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // +// 佛祖保佑 永不宕机 永无BUG // +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +16:07:22.861 [main] INFO c.z.RuoYiApplication - [logStarting,55] - Starting RuoYiApplication using Java 1.8.0_412 on centos with PID 3368 (/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar started by root in /home/java) +16:07:22.864 [main] DEBUG c.z.RuoYiApplication - [logStarting,56] - Running with Spring Boot v2.5.15, Spring v5.3.33 +16:07:22.865 [main] INFO c.z.RuoYiApplication - [logStartupProfileInfo,686] - The following 1 profile is active: "druid" +16:07:22.867 [background-preinit] INFO o.h.v.i.util.Version - [,21] - HV000001: Hibernate Validator 6.2.5.Final +16:07:27.260 [main] INFO o.a.c.h.Http11NioProtocol - [log,173] - Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"] +16:07:27.261 [main] INFO o.a.c.c.StandardService - [log,173] - Starting service [Tomcat] +16:07:27.261 [main] INFO o.a.c.c.StandardEngine - [log,173] - Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/9.0.75] +16:07:27.348 [main] INFO o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/] - [log,173] - Initializing Spring embedded WebApplicationContext +16:07:28.159 [main] DEBUG c.z.f.s.f.JwtAuthenticationTokenFilter - [init,242] - Filter 'jwtAuthenticationTokenFilter' configured for use +Logging initialized using 'class org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl' adapter. +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/RecruitStructureMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysConfigMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysDeptMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysDictDataMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysDictTypeMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysLogininforMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysMenuMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysNoticeMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysOperLogMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysPostMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysRoleDeptMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysRoleMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysRoleMenuMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysUserMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysUserPostMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysUserRoleMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-quartz-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/quartz/SysJobLogMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-quartz-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/quartz/SysJobMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-generator-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/generator/GenTableColumnMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-generator-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/generator/GenTableMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-recruit-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/PostPlanFollowMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-recruit-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/RecruitPostMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-recruit-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/RecruitProcessTaskMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-recruit-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/RecruitProcessTaskNodeMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-recruit-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/ResumeFollowRecordMapper.xml]' +This "id" is the table primary key by default name for `id` in Class: "cn.zeroerr.domain.entity.ResumeHandleRecord",So @TableField will not work! +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-recruit-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/ResumeHandleRecordMapper.xml]' + _ _ |_ _ _|_. ___ _ | _ +| | |\/|_)(_| | |_\ |_)||_|_\ + / | + 3.4.0 +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@16fdec90] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +16:07:30.699 [main] INFO c.a.d.p.DruidDataSource - [init,1009] - {dataSource-1} inited +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark from sys_config +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark +<== Row: 1, 主框架页-默认皮肤样式名称, sys.index.skinName, skin-blue, Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 蓝色 skin-blue、绿色 skin-green、紫色 skin-purple、红色 skin-red、黄色 skin-yellow +<== Row: 2, 用户管理-账号初始密码, sys.user.initPassword, 123456, Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 初始化密码 123456 +<== Row: 3, 主框架页-侧边栏主题, sys.index.sideTheme, theme-dark, Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 深色主题theme-dark,浅色主题theme-light +<== Row: 4, 账号自助-验证码开关, sys.account.captchaEnabled, false, Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, admin, 2024-05-24 15:25:01, 是否开启验证码功能(true开启,false关闭) +<== Row: 5, 账号自助-是否开启用户注册功能, sys.account.registerUser, false, Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 是否开启注册用户功能(true开启,false关闭) +<== Row: 6, 用户登录-黑名单列表, sys.login.blackIPList, , Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 设置登录IP黑名单限制,多个匹配项以;分隔,支持匹配(*通配、网段) +<== Total: 6 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@16fdec90] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@710b30ef] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select dict_code, dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_type, css_class, list_class, is_default, status, create_by, create_time, remark from sys_dict_data WHERE status = ? order by dict_sort asc +==> Parameters: 0(String) +<== Columns: dict_code, dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_type, css_class, list_class, is_default, status, create_by, create_time, remark +<== Row: 1, 1, 男, 0, sys_user_sex, , , Y, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 性别男 +<== Row: 4, 1, 显示, 0, sys_show_hide, , primary, Y, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 显示菜单 +<== Row: 6, 1, 正常, 0, sys_normal_disable, , primary, Y, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 正常状态 +<== Row: 8, 1, 正常, 0, sys_job_status, , primary, Y, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 正常状态 +<== Row: 10, 1, 默认, DEFAULT, sys_job_group, , , Y, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 默认分组 +<== Row: 12, 1, 是, Y, sys_yes_no, , primary, Y, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 系统默认是 +<== Row: 14, 1, 通知, 1, sys_notice_type, , warning, Y, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 通知 +<== Row: 16, 1, 正常, 0, sys_notice_status, , primary, Y, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 正常状态 +<== Row: 19, 1, 新增, 1, sys_oper_type, , info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 新增操作 +<== Row: 28, 1, 成功, 0, sys_common_status, , primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 正常状态 +<== Row: 100, 1, 部门, 0, recruit_structure_type, null, default, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-11 19:39:02, 新增的节点属于部门 +<== Row: 103, 1, 审批中, process, recruit_process_status, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 10:48:15, 招聘申请审批中 +<== Row: 107, 1, 猎头, 1, recruit_process_channel, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:42:54, null +<== Row: 114, 1, 扩大编制, 1, recruit_process_reason, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:54:00, null +<== Row: 118, 1, 无需, 1, recruit_process_experience, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 08:48:30, null +<== Row: 124, 1, 男, 1, recruit_process_sex, null, info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:35:35, null +<== Row: 126, 1, 专科, 1, recruit_process_education, null, info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:46:06, null +<== Row: 129, 1, 个人简历, 1, recruit_process_materials, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:50:21, null +<== Row: 134, 1, 未修改, 1, recruit_process_edit, null, info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-18 17:19:37, null +<== Row: 137, 1, 同意, approved, recruit_process_node_status, null, success, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-20 14:33:30, null +<== Row: 141, 1, 正在招聘, 0, recruit_post_status, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-23 10:42:54, null +<== Row: 144, 1, 自投, 1, recruit_interview_source, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-23 15:59:03, null +<== Row: 146, 1, A, 1, recruit_post_grade, null, danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-27 17:01:30, null +<== Row: 150, 1, Y, 1, recruit_interview_pass, null, success, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-31 15:27:13, null +<== Row: 152, 1, Y, 1, recruit_interview_phoneresult, null, success, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-31 16:49:14, null +<== Row: 158, 1, 未申请, 0, recruit_structure_posttype, null, default, N, 0, admin, 2024-06-05 15:52:50, null +<== Row: 2, 2, 女, 1, sys_user_sex, , , N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 性别女 +<== Row: 5, 2, 隐藏, 1, sys_show_hide, , danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 隐藏菜单 +<== Row: 7, 2, 停用, 1, sys_normal_disable, , danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 停用状态 +<== Row: 9, 2, 暂停, 1, sys_job_status, , danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 停用状态 +<== Row: 11, 2, 系统, SYSTEM, sys_job_group, , , N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 系统分组 +<== Row: 13, 2, 否, N, sys_yes_no, , danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 系统默认否 +<== Row: 15, 2, 公告, 2, sys_notice_type, , success, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 公告 +<== Row: 17, 2, 关闭, 1, sys_notice_status, , danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 关闭状态 +<== Row: 20, 2, 修改, 2, sys_oper_type, , info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 修改操作 +<== Row: 29, 2, 失败, 1, sys_common_status, , danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 停用状态 +<== Row: 101, 2, 岗位, 1, recruit_structure_type, null, default, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-11 19:39:28, 新增的节点属于岗位 +<== Row: 104, 2, 撤销, cancel, recruit_process_status, null, warning, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 10:48:37, 招聘申请被撤销 +<== Row: 108, 2, BOSS直聘, 2, recruit_process_channel, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:43:14, null +<== Row: 115, 2, 储备人力, 2, recruit_process_reason, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:54:11, null +<== Row: 119, 2, 1年以上, 2, recruit_process_experience, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 08:48:39, null +<== Row: 125, 2, 女, 0, recruit_process_sex, null, info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:35:46, null +<== Row: 127, 2, 本科, 2, recruit_process_education, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:46:29, null +<== Row: 130, 2, 身份证明, 2, recruit_process_materials, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:50:34, null +<== Row: 135, 2, 已修改, 2, recruit_process_edit, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-18 17:20:20, null +<== Row: 138, 2, 驳回, refuse, recruit_process_node_status, null, warning, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-20 14:33:57, null +<== Row: 142, 2, 已招聘, 1, recruit_post_status, null, success, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-23 10:43:24, null +<== Row: 145, 2, 下载, 2, recruit_interview_source, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-23 15:59:13, null +<== Row: 147, 2, B, 2, recruit_post_grade, null, warning, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-27 17:02:10, null +<== Row: 151, 2, N, 0, recruit_interview_pass, null, danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-31 15:27:28, null +<== Row: 153, 2, N, 2, recruit_interview_phoneresult, null, danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-31 16:49:33, null +<== Row: 159, 2, 申请中, 1, recruit_structure_posttype, null, default, N, 0, admin, 2024-06-05 15:53:35, null +<== Row: 3, 3, 未知, 2, sys_user_sex, , , N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 性别未知 +<== Row: 21, 3, 删除, 3, sys_oper_type, , danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 删除操作 +<== Row: 102, 3, 其他, 2, recruit_structure_type, null, default, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-11 19:40:59, 各部门自己划分节点 +<== Row: 105, 3, 拒绝, refuse, recruit_process_status, null, danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 10:49:11, 招聘申请被拒绝 +<== Row: 109, 3, 猎聘, 3, recruit_process_channel, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:43:27, null +<== Row: 116, 3, 离职补充, 3, recruit_process_reason, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:54:20, null +<== Row: 123, 3, 2年以上, 3, recruit_process_experience, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 08:49:49, null +<== Row: 128, 3, 研究生, 3, recruit_process_education, null, warning, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:46:52, null +<== Row: 131, 3, 学历证明, 3, recruit_process_materials, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:50:43, null +<== Row: 136, 3, 正在修改, 3, recruit_process_edit, null, success, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-18 17:20:32, null +<== Row: 139, 3, 打回, repulse, recruit_process_node_status, null, info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-20 14:34:19, null +<== Row: 143, 3, 取消招聘, 2, recruit_post_status, null, warning, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-23 10:43:43, null +<== Row: 148, 3, C, 3, recruit_post_grade, null, success, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-27 17:02:24, null +<== Row: 154, 3, 候选人N, 3, recruit_interview_phoneresult, null, warning, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-31 16:49:51, null +<== Row: 157, 3, -, 2, recruit_interview_pass, null, info, N, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:52:40, null +<== Row: 160, 3, 已招聘, 2, recruit_structure_posttype, null, default, N, 0, admin, 2024-06-05 15:53:49, null +<== Row: 22, 4, 授权, 4, sys_oper_type, , primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 授权操作 +<== Row: 106, 4, 同意, approved, recruit_process_status, null, success, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 10:49:49, 招聘申请已通过 +<== Row: 110, 4, 内部推荐, 4, recruit_process_channel, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:43:44, null +<== Row: 117, 4, 短期需要, 4, recruit_process_reason, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:54:38, null +<== Row: 120, 4, 3-5年, 4, recruit_process_experience, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 08:48:48, null +<== Row: 132, 4, 技术职称证明, 4, recruit_process_materials, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:50:57, null +<== Row: 149, 4, D, 4, recruit_post_grade, null, info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-27 17:02:37, null +<== Row: 155, 4, 直接邀约, 4, recruit_interview_phoneresult, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-31 16:50:17, null +<== Row: 161, 4, 招聘中, 3, recruit_structure_posttype, null, default, N, 0, admin, 2024-06-05 16:32:39, null +<== Row: 23, 5, 导出, 5, sys_oper_type, , warning, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 导出操作 +<== Row: 111, 5, 官网, 5, recruit_process_channel, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:43:56, null +<== Row: 121, 5, 5年以上, 5, recruit_process_experience, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 08:49:05, null +<== Row: 133, 5, 其他, 5, recruit_process_materials, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:51:07, null +<== Row: 140, 5, 打回, repulse, recruit_process_status, null, info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-20 14:41:41, 招聘申请已打回 +<== Row: 156, 5, 未接通, 5, recruit_interview_phoneresult, null, info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-31 16:50:29, null +<== Row: 24, 6, 导入, 6, sys_oper_type, , warning, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 导入操作 +<== Row: 112, 6, 公众号, 6, recruit_process_channel, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:44:08, null +<== Row: 122, 6, 10年以上, 6, recruit_process_experience, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 08:49:26, null +<== Row: 25, 7, 强退, 7, sys_oper_type, , danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 强退操作 +<== Row: 113, 7, 校招, 7, recruit_process_channel, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:44:19, null +<== Row: 26, 8, 生成代码, 8, sys_oper_type, , warning, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 生成操作 +<== Row: 27, 9, 清空数据, 9, sys_oper_type, , danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 清空操作 +<== Row: 18, 99, 其他, 0, sys_oper_type, , info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 其他操作 +<== Total: 91 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@710b30ef] +16:07:32.638 [main] INFO o.q.i.StdSchedulerFactory - [instantiate,1220] - Using default implementation for ThreadExecutor +16:07:32.657 [main] INFO o.q.c.SchedulerSignalerImpl - [,61] - Initialized Scheduler Signaller of type: class org.quartz.core.SchedulerSignalerImpl +16:07:32.657 [main] INFO o.q.c.QuartzScheduler - [,229] - Quartz Scheduler v.2.3.2 created. +16:07:32.658 [main] INFO o.q.s.RAMJobStore - [initialize,155] - RAMJobStore initialized. +16:07:32.659 [main] INFO o.q.c.QuartzScheduler - [initialize,294] - Scheduler meta-data: Quartz Scheduler (v2.3.2) 'quartzScheduler' with instanceId 'NON_CLUSTERED' + Scheduler class: 'org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler' - running locally. + NOT STARTED. + Currently in standby mode. + Number of jobs executed: 0 + Using thread pool 'org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool' - with 10 threads. + Using job-store 'org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore' - which does not support persistence. and is not clustered. + +16:07:32.660 [main] INFO o.q.i.StdSchedulerFactory - [instantiate,1374] - Quartz scheduler 'quartzScheduler' initialized from an externally provided properties instance. +16:07:32.660 [main] INFO o.q.i.StdSchedulerFactory - [instantiate,1378] - Quartz scheduler version: 2.3.2 +16:07:32.660 [main] INFO o.q.c.QuartzScheduler - [setJobFactory,2293] - JobFactory set to: org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SpringBeanJobFactory@3c5a54b7 +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5a865416] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select job_id, job_name, job_group, invoke_target, cron_expression, misfire_policy, concurrent, status, create_by, create_time, remark from sys_job +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: job_id, job_name, job_group, invoke_target, cron_expression, misfire_policy, concurrent, status, create_by, create_time, remark +<== Row: 1, 系统默认(无参), DEFAULT, ryTask.ryNoParams, 0/10 * * * * ?, 3, 1, 1, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, +<== Row: 2, 系统默认(有参), DEFAULT, ryTask.ryParams('ry'), 0/15 * * * * ?, 3, 1, 1, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, +<== Row: 3, 系统默认(多参), DEFAULT, ryTask.ryMultipleParams('ry', true, 2000L, 316.50D, 100), 0/20 * * * * ?, 3, 1, 1, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, +<== Total: 3 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5a865416] + + +,------. ,--. ,--. ,--. +| .--. ' ,--,--. ,---. ,---. | '--' | ,---. | | ,---. ,---. ,--.--. +| '--' | ' ,-. | | .-. | | .-. : | .--. | | .-. : | | | .-. | | .-. : | .--' +| | --' \ '-' | ' '-' ' \ --. | | | | \ --. | | | '-' ' \ --. | | +`--' `--`--' .`- / `----' `--' `--' `----' `--' | |-' `----' `--' + `---' `--' is intercepting. + +16:07:35.068 [main] INFO o.a.c.h.Http11NioProtocol - [log,173] - Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"] +16:07:36.003 [main] INFO o.q.c.QuartzScheduler - [start,547] - Scheduler quartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started. +16:07:36.027 [main] INFO c.z.RuoYiApplication - [logStarted,61] - Started RuoYiApplication in 13.998 seconds (JVM running for 14.929) +(♥◠‿◠)ノ゙ 若依启动成功 ლ(´ڡ`ლ)゙ + .-------. ____ __ + | _ _ \ \ \ / / + | ( ' ) | \ _. / ' + |(_ o _) / _( )_ .' + | (_,_).' __ ___(_ o _)' + | |\ \ | || |(_,_)' + | | \ `' /| `-' / + | | \ / \ / + ''-' `'-' `-..-' +16:07:57.529 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] INFO o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/] - [log,173] - Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'dispatcherServlet' +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@651b6390] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark from sys_config WHERE config_key = ? +==> Parameters: sys.login.blackIPList(String) +<== Columns: config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark +<== Row: 6, 用户登录-黑名单列表, sys.login.blackIPList, , Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 设置登录IP黑名单限制,多个匹配项以;分隔,支持匹配(*通配、网段) +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@651b6390] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@118b5db2] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select u.user_id, u.dept_id, u.user_name, u.nick_name,, u.avatar, u.phonenumber, u.password,, u.status, u.del_flag, u.login_ip, u.login_date, u.create_by, u.create_time, u.remark, d.dept_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.dept_name, d.order_num, d.leader, d.status as dept_status, r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.status as role_status from sys_user u left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id left join sys_user_role ur on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_role r on r.role_id = ur.role_id where u.user_name = ? and u.del_flag = '0' +==> Parameters: admin(String) +<== Columns: user_id, dept_id, user_name, nick_name, email, avatar, phonenumber, password, sex, status, del_flag, login_ip, login_date, create_by, create_time, remark, dept_id, parent_id, ancestors, dept_name, order_num, leader, dept_status, role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, role_status +<== Row: 1, 104, admin, root,, /profile/avatar/2024/05/14/avatar_20240514190935A001.png, 13682553316, $2a$10$7JB720yubVSZvUI0rEqK/.VqGOZTH.ulu33dHOiBE8ByOhJIrdAu2, 0, 0, 0,, 2024-06-11 11:40:48, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 管理员, 104, 100, 0,100, 市场部, 2, 庞总, 0, 1, 超级管理员, admin, 1, 1, 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@118b5db2] +16:08:04.786 [http-nio-8080-exec-2] ERROR c.z.f.w.e.GlobalExceptionHandler - [handleServiceException,59] - 用户不存在/密码错误 +cn.zeroerr.common.exception.ServiceException: 用户不存在/密码错误 + at cn.zeroerr.framework.web.service.SysLoginService.login( + at cn.zeroerr.web.controller.system.SysLoginController.login( + at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) + at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( + at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( + at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( + at + at + at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.ServletInvocableHandlerMethod.invokeAndHandle( + at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.invokeHandlerMethod( + at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.handleInternal( + at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.AbstractHandlerMethodAdapter.handle( + at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch( + at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService( + at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest( + at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doPost( + at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( + at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.service( + at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at cn.zeroerr.common.filter.RepeatableFilter.doFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at org.springframework.web.filter.CorsFilter.doFilterInternal( + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at + at org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.invokeDelegate( + at org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.doFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at org.springframework.web.filter.RequestContextFilter.doFilterInternal( + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at org.springframework.web.filter.FormContentFilter.doFilterInternal( + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at org.springframework.web.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter.doFilterInternal( + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke( + at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke( + at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke( + at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke( + at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke( + at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke( + at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service( + at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.service( + at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProcessorLight.process( + at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$ConnectionHandler.process( + at$SocketProcessor.doRun( + at + at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( + at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor$ + at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$ + at +16:08:04.794 [schedule-pool-1] INFO sys-user - [run,55] - []内网IP[admin][Error][用户不存在/密码错误] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@632a472d] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_logininfor (user_name, status, ipaddr, login_location, browser, os, msg, login_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: admin(String), 1(String),, 内网IP(String), Chrome 12(String), Windows 10(String), 用户不存在/密码错误(String) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@632a472d] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4037ebb7] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark from sys_config WHERE config_key = ? +==> Parameters: sys.login.blackIPList(String) +<== Columns: config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark +<== Row: 6, 用户登录-黑名单列表, sys.login.blackIPList, , Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 设置登录IP黑名单限制,多个匹配项以;分隔,支持匹配(*通配、网段) +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4037ebb7] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@fcd17fa] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select u.user_id, u.dept_id, u.user_name, u.nick_name,, u.avatar, u.phonenumber, u.password,, u.status, u.del_flag, u.login_ip, u.login_date, u.create_by, u.create_time, u.remark, d.dept_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.dept_name, d.order_num, d.leader, d.status as dept_status, r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.status as role_status from sys_user u left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id left join sys_user_role ur on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_role r on r.role_id = ur.role_id where u.user_name = ? and u.del_flag = '0' +==> Parameters: admin(String) +<== Columns: user_id, dept_id, user_name, nick_name, email, avatar, phonenumber, password, sex, status, del_flag, login_ip, login_date, create_by, create_time, remark, dept_id, parent_id, ancestors, dept_name, order_num, leader, dept_status, role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, role_status +<== Row: 1, 104, admin, root,, /profile/avatar/2024/05/14/avatar_20240514190935A001.png, 13682553316, $2a$10$7JB720yubVSZvUI0rEqK/.VqGOZTH.ulu33dHOiBE8ByOhJIrdAu2, 0, 0, 0,, 2024-06-11 11:40:48, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 管理员, 104, 100, 0,100, 市场部, 2, 庞总, 0, 1, 超级管理员, admin, 1, 1, 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@fcd17fa] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2ecf3855] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: update sys_user SET login_ip = ?, login_date = ?, update_time = sysdate() where user_id = ? +==> Parameters:, 2024-06-11 16:08:08.915(Timestamp), 1(Long) +16:08:08.927 [schedule-pool-1] INFO sys-user - [run,55] - []内网IP[admin][Success][登录成功] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@69d22c5d] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:07:30.687, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:07:30.687}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_logininfor (user_name, status, ipaddr, login_location, browser, os, msg, login_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: admin(String), 0(String),, 内网IP(String), Chrome 12(String), Windows 10(String), 登录成功(String) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@69d22c5d] +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2ecf3855] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1e33cfd8] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.menu_id, m.parent_id, m.menu_name, m.path, m.component, m.`query`, m.visible, m.status, ifnull(m.perms,'') as perms, m.is_frame, m.is_cache, m.menu_type, m.icon, m.order_num, m.create_time from sys_menu m where m.menu_type in ('M', 'C') and m.status = 0 order by m.parent_id, m.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: menu_id, parent_id, menu_name, path, component, query, visible, status, perms, is_frame, is_cache, menu_type, icon, order_num, create_time +<== Row: 2000, 0, 招聘管理, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, peoples, 0, 2024-05-10 17:13:45 +<== Row: 1, 0, 系统管理, system, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, system, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 2, 0, 系统监控, monitor, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, monitor, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 3, 0, 系统工具, tool, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, tool, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 100, 1, 用户管理, user, system/user/index, , 0, 0, system:user:list, 1, 0, C, user, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 101, 1, 角色管理, role, system/role/index, , 0, 0, system:role:list, 1, 0, C, peoples, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 102, 1, 菜单管理, menu, system/menu/index, , 0, 0, system:menu:list, 1, 0, C, tree-table, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 103, 1, 部门管理, dept, system/dept/index, , 0, 0, system:dept:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 4, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 104, 1, 岗位管理, post, system/post/index, , 0, 0, system:post:list, 1, 0, C, post, 5, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 105, 1, 字典管理, dict, system/dict/index, , 0, 0, system:dict:list, 1, 0, C, dict, 6, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 106, 1, 参数设置, config, system/config/index, , 0, 0, system:config:list, 1, 0, C, edit, 7, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 107, 1, 通知公告, notice, system/notice/index, , 0, 0, system:notice:list, 1, 0, C, message, 8, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 108, 1, 日志管理, log, , , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 9, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 109, 2, 在线用户, online, monitor/online/index, , 0, 0, monitor:online:list, 1, 0, C, online, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 110, 2, 定时任务, job, monitor/job/index, , 0, 0, monitor:job:list, 1, 0, C, job, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 111, 2, 数据监控, druid, monitor/druid/index, , 0, 0, monitor:druid:list, 1, 0, C, druid, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 112, 2, 服务监控, server, monitor/server/index, , 0, 0, monitor:server:list, 1, 0, C, server, 4, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 113, 2, 缓存监控, cache, monitor/cache/index, , 0, 0, monitor:cache:list, 1, 0, C, redis, 5, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 114, 2, 缓存列表, cacheList, monitor/cache/list, , 0, 0, monitor:cache:list, 1, 0, C, redis-list, 6, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 115, 3, 表单构建, build, tool/build/index, , 0, 0, tool:build:list, 1, 0, C, build, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 116, 3, 代码生成, gen, tool/gen/index, , 0, 0, tool:gen:list, 1, 0, C, code, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 117, 3, 系统接口, swagger, tool/swagger/index, , 0, 0, tool:swagger:list, 1, 0, C, swagger, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 500, 108, 操作日志, operlog, monitor/operlog/index, , 0, 0, monitor:operlog:list, 1, 0, C, form, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 501, 108, 登录日志, logininfor, monitor/logininfor/index, , 0, 0, monitor:logininfor:list, 1, 0, C, logininfor, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 2001, 2000, 岗位组织架构, structure, recruit/structure/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:structure:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 1, 2024-05-10 17:19:23 +<== Row: 2002, 2000, 我的招聘, post, , null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 2, 2024-05-10 17:21:22 +<== Row: 2055, 2002, 在招岗位, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, form, 1, 2024-06-05 14:03:44 +<== Row: 2031, 2002, 简历处理, resume, recruit/resume/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:resume:list, 1, 0, C, education, 2, 2024-05-22 11:38:18 +<== Row: 2003, 2002, 任务跟踪, trace, recruit/follow/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:follow:list, 1, 0, C, eye-open, 3, 2024-05-10 17:25:37 +<== Row: 2004, 2002, 面试管理, interview, recruit/interview/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:interview:list, 1, 0, C, documentation, 4, 2024-05-10 17:26:59 +<== Row: 2015, 2011, 我的申请, apply, recruit/apply/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:apply:list, 1, 0, C, guide, 1, 2024-05-18 09:00:26 +<== Row: 2019, 2011, 待我审批, pending, recruit/pending/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:pending:list, 1, 0, C, checkbox, 2, 2024-05-18 09:06:24 +<== Row: 2020, 2011, 我已审批, approved, recruit/approved/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:approved:list, 1, 0, C, drag, 3, 2024-05-18 09:07:58 +<== Row: 2043, 2055, 审批, process, recruit/process/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:process:list, 1, 0, C, clipboard, 1, 2024-05-29 11:23:23 +<== Row: 2010, 2055, 岗位公海, postsea, recruit/postsea/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:postsea:list, 1, 0, C, list, 2, 2024-05-13 15:29:24 +<== Row: 2030, 2055, 我的待招, mypost, recruit/mypost/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:mypost:list, 1, 0, C, post, 3, 2024-05-22 11:24:34 +<== Total: 36 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1e33cfd8] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@29a901ce] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select id ,receive_date,recruitment_channel, resume_source,name,phone, post_id,post_name,suit_jd, hr_id,hr_name,interview_date, is_pass,invitation_date,rejected_reason, first_date,first_reach,first_test, first_interviewer_ids,first_pass,second_date, second_reach,second_interviewer_ids,second_pass, final_date,final_reach,final_interviewer_ids, final_pass,accept_offer,join_date,create_date,update_date,actual_join_date, fail_reason,special_reason,file from resume_follow_record where create_date >= ? and create_date <= ? +==> Parameters: 2024-06-01(LocalDate), 2024-06-30(LocalDate) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@29a901ce] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@398f916a] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT p1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p1.post_id ORDER BY FIELD(p1.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), p1.update_date DESC ) as row_num FROM post_plan_follow p1 JOIN ( SELECT post_id, MAX(update_date) AS max_update_date FROM post_plan_follow GROUP BY post_id ) p2 ON p1.post_id = p2.post_id AND p1.update_date = p2.max_update_date ) subquery WHERE subquery.row_num = 1 ORDER BY FIELD(subquery.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), subquery.update_date DESC LIMIT 7 +==> Parameters: +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@398f916a] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@52057ad8] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select distinct task_id from recruit_process_task_node where operator_id=? and status='process') +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@52057ad8] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1032109] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN ( SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) as max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id ) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1032109] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@b6d1841] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where dept_id=? and user_id=? and del_flag=0 +==> Parameters: 104(Long), 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@b6d1841] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@134ffb84] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:07:30.691}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id,apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,dept_name,dept_id,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select task_id from recruit_post where hr_id =? and status !=3 ) +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@134ffb84] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@44031333] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:23:49.622}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.menu_id, m.parent_id, m.menu_name, m.path, m.component, m.`query`, m.visible, m.status, ifnull(m.perms,'') as perms, m.is_frame, m.is_cache, m.menu_type, m.icon, m.order_num, m.create_time from sys_menu m where m.menu_type in ('M', 'C') and m.status = 0 order by m.parent_id, m.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: menu_id, parent_id, menu_name, path, component, query, visible, status, perms, is_frame, is_cache, menu_type, icon, order_num, create_time +<== Row: 2000, 0, 招聘管理, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, peoples, 0, 2024-05-10 17:13:45 +<== Row: 1, 0, 系统管理, system, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, system, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 2, 0, 系统监控, monitor, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, monitor, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 3, 0, 系统工具, tool, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, tool, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 100, 1, 用户管理, user, system/user/index, , 0, 0, system:user:list, 1, 0, C, user, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 101, 1, 角色管理, role, system/role/index, , 0, 0, system:role:list, 1, 0, C, peoples, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 102, 1, 菜单管理, menu, system/menu/index, , 0, 0, system:menu:list, 1, 0, C, tree-table, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 103, 1, 部门管理, dept, system/dept/index, , 0, 0, system:dept:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 4, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 104, 1, 岗位管理, post, system/post/index, , 0, 0, system:post:list, 1, 0, C, post, 5, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 105, 1, 字典管理, dict, system/dict/index, , 0, 0, system:dict:list, 1, 0, C, dict, 6, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 106, 1, 参数设置, config, system/config/index, , 0, 0, system:config:list, 1, 0, C, edit, 7, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 107, 1, 通知公告, notice, system/notice/index, , 0, 0, system:notice:list, 1, 0, C, message, 8, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 108, 1, 日志管理, log, , , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 9, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 109, 2, 在线用户, online, monitor/online/index, , 0, 0, monitor:online:list, 1, 0, C, online, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 110, 2, 定时任务, job, monitor/job/index, , 0, 0, monitor:job:list, 1, 0, C, job, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 111, 2, 数据监控, druid, monitor/druid/index, , 0, 0, monitor:druid:list, 1, 0, C, druid, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 112, 2, 服务监控, server, monitor/server/index, , 0, 0, monitor:server:list, 1, 0, C, server, 4, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 113, 2, 缓存监控, cache, monitor/cache/index, , 0, 0, monitor:cache:list, 1, 0, C, redis, 5, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 114, 2, 缓存列表, cacheList, monitor/cache/list, , 0, 0, monitor:cache:list, 1, 0, C, redis-list, 6, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 115, 3, 表单构建, build, tool/build/index, , 0, 0, tool:build:list, 1, 0, C, build, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 116, 3, 代码生成, gen, tool/gen/index, , 0, 0, tool:gen:list, 1, 0, C, code, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 117, 3, 系统接口, swagger, tool/swagger/index, , 0, 0, tool:swagger:list, 1, 0, C, swagger, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 500, 108, 操作日志, operlog, monitor/operlog/index, , 0, 0, monitor:operlog:list, 1, 0, C, form, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 501, 108, 登录日志, logininfor, monitor/logininfor/index, , 0, 0, monitor:logininfor:list, 1, 0, C, logininfor, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 2001, 2000, 岗位组织架构, structure, recruit/structure/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:structure:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 1, 2024-05-10 17:19:23 +<== Row: 2002, 2000, 我的招聘, post, , null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 2, 2024-05-10 17:21:22 +<== Row: 2055, 2002, 在招岗位, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, form, 1, 2024-06-05 14:03:44 +<== Row: 2031, 2002, 简历处理, resume, recruit/resume/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:resume:list, 1, 0, C, education, 2, 2024-05-22 11:38:18 +<== Row: 2003, 2002, 任务跟踪, trace, recruit/follow/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:follow:list, 1, 0, C, eye-open, 3, 2024-05-10 17:25:37 +<== Row: 2004, 2002, 面试管理, interview, recruit/interview/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:interview:list, 1, 0, C, documentation, 4, 2024-05-10 17:26:59 +<== Row: 2015, 2011, 我的申请, apply, recruit/apply/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:apply:list, 1, 0, C, guide, 1, 2024-05-18 09:00:26 +<== Row: 2019, 2011, 待我审批, pending, recruit/pending/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:pending:list, 1, 0, C, checkbox, 2, 2024-05-18 09:06:24 +<== Row: 2020, 2011, 我已审批, approved, recruit/approved/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:approved:list, 1, 0, C, drag, 3, 2024-05-18 09:07:58 +<== Row: 2043, 2055, 审批, process, recruit/process/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:process:list, 1, 0, C, clipboard, 1, 2024-05-29 11:23:23 +<== Row: 2010, 2055, 岗位公海, postsea, recruit/postsea/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:postsea:list, 1, 0, C, list, 2, 2024-05-13 15:29:24 +<== Row: 2030, 2055, 我的待招, mypost, recruit/mypost/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:mypost:list, 1, 0, C, post, 3, 2024-05-22 11:24:34 +<== Total: 36 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@44031333] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7309c4a7] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:23:49.622}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select id ,receive_date,recruitment_channel, resume_source,name,phone, post_id,post_name,suit_jd, hr_id,hr_name,interview_date, is_pass,invitation_date,rejected_reason, first_date,first_reach,first_test, first_interviewer_ids,first_pass,second_date, second_reach,second_interviewer_ids,second_pass, final_date,final_reach,final_interviewer_ids, final_pass,accept_offer,join_date,create_date,update_date,actual_join_date, fail_reason,special_reason,file from resume_follow_record where create_date >= ? and create_date <= ? +==> Parameters: 2024-06-01(LocalDate), 2024-06-30(LocalDate) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7309c4a7] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@77a89063] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:23:49.622}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT p1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p1.post_id ORDER BY FIELD(p1.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), p1.update_date DESC ) as row_num FROM post_plan_follow p1 JOIN ( SELECT post_id, MAX(update_date) AS max_update_date FROM post_plan_follow GROUP BY post_id ) p2 ON p1.post_id = p2.post_id AND p1.update_date = p2.max_update_date ) subquery WHERE subquery.row_num = 1 ORDER BY FIELD(subquery.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), subquery.update_date DESC LIMIT 7 +==> Parameters: +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@77a89063] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3ce58e05] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:23:49.622}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select distinct task_id from recruit_process_task_node where operator_id=? and status='process') +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3ce58e05] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@75299b52] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:23:49.622}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN ( SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) as max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id ) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@75299b52] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5e8c62] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:23:49.622}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where dept_id=? and user_id=? and del_flag=0 +==> Parameters: 104(Long), 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5e8c62] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3b915119] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:23:49.622}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id,apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,dept_name,dept_id,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select task_id from recruit_post where hr_id =? and status !=3 ) +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3b915119] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4698cf71] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:23:49.622}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.menu_check_strictly, r.dept_check_strictly, r.status, r.del_flag, r.create_time, r.remark from sys_role r left join sys_user_role ur on ur.role_id = r.role_id left join sys_user u on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id WHERE r.del_flag = '0' and u.user_name = ? +==> Parameters: admin(String) +<== Columns: role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, menu_check_strictly, dept_check_strictly, status, del_flag, create_time, remark +<== Row: 1, 超级管理员, admin, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 超级管理员 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4698cf71] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2fe4367d] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:23:49.622}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select p.node_id, p.node_name from recruit_structure p left join sys_user_post up on up.post_id = p.node_id left join sys_user u on u.user_id = up.user_id where u.user_name = ? and p.type=1 +==> Parameters: admin(String) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2fe4367d] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2cacedc3] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:23:49.622}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: update sys_user set avatar = ? where user_name = ? +==> Parameters: /profile/avatar/2024/06/11/工作台_20240611162421A001.png(String), admin(String) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2cacedc3] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@18c29297] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:23:49.622}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_oper_log(title, business_type, method, request_method, operator_type, oper_name, dept_name, oper_url, oper_ip, oper_location, oper_param, json_result, status, error_msg, cost_time, oper_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: 用户头像(String), 2(Integer), cn.zeroerr.web.controller.system.SysProfileController.avatar()(String), POST(String), 1(Integer), admin(String), 市场部(String), /system/user/profile/avatar(String),, 内网IP(String), (String), {"msg":"操作成功","imgUrl":"/profile/avatar/2024/06/11/工作台_20240611162421A001.png","code":200}(String), 0(Integer), null, 139(Long) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@18c29297] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@753549bc] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:23:49.622}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: update sys_user set avatar = ? where user_name = ? +==> Parameters: /profile/avatar/2024/06/11/公司logo_20240611162451A002.png(String), admin(String) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@753549bc] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1d36b468] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:23:49.622}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_oper_log(title, business_type, method, request_method, operator_type, oper_name, dept_name, oper_url, oper_ip, oper_location, oper_param, json_result, status, error_msg, cost_time, oper_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: 用户头像(String), 2(Integer), cn.zeroerr.web.controller.system.SysProfileController.avatar()(String), POST(String), 1(Integer), admin(String), 市场部(String), /system/user/profile/avatar(String),, 内网IP(String), (String), {"msg":"操作成功","imgUrl":"/profile/avatar/2024/06/11/公司logo_20240611162451A002.png","code":200}(String), 0(Integer), null, 29(Long) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1d36b468] +16:24:55.408 [schedule-pool-3] INFO sys-user - [run,55] - []内网IP[admin][Logout][退出成功] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@559c6e94] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:23:49.622}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_logininfor (user_name, status, ipaddr, login_location, browser, os, msg, login_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: admin(String), 0(String),, 内网IP(String), Chrome 12(String), Windows 10(String), 退出成功(String) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@559c6e94] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1cb8b780] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:23:49.622}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark from sys_config WHERE config_key = ? +==> Parameters: sys.login.blackIPList(String) +<== Columns: config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark +<== Row: 6, 用户登录-黑名单列表, sys.login.blackIPList, , Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 设置登录IP黑名单限制,多个匹配项以;分隔,支持匹配(*通配、网段) +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1cb8b780] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5342405c] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:23:49.622}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select u.user_id, u.dept_id, u.user_name, u.nick_name,, u.avatar, u.phonenumber, u.password,, u.status, u.del_flag, u.login_ip, u.login_date, u.create_by, u.create_time, u.remark, d.dept_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.dept_name, d.order_num, d.leader, d.status as dept_status, r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.status as role_status from sys_user u left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id left join sys_user_role ur on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_role r on r.role_id = ur.role_id where u.user_name = ? and u.del_flag = '0' +==> Parameters: admin(String) +<== Columns: user_id, dept_id, user_name, nick_name, email, avatar, phonenumber, password, sex, status, del_flag, login_ip, login_date, create_by, create_time, remark, dept_id, parent_id, ancestors, dept_name, order_num, leader, dept_status, role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, role_status +<== Row: 1, 104, admin, root,, /profile/avatar/2024/06/11/公司logo_20240611162451A002.png, 13682553316, $2a$10$7JB720yubVSZvUI0rEqK/.VqGOZTH.ulu33dHOiBE8ByOhJIrdAu2, 0, 0, 0,, 2024-06-11 16:08:08, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 管理员, 104, 100, 0,100, 市场部, 2, 庞总, 0, 1, 超级管理员, admin, 1, 1, 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5342405c] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@72ec41b2] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:23:49.622}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: update sys_user SET login_ip = ?, login_date = ?, update_time = sysdate() where user_id = ? +==> Parameters:, 2024-06-11 16:25:07.968(Timestamp), 1(Long) +16:25:07.978 [schedule-pool-2] INFO sys-user - [run,55] - []内网IP[admin][Success][登录成功] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5b62039e] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:25:07.989}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_logininfor (user_name, status, ipaddr, login_location, browser, os, msg, login_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: admin(String), 0(String),, 内网IP(String), Chrome 12(String), Windows 10(String), 登录成功(String) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@72ec41b2] +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5b62039e] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@10373ea0] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:25:07.989}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.menu_id, m.parent_id, m.menu_name, m.path, m.component, m.`query`, m.visible, m.status, ifnull(m.perms,'') as perms, m.is_frame, m.is_cache, m.menu_type, m.icon, m.order_num, m.create_time from sys_menu m where m.menu_type in ('M', 'C') and m.status = 0 order by m.parent_id, m.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: menu_id, parent_id, menu_name, path, component, query, visible, status, perms, is_frame, is_cache, menu_type, icon, order_num, create_time +<== Row: 2000, 0, 招聘管理, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, peoples, 0, 2024-05-10 17:13:45 +<== Row: 1, 0, 系统管理, system, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, system, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 2, 0, 系统监控, monitor, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, monitor, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 3, 0, 系统工具, tool, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, tool, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 100, 1, 用户管理, user, system/user/index, , 0, 0, system:user:list, 1, 0, C, user, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 101, 1, 角色管理, role, system/role/index, , 0, 0, system:role:list, 1, 0, C, peoples, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 102, 1, 菜单管理, menu, system/menu/index, , 0, 0, system:menu:list, 1, 0, C, tree-table, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 103, 1, 部门管理, dept, system/dept/index, , 0, 0, system:dept:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 4, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 104, 1, 岗位管理, post, system/post/index, , 0, 0, system:post:list, 1, 0, C, post, 5, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 105, 1, 字典管理, dict, system/dict/index, , 0, 0, system:dict:list, 1, 0, C, dict, 6, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 106, 1, 参数设置, config, system/config/index, , 0, 0, system:config:list, 1, 0, C, edit, 7, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 107, 1, 通知公告, notice, system/notice/index, , 0, 0, system:notice:list, 1, 0, C, message, 8, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 108, 1, 日志管理, log, , , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 9, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 109, 2, 在线用户, online, monitor/online/index, , 0, 0, monitor:online:list, 1, 0, C, online, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 110, 2, 定时任务, job, monitor/job/index, , 0, 0, monitor:job:list, 1, 0, C, job, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 111, 2, 数据监控, druid, monitor/druid/index, , 0, 0, monitor:druid:list, 1, 0, C, druid, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 112, 2, 服务监控, server, monitor/server/index, , 0, 0, monitor:server:list, 1, 0, C, server, 4, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 113, 2, 缓存监控, cache, monitor/cache/index, , 0, 0, monitor:cache:list, 1, 0, C, redis, 5, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 114, 2, 缓存列表, cacheList, monitor/cache/list, , 0, 0, monitor:cache:list, 1, 0, C, redis-list, 6, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 115, 3, 表单构建, build, tool/build/index, , 0, 0, tool:build:list, 1, 0, C, build, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 116, 3, 代码生成, gen, tool/gen/index, , 0, 0, tool:gen:list, 1, 0, C, code, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 117, 3, 系统接口, swagger, tool/swagger/index, , 0, 0, tool:swagger:list, 1, 0, C, swagger, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 500, 108, 操作日志, operlog, monitor/operlog/index, , 0, 0, monitor:operlog:list, 1, 0, C, form, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 501, 108, 登录日志, logininfor, monitor/logininfor/index, , 0, 0, monitor:logininfor:list, 1, 0, C, logininfor, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 2001, 2000, 岗位组织架构, structure, recruit/structure/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:structure:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 1, 2024-05-10 17:19:23 +<== Row: 2002, 2000, 我的招聘, post, , null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 2, 2024-05-10 17:21:22 +<== Row: 2055, 2002, 在招岗位, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, form, 1, 2024-06-05 14:03:44 +<== Row: 2031, 2002, 简历处理, resume, recruit/resume/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:resume:list, 1, 0, C, education, 2, 2024-05-22 11:38:18 +<== Row: 2003, 2002, 任务跟踪, trace, recruit/follow/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:follow:list, 1, 0, C, eye-open, 3, 2024-05-10 17:25:37 +<== Row: 2004, 2002, 面试管理, interview, recruit/interview/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:interview:list, 1, 0, C, documentation, 4, 2024-05-10 17:26:59 +<== Row: 2015, 2011, 我的申请, apply, recruit/apply/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:apply:list, 1, 0, C, guide, 1, 2024-05-18 09:00:26 +<== Row: 2019, 2011, 待我审批, pending, recruit/pending/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:pending:list, 1, 0, C, checkbox, 2, 2024-05-18 09:06:24 +<== Row: 2020, 2011, 我已审批, approved, recruit/approved/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:approved:list, 1, 0, C, drag, 3, 2024-05-18 09:07:58 +<== Row: 2043, 2055, 审批, process, recruit/process/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:process:list, 1, 0, C, clipboard, 1, 2024-05-29 11:23:23 +<== Row: 2010, 2055, 岗位公海, postsea, recruit/postsea/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:postsea:list, 1, 0, C, list, 2, 2024-05-13 15:29:24 +<== Row: 2030, 2055, 我的待招, mypost, recruit/mypost/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:mypost:list, 1, 0, C, post, 3, 2024-05-22 11:24:34 +<== Total: 36 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@10373ea0] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@22f017af] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:25:07.989}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select id ,receive_date,recruitment_channel, resume_source,name,phone, post_id,post_name,suit_jd, hr_id,hr_name,interview_date, is_pass,invitation_date,rejected_reason, first_date,first_reach,first_test, first_interviewer_ids,first_pass,second_date, second_reach,second_interviewer_ids,second_pass, final_date,final_reach,final_interviewer_ids, final_pass,accept_offer,join_date,create_date,update_date,actual_join_date, fail_reason,special_reason,file from resume_follow_record where create_date >= ? and create_date <= ? +==> Parameters: 2024-06-01(LocalDate), 2024-06-30(LocalDate) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@22f017af] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@28087cdf] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:25:07.989}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT p1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p1.post_id ORDER BY FIELD(p1.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), p1.update_date DESC ) as row_num FROM post_plan_follow p1 JOIN ( SELECT post_id, MAX(update_date) AS max_update_date FROM post_plan_follow GROUP BY post_id ) p2 ON p1.post_id = p2.post_id AND p1.update_date = p2.max_update_date ) subquery WHERE subquery.row_num = 1 ORDER BY FIELD(subquery.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), subquery.update_date DESC LIMIT 7 +==> Parameters: +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@28087cdf] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4fe5d8db] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:25:07.989}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select distinct task_id from recruit_process_task_node where operator_id=? and status='process') +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4fe5d8db] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@37a80e8d] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:25:07.989}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN ( SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) as max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id ) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@37a80e8d] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5b879732] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:25:07.989}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where dept_id=? and user_id=? and del_flag=0 +==> Parameters: 104(Long), 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5b879732] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@96b6179] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:25:07.989}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id,apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,dept_name,dept_id,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select task_id from recruit_post where hr_id =? and status !=3 ) +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@96b6179] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@58b7b7d6] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:25:07.989}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select d.node_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.node_name, d.order_num, d.leader,,, d.status, d.del_flag, d.create_by, d.create_time, d.type, d.post_type, d.task_id from recruit_structure d where d.del_flag = '0' order by d.parent_id, d.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 100, 0, 0, 深圳市零差云控科技有限公司, 0, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 2, null, null +<== Row: 227, 100, 0,100, 总经理, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:45, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 226, 104, 0,100,227,104, 市场总监, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:09:33, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 228, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:11, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 229, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘专员, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:27, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 230, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘高级专员, 3, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:44, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 219, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 海外业务, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:40, 2, null, null +<== Row: 220, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 国内业务, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:56, 2, null, null +<== Row: 221, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 外贸主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:10, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 222, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 技术主管, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:38, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 223, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 业务员, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:24, 1, 1, 1800371258123522049 +<== Row: 224, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 网络运营, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:40, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 213, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 业务组别, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-13 14:36:10, 2, null, null +<== Row: 214, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 支持组别, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-14 14:02:29, 2, null, null +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, null, null +<== Total: 21 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@58b7b7d6] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@47e40ca7] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:25:07.989}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.menu_id, m.parent_id, m.menu_name, m.path, m.component, m.`query`, m.visible, m.status, ifnull(m.perms,'') as perms, m.is_frame, m.is_cache, m.menu_type, m.icon, m.order_num, m.create_time from sys_menu m where m.menu_type in ('M', 'C') and m.status = 0 order by m.parent_id, m.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: menu_id, parent_id, menu_name, path, component, query, visible, status, perms, is_frame, is_cache, menu_type, icon, order_num, create_time +<== Row: 2000, 0, 招聘管理, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, peoples, 0, 2024-05-10 17:13:45 +<== Row: 1, 0, 系统管理, system, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, system, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 2, 0, 系统监控, monitor, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, monitor, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 3, 0, 系统工具, tool, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, tool, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 100, 1, 用户管理, user, system/user/index, , 0, 0, system:user:list, 1, 0, C, user, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 101, 1, 角色管理, role, system/role/index, , 0, 0, system:role:list, 1, 0, C, peoples, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 102, 1, 菜单管理, menu, system/menu/index, , 0, 0, system:menu:list, 1, 0, C, tree-table, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 103, 1, 部门管理, dept, system/dept/index, , 0, 0, system:dept:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 4, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 104, 1, 岗位管理, post, system/post/index, , 0, 0, system:post:list, 1, 0, C, post, 5, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 105, 1, 字典管理, dict, system/dict/index, , 0, 0, system:dict:list, 1, 0, C, dict, 6, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 106, 1, 参数设置, config, system/config/index, , 0, 0, system:config:list, 1, 0, C, edit, 7, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 107, 1, 通知公告, notice, system/notice/index, , 0, 0, system:notice:list, 1, 0, C, message, 8, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 108, 1, 日志管理, log, , , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 9, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 109, 2, 在线用户, online, monitor/online/index, , 0, 0, monitor:online:list, 1, 0, C, online, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 110, 2, 定时任务, job, monitor/job/index, , 0, 0, monitor:job:list, 1, 0, C, job, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 111, 2, 数据监控, druid, monitor/druid/index, , 0, 0, monitor:druid:list, 1, 0, C, druid, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 112, 2, 服务监控, server, monitor/server/index, , 0, 0, monitor:server:list, 1, 0, C, server, 4, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 113, 2, 缓存监控, cache, monitor/cache/index, , 0, 0, monitor:cache:list, 1, 0, C, redis, 5, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 114, 2, 缓存列表, cacheList, monitor/cache/list, , 0, 0, monitor:cache:list, 1, 0, C, redis-list, 6, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 115, 3, 表单构建, build, tool/build/index, , 0, 0, tool:build:list, 1, 0, C, build, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 116, 3, 代码生成, gen, tool/gen/index, , 0, 0, tool:gen:list, 1, 0, C, code, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 117, 3, 系统接口, swagger, tool/swagger/index, , 0, 0, tool:swagger:list, 1, 0, C, swagger, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 500, 108, 操作日志, operlog, monitor/operlog/index, , 0, 0, monitor:operlog:list, 1, 0, C, form, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 501, 108, 登录日志, logininfor, monitor/logininfor/index, , 0, 0, monitor:logininfor:list, 1, 0, C, logininfor, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 2001, 2000, 岗位组织架构, structure, recruit/structure/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:structure:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 1, 2024-05-10 17:19:23 +<== Row: 2002, 2000, 我的招聘, post, , null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 2, 2024-05-10 17:21:22 +<== Row: 2055, 2002, 在招岗位, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, form, 1, 2024-06-05 14:03:44 +<== Row: 2031, 2002, 简历处理, resume, recruit/resume/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:resume:list, 1, 0, C, education, 2, 2024-05-22 11:38:18 +<== Row: 2003, 2002, 任务跟踪, trace, recruit/follow/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:follow:list, 1, 0, C, eye-open, 3, 2024-05-10 17:25:37 +<== Row: 2004, 2002, 面试管理, interview, recruit/interview/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:interview:list, 1, 0, C, documentation, 4, 2024-05-10 17:26:59 +<== Row: 2015, 2011, 我的申请, apply, recruit/apply/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:apply:list, 1, 0, C, guide, 1, 2024-05-18 09:00:26 +<== Row: 2019, 2011, 待我审批, pending, recruit/pending/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:pending:list, 1, 0, C, checkbox, 2, 2024-05-18 09:06:24 +<== Row: 2020, 2011, 我已审批, approved, recruit/approved/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:approved:list, 1, 0, C, drag, 3, 2024-05-18 09:07:58 +<== Row: 2043, 2055, 审批, process, recruit/process/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:process:list, 1, 0, C, clipboard, 1, 2024-05-29 11:23:23 +<== Row: 2010, 2055, 岗位公海, postsea, recruit/postsea/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:postsea:list, 1, 0, C, list, 2, 2024-05-13 15:29:24 +<== Row: 2030, 2055, 我的待招, mypost, recruit/mypost/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:mypost:list, 1, 0, C, post, 3, 2024-05-22 11:24:34 +<== Total: 36 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@47e40ca7] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1272b61a] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:25:07.989}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select id ,receive_date,recruitment_channel, resume_source,name,phone, post_id,post_name,suit_jd, hr_id,hr_name,interview_date, is_pass,invitation_date,rejected_reason, first_date,first_reach,first_test, first_interviewer_ids,first_pass,second_date, second_reach,second_interviewer_ids,second_pass, final_date,final_reach,final_interviewer_ids, final_pass,accept_offer,join_date,create_date,update_date,actual_join_date, fail_reason,special_reason,file from resume_follow_record where create_date >= ? and create_date <= ? +==> Parameters: 2024-06-01(LocalDate), 2024-06-30(LocalDate) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1272b61a] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@188add6a] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:25:07.989}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT p1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p1.post_id ORDER BY FIELD(p1.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), p1.update_date DESC ) as row_num FROM post_plan_follow p1 JOIN ( SELECT post_id, MAX(update_date) AS max_update_date FROM post_plan_follow GROUP BY post_id ) p2 ON p1.post_id = p2.post_id AND p1.update_date = p2.max_update_date ) subquery WHERE subquery.row_num = 1 ORDER BY FIELD(subquery.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), subquery.update_date DESC LIMIT 7 +==> Parameters: +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@188add6a] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5acdffd2] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:25:07.989}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select distinct task_id from recruit_process_task_node where operator_id=? and status='process') +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5acdffd2] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3da7bf50] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:25:07.989}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN ( SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) as max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id ) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3da7bf50] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1fff7eda] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:25:07.989}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where dept_id=? and user_id=? and del_flag=0 +==> Parameters: 104(Long), 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1fff7eda] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@39e9e64e] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:25:07.989}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id,apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,dept_name,dept_id,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select task_id from recruit_post where hr_id =? and status !=3 ) +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@39e9e64e] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5cb9cd92] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:28.433}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.menu_id, m.parent_id, m.menu_name, m.path, m.component, m.`query`, m.visible, m.status, ifnull(m.perms,'') as perms, m.is_frame, m.is_cache, m.menu_type, m.icon, m.order_num, m.create_time from sys_menu m where m.menu_type in ('M', 'C') and m.status = 0 order by m.parent_id, m.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: menu_id, parent_id, menu_name, path, component, query, visible, status, perms, is_frame, is_cache, menu_type, icon, order_num, create_time +<== Row: 2000, 0, 招聘管理, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, peoples, 0, 2024-05-10 17:13:45 +<== Row: 1, 0, 系统管理, system, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, system, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 2, 0, 系统监控, monitor, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, monitor, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 3, 0, 系统工具, tool, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, tool, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 100, 1, 用户管理, user, system/user/index, , 0, 0, system:user:list, 1, 0, C, user, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 101, 1, 角色管理, role, system/role/index, , 0, 0, system:role:list, 1, 0, C, peoples, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 102, 1, 菜单管理, menu, system/menu/index, , 0, 0, system:menu:list, 1, 0, C, tree-table, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 103, 1, 部门管理, dept, system/dept/index, , 0, 0, system:dept:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 4, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 104, 1, 岗位管理, post, system/post/index, , 0, 0, system:post:list, 1, 0, C, post, 5, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 105, 1, 字典管理, dict, system/dict/index, , 0, 0, system:dict:list, 1, 0, C, dict, 6, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 106, 1, 参数设置, config, system/config/index, , 0, 0, system:config:list, 1, 0, C, edit, 7, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 107, 1, 通知公告, notice, system/notice/index, , 0, 0, system:notice:list, 1, 0, C, message, 8, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 108, 1, 日志管理, log, , , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 9, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 109, 2, 在线用户, online, monitor/online/index, , 0, 0, monitor:online:list, 1, 0, C, online, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 110, 2, 定时任务, job, monitor/job/index, , 0, 0, monitor:job:list, 1, 0, C, job, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 111, 2, 数据监控, druid, monitor/druid/index, , 0, 0, monitor:druid:list, 1, 0, C, druid, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 112, 2, 服务监控, server, monitor/server/index, , 0, 0, monitor:server:list, 1, 0, C, server, 4, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 113, 2, 缓存监控, cache, monitor/cache/index, , 0, 0, monitor:cache:list, 1, 0, C, redis, 5, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 114, 2, 缓存列表, cacheList, monitor/cache/list, , 0, 0, monitor:cache:list, 1, 0, C, redis-list, 6, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 115, 3, 表单构建, build, tool/build/index, , 0, 0, tool:build:list, 1, 0, C, build, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 116, 3, 代码生成, gen, tool/gen/index, , 0, 0, tool:gen:list, 1, 0, C, code, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 117, 3, 系统接口, swagger, tool/swagger/index, , 0, 0, tool:swagger:list, 1, 0, C, swagger, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 500, 108, 操作日志, operlog, monitor/operlog/index, , 0, 0, monitor:operlog:list, 1, 0, C, form, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 501, 108, 登录日志, logininfor, monitor/logininfor/index, , 0, 0, monitor:logininfor:list, 1, 0, C, logininfor, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 2001, 2000, 岗位组织架构, structure, recruit/structure/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:structure:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 1, 2024-05-10 17:19:23 +<== Row: 2002, 2000, 我的招聘, post, , null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 2, 2024-05-10 17:21:22 +<== Row: 2055, 2002, 在招岗位, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, form, 1, 2024-06-05 14:03:44 +<== Row: 2031, 2002, 简历处理, resume, recruit/resume/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:resume:list, 1, 0, C, education, 2, 2024-05-22 11:38:18 +<== Row: 2003, 2002, 任务跟踪, trace, recruit/follow/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:follow:list, 1, 0, C, eye-open, 3, 2024-05-10 17:25:37 +<== Row: 2004, 2002, 面试管理, interview, recruit/interview/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:interview:list, 1, 0, C, documentation, 4, 2024-05-10 17:26:59 +<== Row: 2015, 2011, 我的申请, apply, recruit/apply/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:apply:list, 1, 0, C, guide, 1, 2024-05-18 09:00:26 +<== Row: 2019, 2011, 待我审批, pending, recruit/pending/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:pending:list, 1, 0, C, checkbox, 2, 2024-05-18 09:06:24 +<== Row: 2020, 2011, 我已审批, approved, recruit/approved/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:approved:list, 1, 0, C, drag, 3, 2024-05-18 09:07:58 +<== Row: 2043, 2055, 审批, process, recruit/process/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:process:list, 1, 0, C, clipboard, 1, 2024-05-29 11:23:23 +<== Row: 2010, 2055, 岗位公海, postsea, recruit/postsea/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:postsea:list, 1, 0, C, list, 2, 2024-05-13 15:29:24 +<== Row: 2030, 2055, 我的待招, mypost, recruit/mypost/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:mypost:list, 1, 0, C, post, 3, 2024-05-22 11:24:34 +<== Total: 36 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5cb9cd92] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2af3b7a5] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:28.433}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select id ,receive_date,recruitment_channel, resume_source,name,phone, post_id,post_name,suit_jd, hr_id,hr_name,interview_date, is_pass,invitation_date,rejected_reason, first_date,first_reach,first_test, first_interviewer_ids,first_pass,second_date, second_reach,second_interviewer_ids,second_pass, final_date,final_reach,final_interviewer_ids, final_pass,accept_offer,join_date,create_date,update_date,actual_join_date, fail_reason,special_reason,file from resume_follow_record where create_date >= ? and create_date <= ? +==> Parameters: 2024-06-01(LocalDate), 2024-06-30(LocalDate) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2af3b7a5] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@200bdcd5] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:28.433}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT p1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p1.post_id ORDER BY FIELD(p1.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), p1.update_date DESC ) as row_num FROM post_plan_follow p1 JOIN ( SELECT post_id, MAX(update_date) AS max_update_date FROM post_plan_follow GROUP BY post_id ) p2 ON p1.post_id = p2.post_id AND p1.update_date = p2.max_update_date ) subquery WHERE subquery.row_num = 1 ORDER BY FIELD(subquery.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), subquery.update_date DESC LIMIT 7 +==> Parameters: +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@200bdcd5] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@52708b2b] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:28.433}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select distinct task_id from recruit_process_task_node where operator_id=? and status='process') +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@52708b2b] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2ab5d6cf] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:28.433}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN ( SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) as max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id ) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2ab5d6cf] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@53d943a3] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:28.433}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where dept_id=? and user_id=? and del_flag=0 +==> Parameters: 104(Long), 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@53d943a3] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@31b17ee0] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:28.433}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id,apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,dept_name,dept_id,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select task_id from recruit_post where hr_id =? and status !=3 ) +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@31b17ee0] +16:27:31.883 [schedule-pool-7] INFO sys-user - [run,55] - []内网IP[admin][Logout][退出成功] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@37d95b45] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:28.433}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_logininfor (user_name, status, ipaddr, login_location, browser, os, msg, login_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: admin(String), 0(String),, 内网IP(String), Chrome 12(String), Windows 10(String), 退出成功(String) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@37d95b45] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@76ef1172] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:28.433}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark from sys_config WHERE config_key = ? +==> Parameters: sys.login.blackIPList(String) +<== Columns: config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark +<== Row: 6, 用户登录-黑名单列表, sys.login.blackIPList, , Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 设置登录IP黑名单限制,多个匹配项以;分隔,支持匹配(*通配、网段) +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@76ef1172] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@377f1935] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:28.433}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select u.user_id, u.dept_id, u.user_name, u.nick_name,, u.avatar, u.phonenumber, u.password,, u.status, u.del_flag, u.login_ip, u.login_date, u.create_by, u.create_time, u.remark, d.dept_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.dept_name, d.order_num, d.leader, d.status as dept_status, r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.status as role_status from sys_user u left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id left join sys_user_role ur on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_role r on r.role_id = ur.role_id where u.user_name = ? and u.del_flag = '0' +==> Parameters: jiaceo(String) +<== Columns: user_id, dept_id, user_name, nick_name, email, avatar, phonenumber, password, sex, status, del_flag, login_ip, login_date, create_by, create_time, remark, dept_id, parent_id, ancestors, dept_name, order_num, leader, dept_status, role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, role_status +<== Row: 102, 103, jiaceo, 贾总, , , , $2a$10$8ZXQ/xdTF0V9Jql.Zv8T..HjLnePV76m8DvCm5hVJM.gsztT/H0Ry, 0, 0, 0,, 2024-06-11 11:36:16, admin, 2024-05-14 15:39:26, null, 103, 100, 0,100, 研发部, 1, 贾总, 0, 101, 总经理, ceo, 4, 1, 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@377f1935] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4f669c68] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:28.433}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.perms from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id where m.status = '0' and rm.role_id = ? +==> Parameters: 101(Long) +<== Columns: perms +<== Row: +<== Row: recruit:structure:list +<== Row: recruit:follow:list +<== Row: recruit:interview:list +<== Row: recruit:structure:query +<== Row: recruit:structure:add +<== Row: recruit:structure:edit +<== Row: recruit:structure:remove +<== Row: recruit:postsea:list +<== Row: recruit:postsea:query +<== Row: recruit:postsea:distribution +<== Row: recruit:mypost:query +<== Row: recruit:mypost:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:add +<== Row: recruit:resume:query +<== Row: recruit:resume:edit +<== Row: recruit:resume:delete +<== Row: recruit:mypost:edit +<== Row: recruit:interview:add +<== Row: recruit:interview:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:delete +<== Row: recruit:follow:add +<== Row: recruit:follow:edit +<== Row: recruit:follow:delete +<== Row: recruit:process:list +<== Row: recruit:apply:add +<== Row: recruit:apply:query +<== Row: recruit:apply:cancel +<== Row: recruit:pending:approved +<== Row: recruit:pending:edit +<== Row: recruit:pending:query +<== Row: recruit:pending:repulse +<== Row: recruit:pending:refuse +<== Row: recruit:approved:query +<== Row: recruit:apply:reapply +<== Row: recruit:interview:edit +<== Total: 37 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4f669c68] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2f9cac1c] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:28.433}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: update sys_user SET login_ip = ?, login_date = ?, update_time = sysdate() where user_id = ? +==> Parameters:, 2024-06-11 16:27:37.747(Timestamp), 102(Long) +16:27:37.756 [schedule-pool-1] INFO sys-user - [run,55] - []内网IP[jiaceo][Success][登录成功] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4cff404c] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:37.758}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_logininfor (user_name, status, ipaddr, login_location, browser, os, msg, login_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: jiaceo(String), 0(String),, 内网IP(String), Chrome 12(String), Windows 10(String), 登录成功(String) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2f9cac1c] +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4cff404c] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@32065045] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:37.758}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.menu_check_strictly, r.dept_check_strictly, r.status, r.del_flag, r.create_time, r.remark from sys_role r left join sys_user_role ur on ur.role_id = r.role_id left join sys_user u on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id WHERE r.del_flag = '0' and ur.user_id = ? +==> Parameters: 102(Long) +<== Columns: role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, menu_check_strictly, dept_check_strictly, status, del_flag, create_time, remark +<== Row: 101, 总经理, ceo, 4, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2024-05-14 15:37:59, null +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@32065045] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@38fe3b35] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:37.758}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.perms from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id where m.status = '0' and rm.role_id = ? +==> Parameters: 101(Long) +<== Columns: perms +<== Row: +<== Row: recruit:structure:list +<== Row: recruit:follow:list +<== Row: recruit:interview:list +<== Row: recruit:structure:query +<== Row: recruit:structure:add +<== Row: recruit:structure:edit +<== Row: recruit:structure:remove +<== Row: recruit:postsea:list +<== Row: recruit:postsea:query +<== Row: recruit:postsea:distribution +<== Row: recruit:mypost:query +<== Row: recruit:mypost:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:add +<== Row: recruit:resume:query +<== Row: recruit:resume:edit +<== Row: recruit:resume:delete +<== Row: recruit:mypost:edit +<== Row: recruit:interview:add +<== Row: recruit:interview:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:delete +<== Row: recruit:follow:add +<== Row: recruit:follow:edit +<== Row: recruit:follow:delete +<== Row: recruit:process:list +<== Row: recruit:apply:add +<== Row: recruit:apply:query +<== Row: recruit:apply:cancel +<== Row: recruit:pending:approved +<== Row: recruit:pending:edit +<== Row: recruit:pending:query +<== Row: recruit:pending:repulse +<== Row: recruit:pending:refuse +<== Row: recruit:approved:query +<== Row: recruit:apply:reapply +<== Row: recruit:interview:edit +<== Total: 37 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@38fe3b35] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@cdd80e] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:37.758}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.menu_id, m.parent_id, m.menu_name, m.path, m.component, m.`query`, m.visible, m.status, ifnull(m.perms,'') as perms, m.is_frame, m.is_cache, m.menu_type, m.icon, m.order_num, m.create_time from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id left join sys_user_role ur on rm.role_id = ur.role_id left join sys_role ro on ur.role_id = ro.role_id left join sys_user u on ur.user_id = u.user_id where u.user_id = ? and m.menu_type in ('M', 'C') and m.status = 0 AND ro.status = 0 order by m.parent_id, m.order_num +==> Parameters: 102(Long) +<== Columns: menu_id, parent_id, menu_name, path, component, query, visible, status, perms, is_frame, is_cache, menu_type, icon, order_num, create_time +<== Row: 2000, 0, 招聘管理, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, peoples, 0, 2024-05-10 17:13:45 +<== Row: 2001, 2000, 岗位组织架构, structure, recruit/structure/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:structure:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 1, 2024-05-10 17:19:23 +<== Row: 2002, 2000, 我的招聘, post, , null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 2, 2024-05-10 17:21:22 +<== Row: 2055, 2002, 在招岗位, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, form, 1, 2024-06-05 14:03:44 +<== Row: 2031, 2002, 简历处理, resume, recruit/resume/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:resume:list, 1, 0, C, education, 2, 2024-05-22 11:38:18 +<== Row: 2003, 2002, 任务跟踪, trace, recruit/follow/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:follow:list, 1, 0, C, eye-open, 3, 2024-05-10 17:25:37 +<== Row: 2004, 2002, 面试管理, interview, recruit/interview/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:interview:list, 1, 0, C, documentation, 4, 2024-05-10 17:26:59 +<== Row: 2043, 2055, 审批, process, recruit/process/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:process:list, 1, 0, C, clipboard, 1, 2024-05-29 11:23:23 +<== Row: 2010, 2055, 岗位公海, postsea, recruit/postsea/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:postsea:list, 1, 0, C, list, 2, 2024-05-13 15:29:24 +<== Row: 2030, 2055, 我的待招, mypost, recruit/mypost/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:mypost:list, 1, 0, C, post, 3, 2024-05-22 11:24:34 +<== Total: 10 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@cdd80e] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@42de655f] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:37.758}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select id ,receive_date,recruitment_channel, resume_source,name,phone, post_id,post_name,suit_jd, hr_id,hr_name,interview_date, is_pass,invitation_date,rejected_reason, first_date,first_reach,first_test, first_interviewer_ids,first_pass,second_date, second_reach,second_interviewer_ids,second_pass, final_date,final_reach,final_interviewer_ids, final_pass,accept_offer,join_date,create_date,update_date,actual_join_date, fail_reason,special_reason,file from resume_follow_record where create_date >= ? and create_date <= ? +==> Parameters: 2024-06-01(LocalDate), 2024-06-30(LocalDate) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@42de655f] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@48260e2f] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:37.758}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT p1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p1.post_id ORDER BY FIELD(p1.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), p1.update_date DESC ) as row_num FROM post_plan_follow p1 JOIN ( SELECT post_id, MAX(update_date) AS max_update_date FROM post_plan_follow GROUP BY post_id ) p2 ON p1.post_id = p2.post_id AND p1.update_date = p2.max_update_date ) subquery WHERE subquery.row_num = 1 ORDER BY FIELD(subquery.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), subquery.update_date DESC LIMIT 7 +==> Parameters: +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@48260e2f] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3c61e129] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:37.758}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select distinct task_id from recruit_process_task_node where operator_id=? and status='process') +==> Parameters: 102(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3c61e129] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@444c7127] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:37.758}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN ( SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) as max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id ) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 102(Long) +<== Columns: task_id, dept_name, dept_id, apply_date, post_name, recruit_reason, post_count, salary, age, arrive_time, sex, education, rank, experience, first_interview, second_interview, final_interview, examination, recruitment_channel, required_keywords, optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement, precedence_requirement, position_statement, post_equirements, check_experience, application_materials, status, user_id, user_name, user_dept_id, del_flag, images, edit, complete_time, hr_id, hr_name, structure_post_id +<== Row: 1800371258123522049, 市场部, 104, 2024-06-11, 业务员, 2, 4, 32342.0, 111, 2024-06-11 00:00:00, 1, 2, 23524, 5, 阿道夫, null, 的发的啊 , 的阿帆啊啊, 2, 更好天津条约, 每一天, 我为额为, 而特他, 微软为为, 微软我, null, 1, repulse, 103, pangmarket, 104, 0, <>, 3, null, null, null, 223 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@444c7127] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5e50aa21] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:37.758}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where dept_id=? and user_id=? and del_flag=0 +==> Parameters: 103(Long), 102(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5e50aa21] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5f483925] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:37.758}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id,apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,dept_name,dept_id,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select task_id from recruit_post where hr_id =? and status !=3 ) +==> Parameters: 102(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5f483925] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5b49f3a5] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:37.758}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@701a69ed] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5b49f3a5] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5b5456e4] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3e5c25a7] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:37.758}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3e5c25a7] +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:37.758}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM recruit_process_task WHERE task_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN (SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) AS max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:27:28.433}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM recruit_process_task WHERE task_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? AND status = 'process') +==> Parameters: 102(Long) +==> Parameters: 102(Long) +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 1 +<== Total: 1 +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@701a69ed] +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN ( SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) as max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id ) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') LIMIT ? +==> Parameters: 102(Long), 10(Integer) +<== Columns: task_id, dept_name, dept_id, apply_date, post_name, recruit_reason, post_count, salary, age, arrive_time, sex, education, rank, experience, first_interview, second_interview, final_interview, examination, recruitment_channel, required_keywords, optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement, precedence_requirement, position_statement, post_equirements, check_experience, application_materials, status, user_id, user_name, user_dept_id, del_flag, images, edit, complete_time, hr_id, hr_name, structure_post_id +<== Row: 1800371258123522049, 市场部, 104, 2024-06-11, 业务员, 2, 4, 32342.0, 111, 2024-06-11 00:00:00, 1, 2, 23524, 5, 阿道夫, null, 的发的啊 , 的阿帆啊啊, 2, 更好天津条约, 每一天, 我为额为, 而特他, 微软为为, 微软我, null, 1, repulse, 103, pangmarket, 104, 0, <>, 3, null, null, null, 223 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5b5456e4] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5178899a] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:28:47.703}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark from sys_config WHERE config_key = ? +==> Parameters: sys.login.blackIPList(String) +<== Columns: config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark +<== Row: 6, 用户登录-黑名单列表, sys.login.blackIPList, , Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 设置登录IP黑名单限制,多个匹配项以;分隔,支持匹配(*通配、网段) +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5178899a] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@ba309ed] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:28:47.703}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select u.user_id, u.dept_id, u.user_name, u.nick_name,, u.avatar, u.phonenumber, u.password,, u.status, u.del_flag, u.login_ip, u.login_date, u.create_by, u.create_time, u.remark, d.dept_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.dept_name, d.order_num, d.leader, d.status as dept_status, r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.status as role_status from sys_user u left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id left join sys_user_role ur on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_role r on r.role_id = ur.role_id where u.user_name = ? and u.del_flag = '0' +==> Parameters: chenxuan(String) +<== Columns: user_id, dept_id, user_name, nick_name, email, avatar, phonenumber, password, sex, status, del_flag, login_ip, login_date, create_by, create_time, remark, dept_id, parent_id, ancestors, dept_name, order_num, leader, dept_status, role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, role_status +<== Row: 105, 204, chenxuan, 陈璇, , , , $2a$10$97DDK.KX3opvSXvO2YI87OmJoK1bWX2493.bvtNWdrWy./pY0u8kG, 1, 0, 0, , null, admin, 2024-05-20 15:50:55, null, 204, 100, 0,100, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, 0, 102, 人事, hr, 5, 1, 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@ba309ed] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6d520ae8] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:28:47.703}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.perms from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id where m.status = '0' and rm.role_id = ? +==> Parameters: 102(Long) +<== Columns: perms +<== Row: +<== Row: recruit:structure:list +<== Row: recruit:follow:list +<== Row: recruit:interview:list +<== Row: recruit:structure:query +<== Row: recruit:structure:add +<== Row: recruit:structure:edit +<== Row: recruit:structure:remove +<== Row: recruit:mypost:query +<== Row: recruit:mypost:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:add +<== Row: recruit:resume:query +<== Row: recruit:resume:edit +<== Row: recruit:resume:delete +<== Row: recruit:mypost:edit +<== Row: recruit:interview:add +<== Row: recruit:interview:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:delete +<== Row: recruit:follow:add +<== Row: recruit:follow:edit +<== Row: recruit:follow:delete +<== Row: recruit:process:list +<== Row: recruit:pending:edit +<== Row: recruit:pending:query +<== Row: recruit:approved:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:edit +<== Total: 27 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6d520ae8] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7ae302ad] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:28:47.703}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: update sys_user SET login_ip = ?, login_date = ?, update_time = sysdate() where user_id = ? +==> Parameters:, 2024-06-11 16:28:47.894(Timestamp), 105(Long) +16:28:47.904 [schedule-pool-5] INFO sys-user - [run,55] - []内网IP[chenxuan][Success][登录成功] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@225d8907] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:28:47.906}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_logininfor (user_name, status, ipaddr, login_location, browser, os, msg, login_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: chenxuan(String), 0(String),, 内网IP(String), Chrome 11(String), Windows 10(String), 登录成功(String) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7ae302ad] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2c60ad8c] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:28:47.703}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.menu_check_strictly, r.dept_check_strictly, r.status, r.del_flag, r.create_time, r.remark from sys_role r left join sys_user_role ur on ur.role_id = r.role_id left join sys_user u on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id WHERE r.del_flag = '0' and ur.user_id = ? +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Columns: role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, menu_check_strictly, dept_check_strictly, status, del_flag, create_time, remark +<== Row: 102, 人事, hr, 5, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2024-05-20 15:49:31, null +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2c60ad8c] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2698c6fc] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:28:47.703}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.perms from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id where m.status = '0' and rm.role_id = ? +==> Parameters: 102(Long) +<== Columns: perms +<== Row: +<== Row: recruit:structure:list +<== Row: recruit:follow:list +<== Row: recruit:interview:list +<== Row: recruit:structure:query +<== Row: recruit:structure:add +<== Row: recruit:structure:edit +<== Row: recruit:structure:remove +<== Row: recruit:mypost:query +<== Row: recruit:mypost:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:add +<== Row: recruit:resume:query +<== Row: recruit:resume:edit +<== Row: recruit:resume:delete +<== Row: recruit:mypost:edit +<== Row: recruit:interview:add +<== Row: recruit:interview:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:delete +<== Row: recruit:follow:add +<== Row: recruit:follow:edit +<== Row: recruit:follow:delete +<== Row: recruit:process:list +<== Row: recruit:pending:edit +<== Row: recruit:pending:query +<== Row: recruit:approved:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:edit +<== Total: 27 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2698c6fc] +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@225d8907] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@155d6480] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:28:47.906}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.menu_id, m.parent_id, m.menu_name, m.path, m.component, m.`query`, m.visible, m.status, ifnull(m.perms,'') as perms, m.is_frame, m.is_cache, m.menu_type, m.icon, m.order_num, m.create_time from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id left join sys_user_role ur on rm.role_id = ur.role_id left join sys_role ro on ur.role_id = ro.role_id left join sys_user u on ur.user_id = u.user_id where u.user_id = ? and m.menu_type in ('M', 'C') and m.status = 0 AND ro.status = 0 order by m.parent_id, m.order_num +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Columns: menu_id, parent_id, menu_name, path, component, query, visible, status, perms, is_frame, is_cache, menu_type, icon, order_num, create_time +<== Row: 2000, 0, 招聘管理, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, peoples, 0, 2024-05-10 17:13:45 +<== Row: 2001, 2000, 岗位组织架构, structure, recruit/structure/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:structure:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 1, 2024-05-10 17:19:23 +<== Row: 2002, 2000, 我的招聘, post, , null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 2, 2024-05-10 17:21:22 +<== Row: 2055, 2002, 在招岗位, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, form, 1, 2024-06-05 14:03:44 +<== Row: 2031, 2002, 简历处理, resume, recruit/resume/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:resume:list, 1, 0, C, education, 2, 2024-05-22 11:38:18 +<== Row: 2003, 2002, 任务跟踪, trace, recruit/follow/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:follow:list, 1, 0, C, eye-open, 3, 2024-05-10 17:25:37 +<== Row: 2004, 2002, 面试管理, interview, recruit/interview/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:interview:list, 1, 0, C, documentation, 4, 2024-05-10 17:26:59 +<== Row: 2043, 2055, 审批, process, recruit/process/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:process:list, 1, 0, C, clipboard, 1, 2024-05-29 11:23:23 +<== Row: 2030, 2055, 我的待招, mypost, recruit/mypost/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:mypost:list, 1, 0, C, post, 3, 2024-05-22 11:24:34 +<== Total: 9 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@155d6480] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@9ff6d7c] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:28:47.906}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select id ,receive_date,recruitment_channel, resume_source,name,phone, post_id,post_name,suit_jd, hr_id,hr_name,interview_date, is_pass,invitation_date,rejected_reason, first_date,first_reach,first_test, first_interviewer_ids,first_pass,second_date, second_reach,second_interviewer_ids,second_pass, final_date,final_reach,final_interviewer_ids, final_pass,accept_offer,join_date,create_date,update_date,actual_join_date, fail_reason,special_reason,file from resume_follow_record where create_date >= ? and create_date <= ? +==> Parameters: 2024-06-01(LocalDate), 2024-06-30(LocalDate) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@9ff6d7c] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@58a24807] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:28:47.906}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT p1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p1.post_id ORDER BY FIELD(p1.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), p1.update_date DESC ) as row_num FROM post_plan_follow p1 JOIN ( SELECT post_id, MAX(update_date) AS max_update_date FROM post_plan_follow GROUP BY post_id ) p2 ON p1.post_id = p2.post_id AND p1.update_date = p2.max_update_date ) subquery WHERE subquery.row_num = 1 ORDER BY FIELD(subquery.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), subquery.update_date DESC LIMIT 7 +==> Parameters: +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@58a24807] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1f45e6c2] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:28:47.906}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select distinct task_id from recruit_process_task_node where operator_id=? and status='process') +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1f45e6c2] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5cecf41c] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:28:47.906}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN ( SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) as max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id ) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5cecf41c] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1eea822d] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:28:47.906}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where dept_id=? and user_id=? and del_flag=0 +==> Parameters: 204(Long), 105(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1eea822d] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@76908e67] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:28:47.906}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id,apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,dept_name,dept_id,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select task_id from recruit_post where hr_id =? and status !=3 ) +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@76908e67] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6bf2632e] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:30:00.414}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select d.node_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.node_name, d.order_num, d.leader,,, d.status, d.del_flag, d.create_by, d.create_time, d.type, d.post_type, d.task_id from recruit_structure d where d.del_flag = '0' order by d.parent_id, d.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 100, 0, 0, 深圳市零差云控科技有限公司, 0, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 2, null, null +<== Row: 227, 100, 0,100, 总经理, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:45, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 226, 104, 0,100,227,104, 市场总监, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:09:33, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 228, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:11, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 229, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘专员, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:27, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 230, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘高级专员, 3, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:44, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 219, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 海外业务, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:40, 2, null, null +<== Row: 220, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 国内业务, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:56, 2, null, null +<== Row: 221, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 外贸主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:10, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 222, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 技术主管, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:38, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 223, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 业务员, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:24, 1, 1, 1800371258123522049 +<== Row: 224, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 网络运营, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:40, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 213, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 业务组别, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-13 14:36:10, 2, null, null +<== Row: 214, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 支持组别, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-14 14:02:29, 2, null, null +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, null, null +<== Total: 21 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6bf2632e] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@41b17126] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:32:22.226}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select d.node_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.node_name, d.order_num, d.leader,,, d.status, d.del_flag, d.create_by, d.create_time, d.type, d.post_type, d.task_id from recruit_structure d where d.del_flag = '0' order by d.parent_id, d.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 100, 0, 0, 深圳市零差云控科技有限公司, 0, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 2, null, null +<== Row: 227, 100, 0,100, 总经理, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:45, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 226, 104, 0,100,227,104, 市场总监, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:09:33, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 228, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:11, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 229, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘专员, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:27, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 230, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘高级专员, 3, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:44, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 219, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 海外业务, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:40, 2, null, null +<== Row: 220, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 国内业务, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:56, 2, null, null +<== Row: 221, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 外贸主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:10, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 222, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 技术主管, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:38, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 223, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 业务员, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:24, 1, 1, 1800371258123522049 +<== Row: 224, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 网络运营, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:40, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 213, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 业务组别, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-13 14:36:10, 2, null, null +<== Row: 214, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 支持组别, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-14 14:02:29, 2, null, null +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, null, null +<== Total: 21 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@41b17126] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3e658b04] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.menu_check_strictly, r.dept_check_strictly, r.status, r.del_flag, r.create_time, r.remark from sys_role r left join sys_user_role ur on ur.role_id = r.role_id left join sys_user u on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id WHERE r.del_flag = '0' and ur.user_id = ? +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Columns: role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, menu_check_strictly, dept_check_strictly, status, del_flag, create_time, remark +<== Row: 102, 人事, hr, 5, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2024-05-20 15:49:31, null +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3e658b04] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@719f7883] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.perms from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id where m.status = '0' and rm.role_id = ? +==> Parameters: 102(Long) +<== Columns: perms +<== Row: +<== Row: recruit:structure:list +<== Row: recruit:follow:list +<== Row: recruit:interview:list +<== Row: recruit:structure:query +<== Row: recruit:structure:add +<== Row: recruit:structure:edit +<== Row: recruit:structure:remove +<== Row: recruit:mypost:query +<== Row: recruit:mypost:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:add +<== Row: recruit:resume:query +<== Row: recruit:resume:edit +<== Row: recruit:resume:delete +<== Row: recruit:mypost:edit +<== Row: recruit:interview:add +<== Row: recruit:interview:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:delete +<== Row: recruit:follow:add +<== Row: recruit:follow:edit +<== Row: recruit:follow:delete +<== Row: recruit:process:list +<== Row: recruit:pending:edit +<== Row: recruit:pending:query +<== Row: recruit:approved:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:edit +<== Total: 27 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@719f7883] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@15d77fa9] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.menu_id, m.parent_id, m.menu_name, m.path, m.component, m.`query`, m.visible, m.status, ifnull(m.perms,'') as perms, m.is_frame, m.is_cache, m.menu_type, m.icon, m.order_num, m.create_time from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id left join sys_user_role ur on rm.role_id = ur.role_id left join sys_role ro on ur.role_id = ro.role_id left join sys_user u on ur.user_id = u.user_id where u.user_id = ? and m.menu_type in ('M', 'C') and m.status = 0 AND ro.status = 0 order by m.parent_id, m.order_num +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Columns: menu_id, parent_id, menu_name, path, component, query, visible, status, perms, is_frame, is_cache, menu_type, icon, order_num, create_time +<== Row: 2000, 0, 招聘管理, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, peoples, 0, 2024-05-10 17:13:45 +<== Row: 2001, 2000, 岗位组织架构, structure, recruit/structure/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:structure:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 1, 2024-05-10 17:19:23 +<== Row: 2002, 2000, 我的招聘, post, , null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 2, 2024-05-10 17:21:22 +<== Row: 2055, 2002, 在招岗位, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, form, 1, 2024-06-05 14:03:44 +<== Row: 2031, 2002, 简历处理, resume, recruit/resume/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:resume:list, 1, 0, C, education, 2, 2024-05-22 11:38:18 +<== Row: 2003, 2002, 任务跟踪, trace, recruit/follow/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:follow:list, 1, 0, C, eye-open, 3, 2024-05-10 17:25:37 +<== Row: 2004, 2002, 面试管理, interview, recruit/interview/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:interview:list, 1, 0, C, documentation, 4, 2024-05-10 17:26:59 +<== Row: 2043, 2055, 审批, process, recruit/process/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:process:list, 1, 0, C, clipboard, 1, 2024-05-29 11:23:23 +<== Row: 2030, 2055, 我的待招, mypost, recruit/mypost/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:mypost:list, 1, 0, C, post, 3, 2024-05-22 11:24:34 +<== Total: 9 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@15d77fa9] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@747f0739] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select d.node_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.node_name, d.order_num, d.leader,,, d.status, d.del_flag, d.create_by, d.create_time, d.type, d.post_type, d.task_id from recruit_structure d where d.del_flag = '0' order by d.parent_id, d.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 100, 0, 0, 深圳市零差云控科技有限公司, 0, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 2, null, null +<== Row: 227, 100, 0,100, 总经理, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:45, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 226, 104, 0,100,227,104, 市场总监, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:09:33, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 228, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:11, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 229, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘专员, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:27, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 230, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘高级专员, 3, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:44, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 219, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 海外业务, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:40, 2, null, null +<== Row: 220, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 国内业务, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:56, 2, null, null +<== Row: 221, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 外贸主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:10, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 222, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 技术主管, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:38, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 223, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 业务员, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:24, 1, 1, 1800371258123522049 +<== Row: 224, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 网络运营, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:40, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 213, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 业务组别, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-13 14:36:10, 2, null, null +<== Row: 214, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 支持组别, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-14 14:02:29, 2, null, null +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, null, null +<== Total: 21 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@747f0739] +16:34:01.522 [schedule-pool-3] INFO sys-user - [run,55] - []内网IP[chenxuan][Logout][退出成功] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5f6405e4] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_logininfor (user_name, status, ipaddr, login_location, browser, os, msg, login_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: chenxuan(String), 0(String),, 内网IP(String), Chrome 11(String), Windows 10(String), 退出成功(String) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5f6405e4] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7117ec1d] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark from sys_config WHERE config_key = ? +==> Parameters: sys.login.blackIPList(String) +<== Columns: config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark +<== Row: 6, 用户登录-黑名单列表, sys.login.blackIPList, , Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 设置登录IP黑名单限制,多个匹配项以;分隔,支持匹配(*通配、网段) +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7117ec1d] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3eed1674] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select u.user_id, u.dept_id, u.user_name, u.nick_name,, u.avatar, u.phonenumber, u.password,, u.status, u.del_flag, u.login_ip, u.login_date, u.create_by, u.create_time, u.remark, d.dept_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.dept_name, d.order_num, d.leader, d.status as dept_status, r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.status as role_status from sys_user u left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id left join sys_user_role ur on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_role r on r.role_id = ur.role_id where u.user_name = ? and u.del_flag = '0' +==> Parameters: pangmarket(String) +<== Columns: user_id, dept_id, user_name, nick_name, email, avatar, phonenumber, password, sex, status, del_flag, login_ip, login_date, create_by, create_time, remark, dept_id, parent_id, ancestors, dept_name, order_num, leader, dept_status, role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, role_status +<== Row: 103, 104, pangmarket, 庞总, , /profile/avatar/2024/05/24/微信截图_20240524140506_20240524140527A029.png, , $2a$10$92t4aLHs2YNzGqW/S7RTeeDb8loLmg4OS9lF9yYDggRmGi/bvyN7e, 0, 0, 0,, 2024-06-11 13:47:00, admin, 2024-05-14 15:40:26, null, 104, 100, 0,100, 市场部, 2, 庞总, 0, 100, 部门主管, leader, 3, 1, 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3eed1674] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@f192a91] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.perms from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id where m.status = '0' and rm.role_id = ? +==> Parameters: 100(Long) +<== Columns: perms +<== Row: +<== Row: recruit:structure:list +<== Row: recruit:follow:list +<== Row: recruit:interview:list +<== Row: recruit:structure:query +<== Row: recruit:structure:add +<== Row: recruit:structure:edit +<== Row: recruit:structure:remove +<== Row: recruit:postsea:list +<== Row: recruit:postsea:query +<== Row: recruit:postsea:distribution +<== Row: recruit:mypost:query +<== Row: recruit:mypost:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:add +<== Row: recruit:resume:query +<== Row: recruit:resume:edit +<== Row: recruit:resume:delete +<== Row: recruit:mypost:edit +<== Row: recruit:interview:add +<== Row: recruit:interview:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:delete +<== Row: recruit:follow:add +<== Row: recruit:follow:edit +<== Row: recruit:follow:delete +<== Row: recruit:process:list +<== Row: recruit:apply:add +<== Row: recruit:apply:query +<== Row: recruit:apply:cancel +<== Row: recruit:pending:approved +<== Row: recruit:pending:edit +<== Row: recruit:pending:query +<== Row: recruit:pending:repulse +<== Row: recruit:pending:refuse +<== Row: recruit:approved:query +<== Row: recruit:apply:reapply +<== Row: recruit:interview:edit +<== Total: 37 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@f192a91] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@dd0d1a1] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: update sys_user SET login_ip = ?, login_date = ?, update_time = sysdate() where user_id = ? +==> Parameters:, 2024-06-11 16:34:21.887(Timestamp), 103(Long) +16:34:21.897 [schedule-pool-6] INFO sys-user - [run,55] - []内网IP[pangmarket][Success][登录成功] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3b4febc6] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:34:21.899}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_logininfor (user_name, status, ipaddr, login_location, browser, os, msg, login_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: pangmarket(String), 0(String),, 内网IP(String), Chrome 11(String), Windows 10(String), 登录成功(String) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@dd0d1a1] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1f7c8e79] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.menu_check_strictly, r.dept_check_strictly, r.status, r.del_flag, r.create_time, r.remark from sys_role r left join sys_user_role ur on ur.role_id = r.role_id left join sys_user u on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id WHERE r.del_flag = '0' and ur.user_id = ? +==> Parameters: 103(Long) +<== Columns: role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, menu_check_strictly, dept_check_strictly, status, del_flag, create_time, remark +<== Row: 100, 部门主管, leader, 3, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2024-05-14 15:37:10, null +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1f7c8e79] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1584e509] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.perms from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id where m.status = '0' and rm.role_id = ? +==> Parameters: 100(Long) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3b4febc6] +<== Columns: perms +<== Row: +<== Row: recruit:structure:list +<== Row: recruit:follow:list +<== Row: recruit:interview:list +<== Row: recruit:structure:query +<== Row: recruit:structure:add +<== Row: recruit:structure:edit +<== Row: recruit:structure:remove +<== Row: recruit:postsea:list +<== Row: recruit:postsea:query +<== Row: recruit:postsea:distribution +<== Row: recruit:mypost:query +<== Row: recruit:mypost:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:add +<== Row: recruit:resume:query +<== Row: recruit:resume:edit +<== Row: recruit:resume:delete +<== Row: recruit:mypost:edit +<== Row: recruit:interview:add +<== Row: recruit:interview:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:delete +<== Row: recruit:follow:add +<== Row: recruit:follow:edit +<== Row: recruit:follow:delete +<== Row: recruit:process:list +<== Row: recruit:apply:add +<== Row: recruit:apply:query +<== Row: recruit:apply:cancel +<== Row: recruit:pending:approved +<== Row: recruit:pending:edit +<== Row: recruit:pending:query +<== Row: recruit:pending:repulse +<== Row: recruit:pending:refuse +<== Row: recruit:approved:query +<== Row: recruit:apply:reapply +<== Row: recruit:interview:edit +<== Total: 37 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1584e509] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2e1de453] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.menu_id, m.parent_id, m.menu_name, m.path, m.component, m.`query`, m.visible, m.status, ifnull(m.perms,'') as perms, m.is_frame, m.is_cache, m.menu_type, m.icon, m.order_num, m.create_time from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id left join sys_user_role ur on rm.role_id = ur.role_id left join sys_role ro on ur.role_id = ro.role_id left join sys_user u on ur.user_id = u.user_id where u.user_id = ? and m.menu_type in ('M', 'C') and m.status = 0 AND ro.status = 0 order by m.parent_id, m.order_num +==> Parameters: 103(Long) +<== Columns: menu_id, parent_id, menu_name, path, component, query, visible, status, perms, is_frame, is_cache, menu_type, icon, order_num, create_time +<== Row: 2000, 0, 招聘管理, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, peoples, 0, 2024-05-10 17:13:45 +<== Row: 2001, 2000, 岗位组织架构, structure, recruit/structure/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:structure:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 1, 2024-05-10 17:19:23 +<== Row: 2002, 2000, 我的招聘, post, , null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 2, 2024-05-10 17:21:22 +<== Row: 2055, 2002, 在招岗位, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, form, 1, 2024-06-05 14:03:44 +<== Row: 2031, 2002, 简历处理, resume, recruit/resume/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:resume:list, 1, 0, C, education, 2, 2024-05-22 11:38:18 +<== Row: 2003, 2002, 任务跟踪, trace, recruit/follow/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:follow:list, 1, 0, C, eye-open, 3, 2024-05-10 17:25:37 +<== Row: 2004, 2002, 面试管理, interview, recruit/interview/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:interview:list, 1, 0, C, documentation, 4, 2024-05-10 17:26:59 +<== Row: 2043, 2055, 审批, process, recruit/process/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:process:list, 1, 0, C, clipboard, 1, 2024-05-29 11:23:23 +<== Row: 2010, 2055, 岗位公海, postsea, recruit/postsea/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:postsea:list, 1, 0, C, list, 2, 2024-05-13 15:29:24 +<== Row: 2030, 2055, 我的待招, mypost, recruit/mypost/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:mypost:list, 1, 0, C, post, 3, 2024-05-22 11:24:34 +<== Total: 10 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2e1de453] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@651827a4] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select id ,receive_date,recruitment_channel, resume_source,name,phone, post_id,post_name,suit_jd, hr_id,hr_name,interview_date, is_pass,invitation_date,rejected_reason, first_date,first_reach,first_test, first_interviewer_ids,first_pass,second_date, second_reach,second_interviewer_ids,second_pass, final_date,final_reach,final_interviewer_ids, final_pass,accept_offer,join_date,create_date,update_date,actual_join_date, fail_reason,special_reason,file from resume_follow_record where create_date >= ? and create_date <= ? +==> Parameters: 2024-06-01(LocalDate), 2024-06-30(LocalDate) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@651827a4] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@11f070c1] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT p1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p1.post_id ORDER BY FIELD(p1.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), p1.update_date DESC ) as row_num FROM post_plan_follow p1 JOIN ( SELECT post_id, MAX(update_date) AS max_update_date FROM post_plan_follow GROUP BY post_id ) p2 ON p1.post_id = p2.post_id AND p1.update_date = p2.max_update_date ) subquery WHERE subquery.row_num = 1 ORDER BY FIELD(subquery.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), subquery.update_date DESC LIMIT 7 +==> Parameters: +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@11f070c1] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@40354a2c] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select distinct task_id from recruit_process_task_node where operator_id=? and status='process') +==> Parameters: 103(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@40354a2c] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1139ecbb] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN ( SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) as max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id ) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 103(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1139ecbb] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@447b76a8] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where dept_id=? and user_id=? and del_flag=0 +==> Parameters: 104(Long), 103(Long) +<== Columns: task_id, apply_date, post_name, recruit_reason, post_count, salary, arrive_time, images, status, education, experience, edit, structure_post_id +<== Row: 1800371258123522049, 2024-06-11, 业务员, 2, 4, 32342.0, 2024-06-11 00:00:00, <>, repulse, 2, 5, 3, 223 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@447b76a8] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@765be7f0] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id,apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,dept_name,dept_id,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select task_id from recruit_post where hr_id =? and status !=3 ) +==> Parameters: 103(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@765be7f0] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@236af3c3] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select d.node_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.node_name, d.order_num, d.leader,,, d.status, d.del_flag, d.create_by, d.create_time, d.type, d.post_type, d.task_id from recruit_structure d where d.del_flag = '0' order by d.parent_id, d.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 100, 0, 0, 深圳市零差云控科技有限公司, 0, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 2, null, null +<== Row: 227, 100, 0,100, 总经理, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:45, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 226, 104, 0,100,227,104, 市场总监, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:09:33, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 228, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:11, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 229, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘专员, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:27, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 230, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘高级专员, 3, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:44, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 219, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 海外业务, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:40, 2, null, null +<== Row: 220, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 国内业务, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:56, 2, null, null +<== Row: 221, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 外贸主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:10, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 222, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 技术主管, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:38, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 223, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 业务员, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:24, 1, 1, 1800371258123522049 +<== Row: 224, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 网络运营, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:40, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 213, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 业务组别, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-13 14:36:10, 2, null, null +<== Row: 214, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 支持组别, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-14 14:02:29, 2, null, null +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, null, null +<== Total: 21 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@236af3c3] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@51cecb11] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM recruit_process_task WHERE task_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? AND status = 'process') +==> Parameters: 103(Long) +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@51cecb11] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7d74e2ab] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7d74e2ab] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@57bfef3f] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1d5b1de4] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM recruit_process_task WHERE dept_id = ? AND user_id = ? AND del_flag = 0 +==> Parameters: 104(Long), 103(Long) +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:34:21.899}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM recruit_process_task WHERE task_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN (SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) AS max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 103(Long) +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1d5b1de4] +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 1 +<== Total: 1 +==> Preparing: select task_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where dept_id=? and user_id=? and del_flag=0 LIMIT ? +==> Parameters: 104(Long), 103(Long), 10(Integer) +<== Columns: task_id, apply_date, post_name, recruit_reason, post_count, salary, arrive_time, images, status, education, experience, edit, structure_post_id +<== Row: 1800371258123522049, 2024-06-11, 业务员, 2, 4, 32342.0, 2024-06-11 00:00:00, <>, repulse, 2, 5, 3, 223 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@57bfef3f] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1d72b1ca] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1d72b1ca] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@49c715c1] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where status!=1 and type= 1 and post_type=0 +Creating a new SqlSession +==> Parameters: +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1e563142] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:34:21.899}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +==> Parameters: +<== Total: 0 +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@49c715c1] +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1e563142] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6ff85480] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:34:21.899}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where status!=1 and type= 1 and post_type=0 +==> Parameters: +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@627d72fe] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +==> Parameters: +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6ff85480] +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@627d72fe] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@65bfa05d] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select d.node_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.node_name, d.order_num, d.leader,,, d.status, d.del_flag, d.create_by, d.create_time, d.type, d.post_type, d.task_id from recruit_structure d where d.del_flag = '0' order by d.parent_id, d.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 100, 0, 0, 深圳市零差云控科技有限公司, 0, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 2, null, null +<== Row: 227, 100, 0,100, 总经理, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:45, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 226, 104, 0,100,227,104, 市场总监, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:09:33, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 228, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:11, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 229, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘专员, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:27, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 230, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘高级专员, 3, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:44, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 219, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 海外业务, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:40, 2, null, null +<== Row: 220, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 国内业务, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:56, 2, null, null +<== Row: 221, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 外贸主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:10, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 222, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 技术主管, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:38, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 223, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 业务员, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:24, 1, 1, 1800371258123522049 +<== Row: 224, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 网络运营, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:40, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 213, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 业务组别, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-13 14:36:10, 2, null, null +<== Row: 214, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 支持组别, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-14 14:02:29, 2, null, null +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, null, null +<== Total: 21 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@65bfa05d] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@24e50533] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select d.node_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.node_name, d.order_num, d.leader,,, d.status, d.del_flag, d.create_by, d.create_time, d.type, d.post_type, d.task_id from recruit_structure d where d.del_flag = '0' AND node_id = ? order by d.parent_id, d.order_num +==> Parameters: 223(Long) +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 223, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 业务员, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:24, 1, 1, 1800371258123522049 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@24e50533] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3a2b3ba6] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select d.node_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.node_name, d.order_num, d.leader,,, d.status, d.type, d.post_type, d.task_id, (select node_name from recruit_structure where node_id = d.parent_id) parent_name from recruit_structure d where d.node_id = ? +==> Parameters: 223(Long) +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, type, post_type, task_id, parent_name +<== Row: 223, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 业务员, 1, null, null, null, 0, 1, 1, 1800371258123522049, 外贸主管 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3a2b3ba6] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@16bb71b8] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select d.node_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.node_name, d.order_num, d.leader,,, d.status, d.del_flag, d.create_by, d.create_time, d.type, d.post_type, d.task_id from recruit_structure d where d.del_flag = '0' order by d.parent_id, d.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 100, 0, 0, 深圳市零差云控科技有限公司, 0, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 2, null, null +<== Row: 227, 100, 0,100, 总经理, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:45, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 226, 104, 0,100,227,104, 市场总监, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:09:33, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 228, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:11, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 229, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘专员, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:27, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 230, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘高级专员, 3, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:44, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 219, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 海外业务, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:40, 2, null, null +<== Row: 220, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 国内业务, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:56, 2, null, null +<== Row: 221, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 外贸主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:10, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 222, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 技术主管, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:38, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 223, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 业务员, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:24, 1, 1, 1800371258123522049 +<== Row: 224, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 网络运营, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:40, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 213, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 业务组别, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-13 14:36:10, 2, null, null +<== Row: 214, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 支持组别, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-14 14:02:29, 2, null, null +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, null, null +<== Total: 21 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@16bb71b8] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4a3f0370] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select d.node_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.node_name, d.order_num, d.leader,,, d.status, d.del_flag, d.create_by, d.create_time, d.type, d.post_type, d.task_id from recruit_structure d where d.del_flag = '0' AND node_id = ? order by d.parent_id, d.order_num +==> Parameters: 224(Long) +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 224, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 网络运营, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:40, 1, 3, null +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4a3f0370] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7bbf894c] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select d.node_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.node_name, d.order_num, d.leader,,, d.status, d.type, d.post_type, d.task_id, (select node_name from recruit_structure where node_id = d.parent_id) parent_name from recruit_structure d where d.node_id = ? +==> Parameters: 224(Long) +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, type, post_type, task_id, parent_name +<== Row: 224, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 网络运营, 2, null, null, null, 0, 1, 3, null, 外贸主管 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7bbf894c] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7937c13b] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select d.node_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.node_name, d.order_num, d.leader,,, d.status, d.del_flag, d.create_by, d.create_time, d.type, d.post_type, d.task_id from recruit_structure d where d.del_flag = '0' order by d.parent_id, d.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 100, 0, 0, 深圳市零差云控科技有限公司, 0, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 2, null, null +<== Row: 227, 100, 0,100, 总经理, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:45, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 226, 104, 0,100,227,104, 市场总监, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:09:33, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 228, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:11, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 229, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘专员, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:27, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 230, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘高级专员, 3, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:44, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 219, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 海外业务, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:40, 2, null, null +<== Row: 220, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 国内业务, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:56, 2, null, null +<== Row: 221, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 外贸主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:10, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 222, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 技术主管, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:38, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 223, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 业务员, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:24, 1, 1, 1800371258123522049 +<== Row: 224, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 网络运营, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:40, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 213, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 业务组别, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-13 14:36:10, 2, null, null +<== Row: 214, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 支持组别, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-14 14:02:29, 2, null, null +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, null, null +<== Total: 21 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7937c13b] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@21d5150a] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +==> Parameters: +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3df4150f] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@21d5150a] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@194fc3f1] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +==> Parameters: +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@ac74662] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@676312a9] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@194fc3f1] +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM recruit_process_task WHERE task_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? AND status = 'process') +==> Parameters: 103(Long) +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3df4150f] +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM recruit_process_task WHERE dept_id = ? AND user_id = ? AND del_flag = 0 +==> Parameters: 104(Long), 103(Long) +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 1 +<== Total: 1 +==> Preparing: select task_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where dept_id=? and user_id=? and del_flag=0 LIMIT ? +==> Parameters: 104(Long), 103(Long), 10(Integer) +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:36:26.363}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM recruit_process_task WHERE task_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN (SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) AS max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 103(Long) +<== Columns: task_id, apply_date, post_name, recruit_reason, post_count, salary, arrive_time, images, status, education, experience, edit, structure_post_id +<== Row: 1800371258123522049, 2024-06-11, 业务员, 2, 4, 32342.0, 2024-06-11 00:00:00, <>, repulse, 2, 5, 3, 223 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@676312a9] +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@ac74662] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@21d4901c] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:36:26.363}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +==> Parameters: +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@155660b] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where status!=1 and type= 1 and post_type=0 +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@21d4901c] +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@155660b] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7cdd97ea] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:33:53.604}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select d.node_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.node_name, d.order_num, d.leader,,, d.status, d.del_flag, d.create_by, d.create_time, d.type, d.post_type, d.task_id from recruit_structure d where d.del_flag = '0' order by d.parent_id, d.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 100, 0, 0, 深圳市零差云控科技有限公司, 0, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 2, null, null +<== Row: 227, 100, 0,100, 总经理, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:45, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 226, 104, 0,100,227,104, 市场总监, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:09:33, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 228, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:11, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 229, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘专员, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:27, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 230, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘高级专员, 3, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:44, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 219, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 海外业务, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:40, 2, null, null +<== Row: 220, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 国内业务, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:56, 2, null, null +<== Row: 221, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 外贸主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:10, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 222, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 技术主管, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:38, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 223, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 业务员, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:24, 1, 1, 1800371258123522049 +<== Row: 224, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 网络运营, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:40, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 213, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 业务组别, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-13 14:36:10, 2, null, null +<== Row: 214, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 支持组别, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-14 14:02:29, 2, null, null +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, null, null +<== Total: 21 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7cdd97ea] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@16c1a17c] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.507}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark from sys_config WHERE config_key = ? +==> Parameters: sys.login.blackIPList(String) +<== Columns: config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark +<== Row: 6, 用户登录-黑名单列表, sys.login.blackIPList, , Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 设置登录IP黑名单限制,多个匹配项以;分隔,支持匹配(*通配、网段) +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@16c1a17c] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@159b00df] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.507}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select u.user_id, u.dept_id, u.user_name, u.nick_name,, u.avatar, u.phonenumber, u.password,, u.status, u.del_flag, u.login_ip, u.login_date, u.create_by, u.create_time, u.remark, d.dept_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.dept_name, d.order_num, d.leader, d.status as dept_status, r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.status as role_status from sys_user u left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id left join sys_user_role ur on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_role r on r.role_id = ur.role_id where u.user_name = ? and u.del_flag = '0' +==> Parameters: chengmei(String) +<== Columns: user_id, dept_id, user_name, nick_name, email, avatar, phonenumber, password, sex, status, del_flag, login_ip, login_date, create_by, create_time, remark, dept_id, parent_id, ancestors, dept_name, order_num, leader, dept_status, role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, role_status +<== Row: 104, 204, chengmei, 程楣, , , , $2a$10$5awKsiADollilw1JJNtMd.QfEccpk6N9iPnt4APf2OycI5JZanMPy, 1, 0, 0,, 2024-06-11 12:01:38, admin, 2024-05-20 15:50:09, null, 204, 100, 0,100, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, 0, 102, 人事, hr, 5, 1, 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@159b00df] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3ec576af] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.507}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.perms from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id where m.status = '0' and rm.role_id = ? +==> Parameters: 102(Long) +<== Columns: perms +<== Row: +<== Row: recruit:structure:list +<== Row: recruit:follow:list +<== Row: recruit:interview:list +<== Row: recruit:structure:query +<== Row: recruit:structure:add +<== Row: recruit:structure:edit +<== Row: recruit:structure:remove +<== Row: recruit:mypost:query +<== Row: recruit:mypost:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:add +<== Row: recruit:resume:query +<== Row: recruit:resume:edit +<== Row: recruit:resume:delete +<== Row: recruit:mypost:edit +<== Row: recruit:interview:add +<== Row: recruit:interview:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:delete +<== Row: recruit:follow:add +<== Row: recruit:follow:edit +<== Row: recruit:follow:delete +<== Row: recruit:process:list +<== Row: recruit:pending:edit +<== Row: recruit:pending:query +<== Row: recruit:approved:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:edit +<== Total: 27 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3ec576af] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@60c845c8] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.507}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: update sys_user SET login_ip = ?, login_date = ?, update_time = sysdate() where user_id = ? +==> Parameters:, 2024-06-11 16:39:35.692(Timestamp), 104(Long) +16:39:35.702 [schedule-pool-2] INFO sys-user - [run,55] - []内网IP[chengmei][Success][登录成功] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2315cd68] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_logininfor (user_name, status, ipaddr, login_location, browser, os, msg, login_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: chengmei(String), 0(String),, 内网IP(String), Chrome 12(String), Windows 10(String), 登录成功(String) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@60c845c8] +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2315cd68] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@75f2b719] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.menu_check_strictly, r.dept_check_strictly, r.status, r.del_flag, r.create_time, r.remark from sys_role r left join sys_user_role ur on ur.role_id = r.role_id left join sys_user u on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id WHERE r.del_flag = '0' and ur.user_id = ? +==> Parameters: 104(Long) +<== Columns: role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, menu_check_strictly, dept_check_strictly, status, del_flag, create_time, remark +<== Row: 102, 人事, hr, 5, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2024-05-20 15:49:31, null +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@75f2b719] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7f0adc69] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.perms from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id where m.status = '0' and rm.role_id = ? +==> Parameters: 102(Long) +<== Columns: perms +<== Row: +<== Row: recruit:structure:list +<== Row: recruit:follow:list +<== Row: recruit:interview:list +<== Row: recruit:structure:query +<== Row: recruit:structure:add +<== Row: recruit:structure:edit +<== Row: recruit:structure:remove +<== Row: recruit:mypost:query +<== Row: recruit:mypost:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:add +<== Row: recruit:resume:query +<== Row: recruit:resume:edit +<== Row: recruit:resume:delete +<== Row: recruit:mypost:edit +<== Row: recruit:interview:add +<== Row: recruit:interview:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:delete +<== Row: recruit:follow:add +<== Row: recruit:follow:edit +<== Row: recruit:follow:delete +<== Row: recruit:process:list +<== Row: recruit:pending:edit +<== Row: recruit:pending:query +<== Row: recruit:approved:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:edit +<== Total: 27 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7f0adc69] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@24fa05d9] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.menu_id, m.parent_id, m.menu_name, m.path, m.component, m.`query`, m.visible, m.status, ifnull(m.perms,'') as perms, m.is_frame, m.is_cache, m.menu_type, m.icon, m.order_num, m.create_time from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id left join sys_user_role ur on rm.role_id = ur.role_id left join sys_role ro on ur.role_id = ro.role_id left join sys_user u on ur.user_id = u.user_id where u.user_id = ? and m.menu_type in ('M', 'C') and m.status = 0 AND ro.status = 0 order by m.parent_id, m.order_num +==> Parameters: 104(Long) +<== Columns: menu_id, parent_id, menu_name, path, component, query, visible, status, perms, is_frame, is_cache, menu_type, icon, order_num, create_time +<== Row: 2000, 0, 招聘管理, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, peoples, 0, 2024-05-10 17:13:45 +<== Row: 2001, 2000, 岗位组织架构, structure, recruit/structure/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:structure:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 1, 2024-05-10 17:19:23 +<== Row: 2002, 2000, 我的招聘, post, , null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 2, 2024-05-10 17:21:22 +<== Row: 2055, 2002, 在招岗位, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, form, 1, 2024-06-05 14:03:44 +<== Row: 2031, 2002, 简历处理, resume, recruit/resume/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:resume:list, 1, 0, C, education, 2, 2024-05-22 11:38:18 +<== Row: 2003, 2002, 任务跟踪, trace, recruit/follow/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:follow:list, 1, 0, C, eye-open, 3, 2024-05-10 17:25:37 +<== Row: 2004, 2002, 面试管理, interview, recruit/interview/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:interview:list, 1, 0, C, documentation, 4, 2024-05-10 17:26:59 +<== Row: 2043, 2055, 审批, process, recruit/process/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:process:list, 1, 0, C, clipboard, 1, 2024-05-29 11:23:23 +<== Row: 2030, 2055, 我的待招, mypost, recruit/mypost/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:mypost:list, 1, 0, C, post, 3, 2024-05-22 11:24:34 +<== Total: 9 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@24fa05d9] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@43b3acc6] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select id ,receive_date,recruitment_channel, resume_source,name,phone, post_id,post_name,suit_jd, hr_id,hr_name,interview_date, is_pass,invitation_date,rejected_reason, first_date,first_reach,first_test, first_interviewer_ids,first_pass,second_date, second_reach,second_interviewer_ids,second_pass, final_date,final_reach,final_interviewer_ids, final_pass,accept_offer,join_date,create_date,update_date,actual_join_date, fail_reason,special_reason,file from resume_follow_record where create_date >= ? and create_date <= ? +==> Parameters: 2024-06-01(LocalDate), 2024-06-30(LocalDate) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@43b3acc6] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@11502bc3] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT p1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p1.post_id ORDER BY FIELD(p1.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), p1.update_date DESC ) as row_num FROM post_plan_follow p1 JOIN ( SELECT post_id, MAX(update_date) AS max_update_date FROM post_plan_follow GROUP BY post_id ) p2 ON p1.post_id = p2.post_id AND p1.update_date = p2.max_update_date ) subquery WHERE subquery.row_num = 1 ORDER BY FIELD(subquery.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), subquery.update_date DESC LIMIT 7 +==> Parameters: +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@11502bc3] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@69f6b5fb] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select distinct task_id from recruit_process_task_node where operator_id=? and status='process') +==> Parameters: 104(Long) +<== Columns: task_id, dept_name, dept_id, apply_date, post_name, recruit_reason, post_count, salary, age, arrive_time, sex, education, rank, experience, first_interview, second_interview, final_interview, examination, recruitment_channel, required_keywords, optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement, precedence_requirement, position_statement, post_equirements, check_experience, application_materials, status, user_id, user_name, user_dept_id, del_flag, images, edit, complete_time, hr_id, hr_name, structure_post_id +<== Row: 1800371258123522049, 市场部, 104, 2024-06-11, 业务员, 2, 4, 32342.0, 111, 2024-06-11 00:00:00, 1, 2, 23524, 5, 阿道夫, null, 的发的啊 , 的阿帆啊啊, 2, 更好天津条约, 每一天, 我为额为, 而特他, 微软为为, 微软我, null, 1, repulse, 103, pangmarket, 104, 0, <>, 3, null, null, null, 223 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@69f6b5fb] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7680f4b8] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN ( SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) as max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id ) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 104(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7680f4b8] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@72f27e74] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where dept_id=? and user_id=? and del_flag=0 +==> Parameters: 204(Long), 104(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@72f27e74] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1304526a] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id,apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,dept_name,dept_id,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select task_id from recruit_post where hr_id =? and status !=3 ) +==> Parameters: 104(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1304526a] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@78471f73] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select d.node_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.node_name, d.order_num, d.leader,,, d.status, d.del_flag, d.create_by, d.create_time, d.type, d.post_type, d.task_id from recruit_structure d where d.del_flag = '0' order by d.parent_id, d.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 100, 0, 0, 深圳市零差云控科技有限公司, 0, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 2, null, null +<== Row: 227, 100, 0,100, 总经理, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:45, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 226, 104, 0,100,227,104, 市场总监, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:09:33, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 228, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:11, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 229, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘专员, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:27, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 230, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘高级专员, 3, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:44, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 219, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 海外业务, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:40, 2, null, null +<== Row: 220, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 国内业务, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:56, 2, null, null +<== Row: 221, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 外贸主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:10, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 222, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 技术主管, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:38, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 223, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 业务员, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:24, 1, 1, 1800371258123522049 +<== Row: 224, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 网络运营, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:40, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 213, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 业务组别, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-13 14:36:10, 2, null, null +<== Row: 214, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 支持组别, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-14 14:02:29, 2, null, null +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, null, null +<== Total: 21 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@78471f73] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@58fa7fc9] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.menu_check_strictly, r.dept_check_strictly, r.status, r.del_flag, r.create_time, r.remark from sys_role r left join sys_user_role ur on ur.role_id = r.role_id left join sys_user u on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id WHERE r.del_flag = '0' and u.user_name = ? +==> Parameters: chengmei(String) +<== Columns: role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, menu_check_strictly, dept_check_strictly, status, del_flag, create_time, remark +<== Row: 102, 人事, hr, 5, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2024-05-20 15:49:31, null +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@58fa7fc9] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5f1d8268] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select p.node_id, p.node_name from recruit_structure p left join sys_user_post up on up.post_id = p.node_id left join sys_user u on u.user_id = up.user_id where u.user_name = ? and p.type=1 +==> Parameters: chengmei(String) +<== Columns: node_id, node_name +<== Row: 230, 招聘高级专员 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5f1d8268] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@48f7a56e] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@168364e6] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@aaaa094] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@aaaa094] +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM recruit_process_task WHERE task_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? AND status = 'process') +==> Parameters: 104(Long) +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 1 +<== Total: 1 +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select distinct task_id from recruit_process_task_node where operator_id=? and status='process') LIMIT ? +==> Parameters: 104(Long), 10(Integer) +<== Columns: task_id, dept_name, dept_id, apply_date, post_name, recruit_reason, post_count, salary, age, arrive_time, sex, education, rank, experience, first_interview, second_interview, final_interview, examination, recruitment_channel, required_keywords, optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement, precedence_requirement, position_statement, post_equirements, check_experience, application_materials, status, user_id, user_name, user_dept_id, del_flag, images, edit, complete_time, hr_id, hr_name, structure_post_id +<== Row: 1800371258123522049, 市场部, 104, 2024-06-11, 业务员, 2, 4, 32342.0, 111, 2024-06-11 00:00:00, 1, 2, 23524, 5, 阿道夫, null, 的发的啊 , 的阿帆啊啊, 2, 更好天津条约, 每一天, 我为额为, 而特他, 微软为为, 微软我, null, 1, repulse, 103, pangmarket, 104, 0, <>, 3, null, null, null, 223 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@48f7a56e] +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM recruit_process_task WHERE task_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN (SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) AS max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 104(Long) +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@168364e6] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@649c083b] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@649c083b] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@11b087cc] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +==> Parameters: +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7520872a] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@11b087cc] +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM recruit_process_task WHERE task_id IN (SELECT task_id FROM recruit_post WHERE hr_id = ? AND status != 3) +==> Parameters: 104(Long) +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7520872a] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@f8a9911] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@74298f83] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@13293ae2] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@13293ae2] +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM recruit_process_task WHERE task_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN (SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) AS max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 104(Long) +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@74298f83] +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM recruit_process_task WHERE task_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? AND status = 'process') +==> Parameters: 104(Long) +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 1 +<== Total: 1 +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select distinct task_id from recruit_process_task_node where operator_id=? and status='process') LIMIT ? +==> Parameters: 104(Long), 10(Integer) +<== Columns: task_id, dept_name, dept_id, apply_date, post_name, recruit_reason, post_count, salary, age, arrive_time, sex, education, rank, experience, first_interview, second_interview, final_interview, examination, recruitment_channel, required_keywords, optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement, precedence_requirement, position_statement, post_equirements, check_experience, application_materials, status, user_id, user_name, user_dept_id, del_flag, images, edit, complete_time, hr_id, hr_name, structure_post_id +<== Row: 1800371258123522049, 市场部, 104, 2024-06-11, 业务员, 2, 4, 32342.0, 111, 2024-06-11 00:00:00, 1, 2, 23524, 5, 阿道夫, null, 的发的啊 , 的阿帆啊啊, 2, 更好天津条约, 每一天, 我为额为, 而特他, 微软为为, 微软我, null, 1, repulse, 103, pangmarket, 104, 0, <>, 3, null, null, null, 223 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@f8a9911] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7b6f1122] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7b6f1122] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4d78c47a] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +==> Parameters: +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@19f49644] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4d78c47a] +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM resume_handle_record WHERE operator_id = ? +==> Parameters: 104(Long) +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@19f49644] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@51da4c69] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select post_id,hr_id,hr_name, post_name,node_id,task_id,dept_id,dept_name,create_date from recruit_post where hr_id=? +==> Parameters: 104(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@51da4c69] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5858f599] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +Creating a new SqlSession +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5302c5ae] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5858f599] +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM resume_handle_record WHERE operator_id = ? +==> Parameters: 103(Long) +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5302c5ae] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4046e86e] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select post_id,hr_id,hr_name, post_name,node_id,task_id,dept_id,dept_name,create_date from recruit_post where hr_id=? +==> Parameters: 103(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4046e86e] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1fe39a44] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark from sys_config WHERE config_key = ? +==> Parameters: sys.login.blackIPList(String) +<== Columns: config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark +<== Row: 6, 用户登录-黑名单列表, sys.login.blackIPList, , Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 设置登录IP黑名单限制,多个匹配项以;分隔,支持匹配(*通配、网段) +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1fe39a44] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6b715b20] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select u.user_id, u.dept_id, u.user_name, u.nick_name,, u.avatar, u.phonenumber, u.password,, u.status, u.del_flag, u.login_ip, u.login_date, u.create_by, u.create_time, u.remark, d.dept_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.dept_name, d.order_num, d.leader, d.status as dept_status, r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.status as role_status from sys_user u left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id left join sys_user_role ur on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_role r on r.role_id = ur.role_id where u.user_name = ? and u.del_flag = '0' +==> Parameters: chenxuan(String) +<== Columns: user_id, dept_id, user_name, nick_name, email, avatar, phonenumber, password, sex, status, del_flag, login_ip, login_date, create_by, create_time, remark, dept_id, parent_id, ancestors, dept_name, order_num, leader, dept_status, role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, role_status +<== Row: 105, 204, chenxuan, 陈璇, , , , $2a$10$97DDK.KX3opvSXvO2YI87OmJoK1bWX2493.bvtNWdrWy./pY0u8kG, 1, 0, 0,, 2024-06-11 16:28:47, admin, 2024-05-20 15:50:55, null, 204, 100, 0,100, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, 0, 102, 人事, hr, 5, 1, 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6b715b20] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@64564ed8] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.perms from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id where m.status = '0' and rm.role_id = ? +==> Parameters: 102(Long) +<== Columns: perms +<== Row: +<== Row: recruit:structure:list +<== Row: recruit:follow:list +<== Row: recruit:interview:list +<== Row: recruit:structure:query +<== Row: recruit:structure:add +<== Row: recruit:structure:edit +<== Row: recruit:structure:remove +<== Row: recruit:mypost:query +<== Row: recruit:mypost:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:add +<== Row: recruit:resume:query +<== Row: recruit:resume:edit +<== Row: recruit:resume:delete +<== Row: recruit:mypost:edit +<== Row: recruit:interview:add +<== Row: recruit:interview:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:delete +<== Row: recruit:follow:add +<== Row: recruit:follow:edit +<== Row: recruit:follow:delete +<== Row: recruit:process:list +<== Row: recruit:pending:edit +<== Row: recruit:pending:query +<== Row: recruit:approved:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:edit +<== Total: 27 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@64564ed8] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3e80a6ec] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: update sys_user SET login_ip = ?, login_date = ?, update_time = sysdate() where user_id = ? +==> Parameters:, 2024-06-11 16:40:59.379(Timestamp), 105(Long) +16:40:59.389 [schedule-pool-4] INFO sys-user - [run,55] - []内网IP[chenxuan][Success][登录成功] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@30b5c126] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_logininfor (user_name, status, ipaddr, login_location, browser, os, msg, login_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: chenxuan(String), 0(String),, 内网IP(String), Chrome 12(String), Windows 10(String), 登录成功(String) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3e80a6ec] +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@30b5c126] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@55057a79] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.menu_check_strictly, r.dept_check_strictly, r.status, r.del_flag, r.create_time, r.remark from sys_role r left join sys_user_role ur on ur.role_id = r.role_id left join sys_user u on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id WHERE r.del_flag = '0' and ur.user_id = ? +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Columns: role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, menu_check_strictly, dept_check_strictly, status, del_flag, create_time, remark +<== Row: 102, 人事, hr, 5, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2024-05-20 15:49:31, null +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@55057a79] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@74660d63] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.perms from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id where m.status = '0' and rm.role_id = ? +==> Parameters: 102(Long) +<== Columns: perms +<== Row: +<== Row: recruit:structure:list +<== Row: recruit:follow:list +<== Row: recruit:interview:list +<== Row: recruit:structure:query +<== Row: recruit:structure:add +<== Row: recruit:structure:edit +<== Row: recruit:structure:remove +<== Row: recruit:mypost:query +<== Row: recruit:mypost:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:add +<== Row: recruit:resume:query +<== Row: recruit:resume:edit +<== Row: recruit:resume:delete +<== Row: recruit:mypost:edit +<== Row: recruit:interview:add +<== Row: recruit:interview:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:delete +<== Row: recruit:follow:add +<== Row: recruit:follow:edit +<== Row: recruit:follow:delete +<== Row: recruit:process:list +<== Row: recruit:pending:edit +<== Row: recruit:pending:query +<== Row: recruit:approved:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:edit +<== Total: 27 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@74660d63] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1676a39b] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.menu_id, m.parent_id, m.menu_name, m.path, m.component, m.`query`, m.visible, m.status, ifnull(m.perms,'') as perms, m.is_frame, m.is_cache, m.menu_type, m.icon, m.order_num, m.create_time from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id left join sys_user_role ur on rm.role_id = ur.role_id left join sys_role ro on ur.role_id = ro.role_id left join sys_user u on ur.user_id = u.user_id where u.user_id = ? and m.menu_type in ('M', 'C') and m.status = 0 AND ro.status = 0 order by m.parent_id, m.order_num +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Columns: menu_id, parent_id, menu_name, path, component, query, visible, status, perms, is_frame, is_cache, menu_type, icon, order_num, create_time +<== Row: 2000, 0, 招聘管理, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, peoples, 0, 2024-05-10 17:13:45 +<== Row: 2001, 2000, 岗位组织架构, structure, recruit/structure/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:structure:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 1, 2024-05-10 17:19:23 +<== Row: 2002, 2000, 我的招聘, post, , null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 2, 2024-05-10 17:21:22 +<== Row: 2055, 2002, 在招岗位, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, form, 1, 2024-06-05 14:03:44 +<== Row: 2031, 2002, 简历处理, resume, recruit/resume/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:resume:list, 1, 0, C, education, 2, 2024-05-22 11:38:18 +<== Row: 2003, 2002, 任务跟踪, trace, recruit/follow/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:follow:list, 1, 0, C, eye-open, 3, 2024-05-10 17:25:37 +<== Row: 2004, 2002, 面试管理, interview, recruit/interview/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:interview:list, 1, 0, C, documentation, 4, 2024-05-10 17:26:59 +<== Row: 2043, 2055, 审批, process, recruit/process/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:process:list, 1, 0, C, clipboard, 1, 2024-05-29 11:23:23 +<== Row: 2030, 2055, 我的待招, mypost, recruit/mypost/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:mypost:list, 1, 0, C, post, 3, 2024-05-22 11:24:34 +<== Total: 9 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1676a39b] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@23c41d1e] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select id ,receive_date,recruitment_channel, resume_source,name,phone, post_id,post_name,suit_jd, hr_id,hr_name,interview_date, is_pass,invitation_date,rejected_reason, first_date,first_reach,first_test, first_interviewer_ids,first_pass,second_date, second_reach,second_interviewer_ids,second_pass, final_date,final_reach,final_interviewer_ids, final_pass,accept_offer,join_date,create_date,update_date,actual_join_date, fail_reason,special_reason,file from resume_follow_record where create_date >= ? and create_date <= ? +==> Parameters: 2024-06-01(LocalDate), 2024-06-30(LocalDate) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@23c41d1e] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4c1a037b] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT p1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p1.post_id ORDER BY FIELD(p1.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), p1.update_date DESC ) as row_num FROM post_plan_follow p1 JOIN ( SELECT post_id, MAX(update_date) AS max_update_date FROM post_plan_follow GROUP BY post_id ) p2 ON p1.post_id = p2.post_id AND p1.update_date = p2.max_update_date ) subquery WHERE subquery.row_num = 1 ORDER BY FIELD(subquery.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), subquery.update_date DESC LIMIT 7 +==> Parameters: +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4c1a037b] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@38c0b650] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select distinct task_id from recruit_process_task_node where operator_id=? and status='process') +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@38c0b650] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1e14a682] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN ( SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) as max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id ) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1e14a682] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6372033f] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where dept_id=? and user_id=? and del_flag=0 +==> Parameters: 204(Long), 105(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6372033f] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@114a1238] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id,apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,dept_name,dept_id,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select task_id from recruit_post where hr_id =? and status !=3 ) +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@114a1238] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@22b62f17] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select post_id,hr_id,hr_name, post_name,node_id,task_id,dept_id,dept_name,create_date from recruit_post where hr_id=? +==> Parameters: 103(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@22b62f17] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@44da0870] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select d.node_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.node_name, d.order_num, d.leader,,, d.status, d.del_flag, d.create_by, d.create_time, d.type, d.post_type, d.task_id from recruit_structure d where d.del_flag = '0' order by d.parent_id, d.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 100, 0, 0, 深圳市零差云控科技有限公司, 0, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 2, null, null +<== Row: 227, 100, 0,100, 总经理, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:45, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 226, 104, 0,100,227,104, 市场总监, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:09:33, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 228, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:11, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 229, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘专员, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:27, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 230, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘高级专员, 3, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:44, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 219, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 海外业务, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:40, 2, null, null +<== Row: 220, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 国内业务, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:56, 2, null, null +<== Row: 221, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 外贸主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:10, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 222, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 技术主管, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:38, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 223, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 业务员, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:24, 1, 1, 1800371258123522049 +<== Row: 224, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 网络运营, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:40, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 213, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 业务组别, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-13 14:36:10, 2, null, null +<== Row: 214, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 支持组别, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-14 14:02:29, 2, null, null +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, null, null +<== Total: 21 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@44da0870] +16:41:14.035 [schedule-pool-7] INFO sys-user - [run,55] - []内网IP[pangmarket][Logout][退出成功] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3d213035] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_logininfor (user_name, status, ipaddr, login_location, browser, os, msg, login_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: pangmarket(String), 0(String),, 内网IP(String), Chrome 11(String), Windows 10(String), 退出成功(String) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3d213035] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@15e13253] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark from sys_config WHERE config_key = ? +==> Parameters: sys.login.blackIPList(String) +<== Columns: config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark +<== Row: 6, 用户登录-黑名单列表, sys.login.blackIPList, , Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 设置登录IP黑名单限制,多个匹配项以;分隔,支持匹配(*通配、网段) +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@15e13253] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@97e242f] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select u.user_id, u.dept_id, u.user_name, u.nick_name,, u.avatar, u.phonenumber, u.password,, u.status, u.del_flag, u.login_ip, u.login_date, u.create_by, u.create_time, u.remark, d.dept_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.dept_name, d.order_num, d.leader, d.status as dept_status, r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.status as role_status from sys_user u left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id left join sys_user_role ur on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_role r on r.role_id = ur.role_id where u.user_name = ? and u.del_flag = '0' +==> Parameters: chenxuan(String) +<== Columns: user_id, dept_id, user_name, nick_name, email, avatar, phonenumber, password, sex, status, del_flag, login_ip, login_date, create_by, create_time, remark, dept_id, parent_id, ancestors, dept_name, order_num, leader, dept_status, role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, role_status +<== Row: 105, 204, chenxuan, 陈璇, , , , $2a$10$97DDK.KX3opvSXvO2YI87OmJoK1bWX2493.bvtNWdrWy./pY0u8kG, 1, 0, 0,, 2024-06-11 16:40:59, admin, 2024-05-20 15:50:55, null, 204, 100, 0,100, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, 0, 102, 人事, hr, 5, 1, 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@97e242f] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2957948b] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.perms from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id where m.status = '0' and rm.role_id = ? +==> Parameters: 102(Long) +<== Columns: perms +<== Row: +<== Row: recruit:structure:list +<== Row: recruit:follow:list +<== Row: recruit:interview:list +<== Row: recruit:structure:query +<== Row: recruit:structure:add +<== Row: recruit:structure:edit +<== Row: recruit:structure:remove +<== Row: recruit:mypost:query +<== Row: recruit:mypost:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:add +<== Row: recruit:resume:query +<== Row: recruit:resume:edit +<== Row: recruit:resume:delete +<== Row: recruit:mypost:edit +<== Row: recruit:interview:add +<== Row: recruit:interview:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:delete +<== Row: recruit:follow:add +<== Row: recruit:follow:edit +<== Row: recruit:follow:delete +<== Row: recruit:process:list +<== Row: recruit:pending:edit +<== Row: recruit:pending:query +<== Row: recruit:approved:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:edit +<== Total: 27 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2957948b] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@25b5448a] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: update sys_user SET login_ip = ?, login_date = ?, update_time = sysdate() where user_id = ? +==> Parameters:, 2024-06-11 16:41:19.018(Timestamp), 105(Long) +<== Updates: 1 +16:41:19.039 [schedule-pool-8] INFO sys-user - [run,55] - []内网IP[chenxuan][Success][登录成功] +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@25b5448a] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@187b9b75] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_logininfor (user_name, status, ipaddr, login_location, browser, os, msg, login_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: chenxuan(String), 0(String),, 内网IP(String), Chrome 11(String), Windows 10(String), 登录成功(String) +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2592f8c4] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.menu_check_strictly, r.dept_check_strictly, r.status, r.del_flag, r.create_time, r.remark from sys_role r left join sys_user_role ur on ur.role_id = r.role_id left join sys_user u on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id WHERE r.del_flag = '0' and ur.user_id = ? +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@187b9b75] +<== Columns: role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, menu_check_strictly, dept_check_strictly, status, del_flag, create_time, remark +<== Row: 102, 人事, hr, 5, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2024-05-20 15:49:31, null +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2592f8c4] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@74e3b003] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.perms from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id where m.status = '0' and rm.role_id = ? +==> Parameters: 102(Long) +<== Columns: perms +<== Row: +<== Row: recruit:structure:list +<== Row: recruit:follow:list +<== Row: recruit:interview:list +<== Row: recruit:structure:query +<== Row: recruit:structure:add +<== Row: recruit:structure:edit +<== Row: recruit:structure:remove +<== Row: recruit:mypost:query +<== Row: recruit:mypost:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:add +<== Row: recruit:resume:query +<== Row: recruit:resume:edit +<== Row: recruit:resume:delete +<== Row: recruit:mypost:edit +<== Row: recruit:interview:add +<== Row: recruit:interview:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:delete +<== Row: recruit:follow:add +<== Row: recruit:follow:edit +<== Row: recruit:follow:delete +<== Row: recruit:process:list +<== Row: recruit:pending:edit +<== Row: recruit:pending:query +<== Row: recruit:approved:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:edit +<== Total: 27 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@74e3b003] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2044a3ba] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.menu_id, m.parent_id, m.menu_name, m.path, m.component, m.`query`, m.visible, m.status, ifnull(m.perms,'') as perms, m.is_frame, m.is_cache, m.menu_type, m.icon, m.order_num, m.create_time from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id left join sys_user_role ur on rm.role_id = ur.role_id left join sys_role ro on ur.role_id = ro.role_id left join sys_user u on ur.user_id = u.user_id where u.user_id = ? and m.menu_type in ('M', 'C') and m.status = 0 AND ro.status = 0 order by m.parent_id, m.order_num +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Columns: menu_id, parent_id, menu_name, path, component, query, visible, status, perms, is_frame, is_cache, menu_type, icon, order_num, create_time +<== Row: 2000, 0, 招聘管理, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, peoples, 0, 2024-05-10 17:13:45 +<== Row: 2001, 2000, 岗位组织架构, structure, recruit/structure/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:structure:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 1, 2024-05-10 17:19:23 +<== Row: 2002, 2000, 我的招聘, post, , null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 2, 2024-05-10 17:21:22 +<== Row: 2055, 2002, 在招岗位, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, form, 1, 2024-06-05 14:03:44 +<== Row: 2031, 2002, 简历处理, resume, recruit/resume/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:resume:list, 1, 0, C, education, 2, 2024-05-22 11:38:18 +<== Row: 2003, 2002, 任务跟踪, trace, recruit/follow/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:follow:list, 1, 0, C, eye-open, 3, 2024-05-10 17:25:37 +<== Row: 2004, 2002, 面试管理, interview, recruit/interview/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:interview:list, 1, 0, C, documentation, 4, 2024-05-10 17:26:59 +<== Row: 2043, 2055, 审批, process, recruit/process/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:process:list, 1, 0, C, clipboard, 1, 2024-05-29 11:23:23 +<== Row: 2030, 2055, 我的待招, mypost, recruit/mypost/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:mypost:list, 1, 0, C, post, 3, 2024-05-22 11:24:34 +<== Total: 9 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2044a3ba] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5ef8b47e] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select id ,receive_date,recruitment_channel, resume_source,name,phone, post_id,post_name,suit_jd, hr_id,hr_name,interview_date, is_pass,invitation_date,rejected_reason, first_date,first_reach,first_test, first_interviewer_ids,first_pass,second_date, second_reach,second_interviewer_ids,second_pass, final_date,final_reach,final_interviewer_ids, final_pass,accept_offer,join_date,create_date,update_date,actual_join_date, fail_reason,special_reason,file from resume_follow_record where create_date >= ? and create_date <= ? +==> Parameters: 2024-06-01(LocalDate), 2024-06-30(LocalDate) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5ef8b47e] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@269782cb] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT p1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p1.post_id ORDER BY FIELD(p1.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), p1.update_date DESC ) as row_num FROM post_plan_follow p1 JOIN ( SELECT post_id, MAX(update_date) AS max_update_date FROM post_plan_follow GROUP BY post_id ) p2 ON p1.post_id = p2.post_id AND p1.update_date = p2.max_update_date ) subquery WHERE subquery.row_num = 1 ORDER BY FIELD(subquery.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), subquery.update_date DESC LIMIT 7 +==> Parameters: +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@269782cb] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2708c7dd] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select distinct task_id from recruit_process_task_node where operator_id=? and status='process') +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2708c7dd] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@261eb606] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN ( SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) as max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id ) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@261eb606] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@663a8103] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where dept_id=? and user_id=? and del_flag=0 +==> Parameters: 204(Long), 105(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@663a8103] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@551ff741] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id,apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,dept_name,dept_id,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select task_id from recruit_post where hr_id =? and status !=3 ) +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@551ff741] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3d6958e9] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4ae6e365] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select u.user_id, u.dept_id, u.user_name, u.nick_name from sys_user u left join sys_user_role ru on u.user_id = ru.user_id left join sys_role r on r.role_id=ru.role_id where r.role_key='hr' or r.role_key='hrleader' +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: user_id, dept_id, user_name, nick_name +<== Row: 104, 204, chengmei, 程楣 +<== Row: 105, 204, chenxuan, 陈璇 +<== Row: 106, 204, luoshuangyan, 罗双燕 +<== Total: 3 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4ae6e365] +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM post_plan_follow WHERE dept_id IS NOT NULL AND ym = ? +==> Parameters: 2024-06(String) +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3d6958e9] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3410f255] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +Creating a new SqlSession +==> Parameters: +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3d59fa18] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select post_id,hr_id,hr_name, post_name,node_id,task_id,dept_id,dept_name,create_date from recruit_post where hr_id=? +==> Parameters: 104(Long) +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Total: 0 +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3d59fa18] +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3410f255] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@d2aba50] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM resume_follow_record WHERE name IS NOT NULL +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@d2aba50] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7a34f409] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from sys_user where del_flag=0 and user_name != 'admin' +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: user_id, dept_id, user_name, nick_name, user_type, email, phonenumber, sex, avatar, password, status, del_flag, login_ip, login_date, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark +<== Row: 102, 103, jiaceo, 贾总, 00, , , 0, , $2a$10$8ZXQ/xdTF0V9Jql.Zv8T..HjLnePV76m8DvCm5hVJM.gsztT/H0Ry, 0, 0,, 2024-06-11 16:27:37, admin, 2024-05-14 15:39:26, admin, 2024-06-11 16:27:37, null +<== Row: 103, 104, pangmarket, 庞总, 00, , , 0, /profile/avatar/2024/05/24/微信截图_20240524140506_20240524140527A029.png, $2a$10$92t4aLHs2YNzGqW/S7RTeeDb8loLmg4OS9lF9yYDggRmGi/bvyN7e, 0, 0,, 2024-06-11 16:34:21, admin, 2024-05-14 15:40:26, admin, 2024-06-11 16:34:21, null +<== Row: 104, 204, chengmei, 程楣, 00, , , 1, , $2a$10$5awKsiADollilw1JJNtMd.QfEccpk6N9iPnt4APf2OycI5JZanMPy, 0, 0,, 2024-06-11 16:39:35, admin, 2024-05-20 15:50:09, admin, 2024-06-11 16:39:35, null +<== Row: 105, 204, chenxuan, 陈璇, 00, , , 1, , $2a$10$97DDK.KX3opvSXvO2YI87OmJoK1bWX2493.bvtNWdrWy./pY0u8kG, 0, 0,, 2024-06-11 16:41:19, admin, 2024-05-20 15:50:55, admin, 2024-06-11 16:41:19, null +<== Row: 106, 204, luoshuangyan, 罗双燕, 00, , , 1, , $2a$10$zJCwJxDjS6pgkcHvZY6A..TJ3b45XGaSA8XeeUiLsH9SEDbZFH5qK, 0, 0,, 2024-06-11 12:00:16, admin, 2024-05-21 14:19:10, admin, 2024-06-11 12:00:16, null +<== Total: 5 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7a34f409] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@ed98c24] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select post_id,hr_id,hr_name, post_name,node_id,task_id,dept_id,dept_name,create_date from recruit_post where hr_id=? +==> Parameters: 104(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@ed98c24] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6a18fa8c] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select d.node_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.node_name, d.order_num, d.leader,,, d.status, d.del_flag, d.create_by, d.create_time, d.type, d.post_type, d.task_id from recruit_structure d where d.del_flag = '0' order by d.parent_id, d.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 100, 0, 0, 深圳市零差云控科技有限公司, 0, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 2, null, null +<== Row: 227, 100, 0,100, 总经理, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:45, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 226, 104, 0,100,227,104, 市场总监, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:09:33, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 228, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:11, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 229, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘专员, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:27, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 230, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘高级专员, 3, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:44, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 219, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 海外业务, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:40, 2, null, null +<== Row: 220, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 国内业务, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:56, 2, null, null +<== Row: 221, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 外贸主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:10, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 222, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 技术主管, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:38, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 223, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 业务员, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:24, 1, 1, 1800371258123522049 +<== Row: 224, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 网络运营, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:40, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 213, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 业务组别, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-13 14:36:10, 2, null, null +<== Row: 214, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 支持组别, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-14 14:02:29, 2, null, null +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, null, null +<== Total: 21 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6a18fa8c] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@13180296] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.menu_check_strictly, r.dept_check_strictly, r.status, r.del_flag, r.create_time, r.remark from sys_role r left join sys_user_role ur on ur.role_id = r.role_id left join sys_user u on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id WHERE r.del_flag = '0' and ur.user_id = ? +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Columns: role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, menu_check_strictly, dept_check_strictly, status, del_flag, create_time, remark +<== Row: 102, 人事, hr, 5, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2024-05-20 15:49:31, null +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@13180296] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@522508ad] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.perms from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id where m.status = '0' and rm.role_id = ? +==> Parameters: 102(Long) +<== Columns: perms +<== Row: +<== Row: recruit:structure:list +<== Row: recruit:follow:list +<== Row: recruit:interview:list +<== Row: recruit:structure:query +<== Row: recruit:structure:add +<== Row: recruit:structure:edit +<== Row: recruit:structure:remove +<== Row: recruit:mypost:query +<== Row: recruit:mypost:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:add +<== Row: recruit:resume:query +<== Row: recruit:resume:edit +<== Row: recruit:resume:delete +<== Row: recruit:mypost:edit +<== Row: recruit:interview:add +<== Row: recruit:interview:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:delete +<== Row: recruit:follow:add +<== Row: recruit:follow:edit +<== Row: recruit:follow:delete +<== Row: recruit:process:list +<== Row: recruit:pending:edit +<== Row: recruit:pending:query +<== Row: recruit:approved:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:edit +<== Total: 27 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@522508ad] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3412ec49] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.menu_id, m.parent_id, m.menu_name, m.path, m.component, m.`query`, m.visible, m.status, ifnull(m.perms,'') as perms, m.is_frame, m.is_cache, m.menu_type, m.icon, m.order_num, m.create_time from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id left join sys_user_role ur on rm.role_id = ur.role_id left join sys_role ro on ur.role_id = ro.role_id left join sys_user u on ur.user_id = u.user_id where u.user_id = ? and m.menu_type in ('M', 'C') and m.status = 0 AND ro.status = 0 order by m.parent_id, m.order_num +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Columns: menu_id, parent_id, menu_name, path, component, query, visible, status, perms, is_frame, is_cache, menu_type, icon, order_num, create_time +<== Row: 2000, 0, 招聘管理, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, peoples, 0, 2024-05-10 17:13:45 +<== Row: 2001, 2000, 岗位组织架构, structure, recruit/structure/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:structure:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 1, 2024-05-10 17:19:23 +<== Row: 2002, 2000, 我的招聘, post, , null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 2, 2024-05-10 17:21:22 +<== Row: 2055, 2002, 在招岗位, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, form, 1, 2024-06-05 14:03:44 +<== Row: 2031, 2002, 简历处理, resume, recruit/resume/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:resume:list, 1, 0, C, education, 2, 2024-05-22 11:38:18 +<== Row: 2003, 2002, 任务跟踪, trace, recruit/follow/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:follow:list, 1, 0, C, eye-open, 3, 2024-05-10 17:25:37 +<== Row: 2004, 2002, 面试管理, interview, recruit/interview/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:interview:list, 1, 0, C, documentation, 4, 2024-05-10 17:26:59 +<== Row: 2043, 2055, 审批, process, recruit/process/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:process:list, 1, 0, C, clipboard, 1, 2024-05-29 11:23:23 +<== Row: 2030, 2055, 我的待招, mypost, recruit/mypost/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:mypost:list, 1, 0, C, post, 3, 2024-05-22 11:24:34 +<== Total: 9 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3412ec49] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@163633da] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select id ,receive_date,recruitment_channel, resume_source,name,phone, post_id,post_name,suit_jd, hr_id,hr_name,interview_date, is_pass,invitation_date,rejected_reason, first_date,first_reach,first_test, first_interviewer_ids,first_pass,second_date, second_reach,second_interviewer_ids,second_pass, final_date,final_reach,final_interviewer_ids, final_pass,accept_offer,join_date,create_date,update_date,actual_join_date, fail_reason,special_reason,file from resume_follow_record where create_date >= ? and create_date <= ? +==> Parameters: 2024-06-01(LocalDate), 2024-06-30(LocalDate) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@163633da] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3e0d6764] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT p1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p1.post_id ORDER BY FIELD(p1.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), p1.update_date DESC ) as row_num FROM post_plan_follow p1 JOIN ( SELECT post_id, MAX(update_date) AS max_update_date FROM post_plan_follow GROUP BY post_id ) p2 ON p1.post_id = p2.post_id AND p1.update_date = p2.max_update_date ) subquery WHERE subquery.row_num = 1 ORDER BY FIELD(subquery.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), subquery.update_date DESC LIMIT 7 +==> Parameters: +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3e0d6764] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@30174ff2] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select distinct task_id from recruit_process_task_node where operator_id=? and status='process') +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@30174ff2] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1c0fb467] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN ( SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) as max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id ) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1c0fb467] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4193765b] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where dept_id=? and user_id=? and del_flag=0 +==> Parameters: 204(Long), 105(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4193765b] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@ffe58a9] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id,apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,dept_name,dept_id,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select task_id from recruit_post where hr_id =? and status !=3 ) +==> Parameters: 105(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@ffe58a9] +16:42:02.496 [schedule-pool-1] INFO sys-user - [run,55] - []内网IP[chenxuan][Logout][退出成功] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7efaaab1] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_logininfor (user_name, status, ipaddr, login_location, browser, os, msg, login_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: chenxuan(String), 0(String),, 内网IP(String), Chrome 11(String), Windows 10(String), 退出成功(String) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7efaaab1] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1411d452] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark from sys_config WHERE config_key = ? +==> Parameters: sys.login.blackIPList(String) +<== Columns: config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark +<== Row: 6, 用户登录-黑名单列表, sys.login.blackIPList, , Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 设置登录IP黑名单限制,多个匹配项以;分隔,支持匹配(*通配、网段) +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1411d452] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2259ac05] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select u.user_id, u.dept_id, u.user_name, u.nick_name,, u.avatar, u.phonenumber, u.password,, u.status, u.del_flag, u.login_ip, u.login_date, u.create_by, u.create_time, u.remark, d.dept_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.dept_name, d.order_num, d.leader, d.status as dept_status, r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.status as role_status from sys_user u left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id left join sys_user_role ur on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_role r on r.role_id = ur.role_id where u.user_name = ? and u.del_flag = '0' +==> Parameters: pangMARKT(String) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2259ac05] +16:42:09.379 [http-nio-8080-exec-31] INFO c.z.f.w.s.UserDetailsServiceImpl - [loadUserByUsername,43] - 登录用户:pangMARKT 不存在. +16:42:09.382 [http-nio-8080-exec-31] ERROR c.z.f.w.e.GlobalExceptionHandler - [handleServiceException,59] - 用户不存在/密码错误 +cn.zeroerr.common.exception.ServiceException: 用户不存在/密码错误 + at cn.zeroerr.framework.web.service.SysLoginService.login( + at cn.zeroerr.web.controller.system.SysLoginController.login( + at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) + at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( + at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( + at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( + at + at + at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.ServletInvocableHandlerMethod.invokeAndHandle( + at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.invokeHandlerMethod( + at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.handleInternal( + at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.AbstractHandlerMethodAdapter.handle( + at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch( + at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService( + at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest( + at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doPost( + at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( + at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.service( + at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at cn.zeroerr.common.filter.RepeatableFilter.doFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at org.springframework.web.filter.CorsFilter.doFilterInternal( + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter( + at + at + at org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.invokeDelegate( + at org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.doFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at org.springframework.web.filter.RequestContextFilter.doFilterInternal( + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at org.springframework.web.filter.FormContentFilter.doFilterInternal( + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at org.springframework.web.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter.doFilterInternal( + at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( + at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke( + at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke( + at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke( + at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke( + at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke( + at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke( + at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service( + at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.service( + at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProcessorLight.process( + at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$ConnectionHandler.process( + at$SocketProcessor.doRun( + at + at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( + at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor$ + at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$ + at +16:42:09.394 [schedule-pool-9] INFO sys-user - [run,55] - []内网IP[pangMARKT][Error][用户不存在/密码错误] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@573ed774] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_logininfor (user_name, status, ipaddr, login_location, browser, os, msg, login_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: pangMARKT(String), 1(String),, 内网IP(String), Chrome 11(String), Windows 10(String), 用户不存在/密码错误(String) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@573ed774] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@67f6d4dd] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark from sys_config WHERE config_key = ? +==> Parameters: sys.login.blackIPList(String) +<== Columns: config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark +<== Row: 6, 用户登录-黑名单列表, sys.login.blackIPList, , Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 设置登录IP黑名单限制,多个匹配项以;分隔,支持匹配(*通配、网段) +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@67f6d4dd] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@47500f9a] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select u.user_id, u.dept_id, u.user_name, u.nick_name,, u.avatar, u.phonenumber, u.password,, u.status, u.del_flag, u.login_ip, u.login_date, u.create_by, u.create_time, u.remark, d.dept_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.dept_name, d.order_num, d.leader, d.status as dept_status, r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.status as role_status from sys_user u left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id left join sys_user_role ur on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_role r on r.role_id = ur.role_id where u.user_name = ? and u.del_flag = '0' +==> Parameters: pangMARKeT(String) +<== Columns: user_id, dept_id, user_name, nick_name, email, avatar, phonenumber, password, sex, status, del_flag, login_ip, login_date, create_by, create_time, remark, dept_id, parent_id, ancestors, dept_name, order_num, leader, dept_status, role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, role_status +<== Row: 103, 104, pangmarket, 庞总, , /profile/avatar/2024/05/24/微信截图_20240524140506_20240524140527A029.png, , $2a$10$92t4aLHs2YNzGqW/S7RTeeDb8loLmg4OS9lF9yYDggRmGi/bvyN7e, 0, 0, 0,, 2024-06-11 16:34:21, admin, 2024-05-14 15:40:26, null, 104, 100, 0,100, 市场部, 2, 庞总, 0, 100, 部门主管, leader, 3, 1, 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@47500f9a] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@16f92ef3] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.perms from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id where m.status = '0' and rm.role_id = ? +==> Parameters: 100(Long) +<== Columns: perms +<== Row: +<== Row: recruit:structure:list +<== Row: recruit:follow:list +<== Row: recruit:interview:list +<== Row: recruit:structure:query +<== Row: recruit:structure:add +<== Row: recruit:structure:edit +<== Row: recruit:structure:remove +<== Row: recruit:postsea:list +<== Row: recruit:postsea:query +<== Row: recruit:postsea:distribution +<== Row: recruit:mypost:query +<== Row: recruit:mypost:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:add +<== Row: recruit:resume:query +<== Row: recruit:resume:edit +<== Row: recruit:resume:delete +<== Row: recruit:mypost:edit +<== Row: recruit:interview:add +<== Row: recruit:interview:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:delete +<== Row: recruit:follow:add +<== Row: recruit:follow:edit +<== Row: recruit:follow:delete +<== Row: recruit:process:list +<== Row: recruit:apply:add +<== Row: recruit:apply:query +<== Row: recruit:apply:cancel +<== Row: recruit:pending:approved +<== Row: recruit:pending:edit +<== Row: recruit:pending:query +<== Row: recruit:pending:repulse +<== Row: recruit:pending:refuse +<== Row: recruit:approved:query +<== Row: recruit:apply:reapply +<== Row: recruit:interview:edit +<== Total: 37 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@16f92ef3] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5e8ec27a] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: update sys_user SET login_ip = ?, login_date = ?, update_time = sysdate() where user_id = ? +==> Parameters:, 2024-06-11 16:42:16.495(Timestamp), 103(Long) +16:42:16.505 [schedule-pool-5] INFO sys-user - [run,55] - []内网IP[pangMARKeT][Success][登录成功] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6da76907] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_logininfor (user_name, status, ipaddr, login_location, browser, os, msg, login_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: pangMARKeT(String), 0(String),, 内网IP(String), Chrome 11(String), Windows 10(String), 登录成功(String) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5e8ec27a] +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6da76907] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@17d0e3c5] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.menu_check_strictly, r.dept_check_strictly, r.status, r.del_flag, r.create_time, r.remark from sys_role r left join sys_user_role ur on ur.role_id = r.role_id left join sys_user u on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id WHERE r.del_flag = '0' and ur.user_id = ? +==> Parameters: 103(Long) +<== Columns: role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, menu_check_strictly, dept_check_strictly, status, del_flag, create_time, remark +<== Row: 100, 部门主管, leader, 3, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2024-05-14 15:37:10, null +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@17d0e3c5] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@45400a8d] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.perms from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id where m.status = '0' and rm.role_id = ? +==> Parameters: 100(Long) +<== Columns: perms +<== Row: +<== Row: recruit:structure:list +<== Row: recruit:follow:list +<== Row: recruit:interview:list +<== Row: recruit:structure:query +<== Row: recruit:structure:add +<== Row: recruit:structure:edit +<== Row: recruit:structure:remove +<== Row: recruit:postsea:list +<== Row: recruit:postsea:query +<== Row: recruit:postsea:distribution +<== Row: recruit:mypost:query +<== Row: recruit:mypost:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:list +<== Row: recruit:resume:add +<== Row: recruit:resume:query +<== Row: recruit:resume:edit +<== Row: recruit:resume:delete +<== Row: recruit:mypost:edit +<== Row: recruit:interview:add +<== Row: recruit:interview:query +<== Row: recruit:interview:delete +<== Row: recruit:follow:add +<== Row: recruit:follow:edit +<== Row: recruit:follow:delete +<== Row: recruit:process:list +<== Row: recruit:apply:add +<== Row: recruit:apply:query +<== Row: recruit:apply:cancel +<== Row: recruit:pending:approved +<== Row: recruit:pending:edit +<== Row: recruit:pending:query +<== Row: recruit:pending:repulse +<== Row: recruit:pending:refuse +<== Row: recruit:approved:query +<== Row: recruit:apply:reapply +<== Row: recruit:interview:edit +<== Total: 37 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@45400a8d] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@71f29b17] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.menu_id, m.parent_id, m.menu_name, m.path, m.component, m.`query`, m.visible, m.status, ifnull(m.perms,'') as perms, m.is_frame, m.is_cache, m.menu_type, m.icon, m.order_num, m.create_time from sys_menu m left join sys_role_menu rm on m.menu_id = rm.menu_id left join sys_user_role ur on rm.role_id = ur.role_id left join sys_role ro on ur.role_id = ro.role_id left join sys_user u on ur.user_id = u.user_id where u.user_id = ? and m.menu_type in ('M', 'C') and m.status = 0 AND ro.status = 0 order by m.parent_id, m.order_num +==> Parameters: 103(Long) +<== Columns: menu_id, parent_id, menu_name, path, component, query, visible, status, perms, is_frame, is_cache, menu_type, icon, order_num, create_time +<== Row: 2000, 0, 招聘管理, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, peoples, 0, 2024-05-10 17:13:45 +<== Row: 2001, 2000, 岗位组织架构, structure, recruit/structure/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:structure:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 1, 2024-05-10 17:19:23 +<== Row: 2002, 2000, 我的招聘, post, , null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 2, 2024-05-10 17:21:22 +<== Row: 2055, 2002, 在招岗位, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, form, 1, 2024-06-05 14:03:44 +<== Row: 2031, 2002, 简历处理, resume, recruit/resume/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:resume:list, 1, 0, C, education, 2, 2024-05-22 11:38:18 +<== Row: 2003, 2002, 任务跟踪, trace, recruit/follow/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:follow:list, 1, 0, C, eye-open, 3, 2024-05-10 17:25:37 +<== Row: 2004, 2002, 面试管理, interview, recruit/interview/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:interview:list, 1, 0, C, documentation, 4, 2024-05-10 17:26:59 +<== Row: 2043, 2055, 审批, process, recruit/process/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:process:list, 1, 0, C, clipboard, 1, 2024-05-29 11:23:23 +<== Row: 2010, 2055, 岗位公海, postsea, recruit/postsea/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:postsea:list, 1, 0, C, list, 2, 2024-05-13 15:29:24 +<== Row: 2030, 2055, 我的待招, mypost, recruit/mypost/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:mypost:list, 1, 0, C, post, 3, 2024-05-22 11:24:34 +<== Total: 10 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@71f29b17] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6220f85c] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select id ,receive_date,recruitment_channel, resume_source,name,phone, post_id,post_name,suit_jd, hr_id,hr_name,interview_date, is_pass,invitation_date,rejected_reason, first_date,first_reach,first_test, first_interviewer_ids,first_pass,second_date, second_reach,second_interviewer_ids,second_pass, final_date,final_reach,final_interviewer_ids, final_pass,accept_offer,join_date,create_date,update_date,actual_join_date, fail_reason,special_reason,file from resume_follow_record where create_date >= ? and create_date <= ? +==> Parameters: 2024-06-01(LocalDate), 2024-06-30(LocalDate) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6220f85c] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@33961244] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT p1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p1.post_id ORDER BY FIELD(p1.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), p1.update_date DESC ) as row_num FROM post_plan_follow p1 JOIN ( SELECT post_id, MAX(update_date) AS max_update_date FROM post_plan_follow GROUP BY post_id ) p2 ON p1.post_id = p2.post_id AND p1.update_date = p2.max_update_date ) subquery WHERE subquery.row_num = 1 ORDER BY FIELD(subquery.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), subquery.update_date DESC LIMIT 7 +==> Parameters: +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@33961244] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@40685d69] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select distinct task_id from recruit_process_task_node where operator_id=? and status='process') +==> Parameters: 103(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@40685d69] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@37d84d73] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN ( SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) as max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id ) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 103(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@37d84d73] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6d7280b9] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where dept_id=? and user_id=? and del_flag=0 +==> Parameters: 104(Long), 103(Long) +<== Columns: task_id, apply_date, post_name, recruit_reason, post_count, salary, arrive_time, images, status, education, experience, edit, structure_post_id +<== Row: 1800371258123522049, 2024-06-11, 业务员, 2, 4, 32342.0, 2024-06-11 00:00:00, <>, repulse, 2, 5, 3, 223 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6d7280b9] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@57c84173] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id,apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,dept_name,dept_id,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select task_id from recruit_post where hr_id =? and status !=3 ) +==> Parameters: 103(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@57c84173] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@26ad976f] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select d.node_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.node_name, d.order_num, d.leader,,, d.status, d.del_flag, d.create_by, d.create_time, d.type, d.post_type, d.task_id from recruit_structure d where d.del_flag = '0' order by d.parent_id, d.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 100, 0, 0, 深圳市零差云控科技有限公司, 0, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 2, null, null +<== Row: 227, 100, 0,100, 总经理, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:45, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 226, 104, 0,100,227,104, 市场总监, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:09:33, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 228, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:11, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 229, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘专员, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:27, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 230, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘高级专员, 3, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:44, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 219, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 海外业务, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:40, 2, null, null +<== Row: 220, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 国内业务, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:56, 2, null, null +<== Row: 221, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 外贸主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:10, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 222, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 技术主管, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:38, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 223, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 业务员, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:24, 1, 1, 1800371258123522049 +<== Row: 224, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 网络运营, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:40, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 213, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 业务组别, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-13 14:36:10, 2, null, null +<== Row: 214, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 支持组别, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-14 14:02:29, 2, null, null +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, null, null +<== Total: 21 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@26ad976f] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3e263ee1] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5a226fcb] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5a226fcb] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6b00e50d] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM recruit_process_task WHERE task_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? AND status = 'process') +==> Parameters: 103(Long) +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3e263ee1] +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM recruit_process_task WHERE dept_id = ? AND user_id = ? AND del_flag = 0 +==> Parameters: 104(Long), 103(Long) +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@eb624f8] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 1 +<== Total: 1 +==> Preparing: select task_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where dept_id=? and user_id=? and del_flag=0 LIMIT ? +==> Parameters: 104(Long), 103(Long), 10(Integer) +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4994796a] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:23:49.619, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:39:35.704}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4994796a] +<== Columns: task_id, apply_date, post_name, recruit_reason, post_count, salary, arrive_time, images, status, education, experience, edit, structure_post_id +<== Row: 1800371258123522049, 2024-06-11, 业务员, 2, 4, 32342.0, 2024-06-11 00:00:00, <>, repulse, 2, 5, 3, 223 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6b00e50d] +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM recruit_process_task WHERE task_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN (SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) AS max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 103(Long) +<== Columns: count(0) +<== Row: 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@eb624f8] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@569cc69b] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1b0a6de5] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:25:07.987, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:40:59.392}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where parent_id = '227' and status!=1 +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 16:42:28.157, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 16:42:28.16}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select * from recruit_structure where status!=1 and type= 1 and post_type=0 +==> Parameters: +==> Parameters: +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@569cc69b] +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, update_by, update_time, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:51, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:58, null, null +<== Row: 105, 227, 0,100,227, 测试部, 3, 廖蔚, , , 0, 2, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:05, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:19, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:25, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:34, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:39, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:15:44, null, null +<== Total: 8 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1b0a6de5] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6834586a] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 17:40:30.636, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 17:40:30.637}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark from sys_config WHERE config_key = ? +==> Parameters: sys.login.blackIPList(String) +<== Columns: config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark +<== Row: 6, 用户登录-黑名单列表, sys.login.blackIPList, , Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 设置登录IP黑名单限制,多个匹配项以;分隔,支持匹配(*通配、网段) +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@6834586a] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3763c29b] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 17:40:30.636, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 17:40:30.637}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select u.user_id, u.dept_id, u.user_name, u.nick_name,, u.avatar, u.phonenumber, u.password,, u.status, u.del_flag, u.login_ip, u.login_date, u.create_by, u.create_time, u.remark, d.dept_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.dept_name, d.order_num, d.leader, d.status as dept_status, r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.status as role_status from sys_user u left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id left join sys_user_role ur on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_role r on r.role_id = ur.role_id where u.user_name = ? and u.del_flag = '0' +==> Parameters: admin(String) +<== Columns: user_id, dept_id, user_name, nick_name, email, avatar, phonenumber, password, sex, status, del_flag, login_ip, login_date, create_by, create_time, remark, dept_id, parent_id, ancestors, dept_name, order_num, leader, dept_status, role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, role_status +<== Row: 1, 104, admin, root,, /profile/avatar/2024/06/11/公司logo_20240611162451A002.png, 13682553316, $2a$10$7JB720yubVSZvUI0rEqK/.VqGOZTH.ulu33dHOiBE8ByOhJIrdAu2, 0, 0, 0,, 2024-06-11 16:25:07, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 管理员, 104, 100, 0,100, 市场部, 2, 庞总, 0, 1, 超级管理员, admin, 1, 1, 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3763c29b] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4761d639] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 17:40:30.636, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 17:40:30.637}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: update sys_user SET login_ip = ?, login_date = ?, update_time = sysdate() where user_id = ? +==> Parameters:, 2024-06-11 17:40:30.826(Timestamp), 1(Long) +17:40:30.836 [schedule-pool-10] INFO sys-user - [run,55] - []内网IP[admin][Success][登录成功] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@74d427bd] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 17:40:30.84, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 17:40:30.841}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_logininfor (user_name, status, ipaddr, login_location, browser, os, msg, login_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: admin(String), 0(String),, 内网IP(String), Chrome 12(String), Windows 10(String), 登录成功(String) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@4761d639] +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@74d427bd] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@74dd4090] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 17:40:30.84, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 17:40:30.841}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.menu_id, m.parent_id, m.menu_name, m.path, m.component, m.`query`, m.visible, m.status, ifnull(m.perms,'') as perms, m.is_frame, m.is_cache, m.menu_type, m.icon, m.order_num, m.create_time from sys_menu m where m.menu_type in ('M', 'C') and m.status = 0 order by m.parent_id, m.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: menu_id, parent_id, menu_name, path, component, query, visible, status, perms, is_frame, is_cache, menu_type, icon, order_num, create_time +<== Row: 2000, 0, 招聘管理, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, peoples, 0, 2024-05-10 17:13:45 +<== Row: 1, 0, 系统管理, system, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, system, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 2, 0, 系统监控, monitor, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, monitor, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 3, 0, 系统工具, tool, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, tool, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 100, 1, 用户管理, user, system/user/index, , 0, 0, system:user:list, 1, 0, C, user, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 101, 1, 角色管理, role, system/role/index, , 0, 0, system:role:list, 1, 0, C, peoples, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 102, 1, 菜单管理, menu, system/menu/index, , 0, 0, system:menu:list, 1, 0, C, tree-table, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 103, 1, 部门管理, dept, system/dept/index, , 0, 0, system:dept:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 4, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 104, 1, 岗位管理, post, system/post/index, , 0, 0, system:post:list, 1, 0, C, post, 5, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 105, 1, 字典管理, dict, system/dict/index, , 0, 0, system:dict:list, 1, 0, C, dict, 6, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 106, 1, 参数设置, config, system/config/index, , 0, 0, system:config:list, 1, 0, C, edit, 7, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 107, 1, 通知公告, notice, system/notice/index, , 0, 0, system:notice:list, 1, 0, C, message, 8, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 108, 1, 日志管理, log, , , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 9, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 109, 2, 在线用户, online, monitor/online/index, , 0, 0, monitor:online:list, 1, 0, C, online, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 110, 2, 定时任务, job, monitor/job/index, , 0, 0, monitor:job:list, 1, 0, C, job, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 111, 2, 数据监控, druid, monitor/druid/index, , 0, 0, monitor:druid:list, 1, 0, C, druid, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 112, 2, 服务监控, server, monitor/server/index, , 0, 0, monitor:server:list, 1, 0, C, server, 4, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 113, 2, 缓存监控, cache, monitor/cache/index, , 0, 0, monitor:cache:list, 1, 0, C, redis, 5, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 114, 2, 缓存列表, cacheList, monitor/cache/list, , 0, 0, monitor:cache:list, 1, 0, C, redis-list, 6, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 115, 3, 表单构建, build, tool/build/index, , 0, 0, tool:build:list, 1, 0, C, build, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 116, 3, 代码生成, gen, tool/gen/index, , 0, 0, tool:gen:list, 1, 0, C, code, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 117, 3, 系统接口, swagger, tool/swagger/index, , 0, 0, tool:swagger:list, 1, 0, C, swagger, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 500, 108, 操作日志, operlog, monitor/operlog/index, , 0, 0, monitor:operlog:list, 1, 0, C, form, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 501, 108, 登录日志, logininfor, monitor/logininfor/index, , 0, 0, monitor:logininfor:list, 1, 0, C, logininfor, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 2001, 2000, 岗位组织架构, structure, recruit/structure/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:structure:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 1, 2024-05-10 17:19:23 +<== Row: 2002, 2000, 我的招聘, post, , null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 2, 2024-05-10 17:21:22 +<== Row: 2055, 2002, 在招岗位, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, form, 1, 2024-06-05 14:03:44 +<== Row: 2031, 2002, 简历处理, resume, recruit/resume/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:resume:list, 1, 0, C, education, 2, 2024-05-22 11:38:18 +<== Row: 2003, 2002, 任务跟踪, trace, recruit/follow/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:follow:list, 1, 0, C, eye-open, 3, 2024-05-10 17:25:37 +<== Row: 2004, 2002, 面试管理, interview, recruit/interview/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:interview:list, 1, 0, C, documentation, 4, 2024-05-10 17:26:59 +<== Row: 2015, 2011, 我的申请, apply, recruit/apply/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:apply:list, 1, 0, C, guide, 1, 2024-05-18 09:00:26 +<== Row: 2019, 2011, 待我审批, pending, recruit/pending/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:pending:list, 1, 0, C, checkbox, 2, 2024-05-18 09:06:24 +<== Row: 2020, 2011, 我已审批, approved, recruit/approved/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:approved:list, 1, 0, C, drag, 3, 2024-05-18 09:07:58 +<== Row: 2043, 2055, 审批, process, recruit/process/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:process:list, 1, 0, C, clipboard, 1, 2024-05-29 11:23:23 +<== Row: 2010, 2055, 岗位公海, postsea, recruit/postsea/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:postsea:list, 1, 0, C, list, 2, 2024-05-13 15:29:24 +<== Row: 2030, 2055, 我的待招, mypost, recruit/mypost/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:mypost:list, 1, 0, C, post, 3, 2024-05-22 11:24:34 +<== Total: 36 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@74dd4090] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3f0bfb76] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 17:40:30.84, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 17:40:30.841}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select id ,receive_date,recruitment_channel, resume_source,name,phone, post_id,post_name,suit_jd, hr_id,hr_name,interview_date, is_pass,invitation_date,rejected_reason, first_date,first_reach,first_test, first_interviewer_ids,first_pass,second_date, second_reach,second_interviewer_ids,second_pass, final_date,final_reach,final_interviewer_ids, final_pass,accept_offer,join_date,create_date,update_date,actual_join_date, fail_reason,special_reason,file from resume_follow_record where create_date >= ? and create_date <= ? +==> Parameters: 2024-06-01(LocalDate), 2024-06-30(LocalDate) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3f0bfb76] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2b7e0965] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 17:40:30.84, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 17:40:30.841}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT p1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p1.post_id ORDER BY FIELD(p1.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), p1.update_date DESC ) as row_num FROM post_plan_follow p1 JOIN ( SELECT post_id, MAX(update_date) AS max_update_date FROM post_plan_follow GROUP BY post_id ) p2 ON p1.post_id = p2.post_id AND p1.update_date = p2.max_update_date ) subquery WHERE subquery.row_num = 1 ORDER BY FIELD(subquery.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), subquery.update_date DESC LIMIT 7 +==> Parameters: +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2b7e0965] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5c5e37c] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 17:40:30.84, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 17:40:30.841}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select distinct task_id from recruit_process_task_node where operator_id=? and status='process') +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5c5e37c] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5cbac03b] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 17:40:30.84, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 17:40:30.841}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN ( SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) as max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id ) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5cbac03b] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@38d25af4] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 17:40:30.84, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 17:40:30.841}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where dept_id=? and user_id=? and del_flag=0 +==> Parameters: 104(Long), 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@38d25af4] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@13b2e104] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 17:40:30.84, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 17:40:30.841}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id,apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,dept_name,dept_id,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select task_id from recruit_post where hr_id =? and status !=3 ) +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@13b2e104] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1018fdb4] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 20:31:51.377, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 20:31:51.378}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark from sys_config WHERE config_key = ? +==> Parameters: sys.login.blackIPList(String) +<== Columns: config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark +<== Row: 6, 用户登录-黑名单列表, sys.login.blackIPList, , Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 设置登录IP黑名单限制,多个匹配项以;分隔,支持匹配(*通配、网段) +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@1018fdb4] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@668d2ba0] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 20:31:51.377, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 20:31:51.378}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select u.user_id, u.dept_id, u.user_name, u.nick_name,, u.avatar, u.phonenumber, u.password,, u.status, u.del_flag, u.login_ip, u.login_date, u.create_by, u.create_time, u.remark, d.dept_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.dept_name, d.order_num, d.leader, d.status as dept_status, r.role_id, r.role_name, r.role_key, r.role_sort, r.data_scope, r.status as role_status from sys_user u left join sys_dept d on u.dept_id = d.dept_id left join sys_user_role ur on u.user_id = ur.user_id left join sys_role r on r.role_id = ur.role_id where u.user_name = ? and u.del_flag = '0' +==> Parameters: admin(String) +<== Columns: user_id, dept_id, user_name, nick_name, email, avatar, phonenumber, password, sex, status, del_flag, login_ip, login_date, create_by, create_time, remark, dept_id, parent_id, ancestors, dept_name, order_num, leader, dept_status, role_id, role_name, role_key, role_sort, data_scope, role_status +<== Row: 1, 104, admin, root,, /profile/avatar/2024/06/11/公司logo_20240611162451A002.png, 13682553316, $2a$10$7JB720yubVSZvUI0rEqK/.VqGOZTH.ulu33dHOiBE8ByOhJIrdAu2, 0, 0, 0,, 2024-06-11 17:40:30, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 管理员, 104, 100, 0,100, 市场部, 2, 庞总, 0, 1, 超级管理员, admin, 1, 1, 0 +<== Total: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@668d2ba0] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@317a32ad] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 20:31:51.377, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 20:31:51.378}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: update sys_user SET login_ip = ?, login_date = ?, update_time = sysdate() where user_id = ? +==> Parameters:, 2024-06-11 20:31:51.567(Timestamp), 1(Long) +20:31:51.578 [schedule-pool-3] INFO sys-user - [run,55] - []内网IP[admin][Success][登录成功] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2bb60b88] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@317a32ad] +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 20:31:51.377, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 20:31:51.378}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: insert into sys_logininfor (user_name, status, ipaddr, login_location, browser, os, msg, login_time) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, sysdate()) +==> Parameters: admin(String), 0(String),, 内网IP(String), Chrome 12(String), Windows 10(String), 登录成功(String) +<== Updates: 1 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2bb60b88] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@626d7f71] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 20:31:51.377, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 20:31:51.378}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select distinct m.menu_id, m.parent_id, m.menu_name, m.path, m.component, m.`query`, m.visible, m.status, ifnull(m.perms,'') as perms, m.is_frame, m.is_cache, m.menu_type, m.icon, m.order_num, m.create_time from sys_menu m where m.menu_type in ('M', 'C') and m.status = 0 order by m.parent_id, m.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: menu_id, parent_id, menu_name, path, component, query, visible, status, perms, is_frame, is_cache, menu_type, icon, order_num, create_time +<== Row: 2000, 0, 招聘管理, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, peoples, 0, 2024-05-10 17:13:45 +<== Row: 1, 0, 系统管理, system, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, system, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 2, 0, 系统监控, monitor, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, monitor, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 3, 0, 系统工具, tool, null, , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, tool, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 100, 1, 用户管理, user, system/user/index, , 0, 0, system:user:list, 1, 0, C, user, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 101, 1, 角色管理, role, system/role/index, , 0, 0, system:role:list, 1, 0, C, peoples, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 102, 1, 菜单管理, menu, system/menu/index, , 0, 0, system:menu:list, 1, 0, C, tree-table, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 103, 1, 部门管理, dept, system/dept/index, , 0, 0, system:dept:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 4, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 104, 1, 岗位管理, post, system/post/index, , 0, 0, system:post:list, 1, 0, C, post, 5, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 105, 1, 字典管理, dict, system/dict/index, , 0, 0, system:dict:list, 1, 0, C, dict, 6, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 106, 1, 参数设置, config, system/config/index, , 0, 0, system:config:list, 1, 0, C, edit, 7, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 107, 1, 通知公告, notice, system/notice/index, , 0, 0, system:notice:list, 1, 0, C, message, 8, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 108, 1, 日志管理, log, , , 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 9, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 109, 2, 在线用户, online, monitor/online/index, , 0, 0, monitor:online:list, 1, 0, C, online, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 110, 2, 定时任务, job, monitor/job/index, , 0, 0, monitor:job:list, 1, 0, C, job, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 111, 2, 数据监控, druid, monitor/druid/index, , 0, 0, monitor:druid:list, 1, 0, C, druid, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 112, 2, 服务监控, server, monitor/server/index, , 0, 0, monitor:server:list, 1, 0, C, server, 4, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 113, 2, 缓存监控, cache, monitor/cache/index, , 0, 0, monitor:cache:list, 1, 0, C, redis, 5, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 114, 2, 缓存列表, cacheList, monitor/cache/list, , 0, 0, monitor:cache:list, 1, 0, C, redis-list, 6, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 115, 3, 表单构建, build, tool/build/index, , 0, 0, tool:build:list, 1, 0, C, build, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 116, 3, 代码生成, gen, tool/gen/index, , 0, 0, tool:gen:list, 1, 0, C, code, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 117, 3, 系统接口, swagger, tool/swagger/index, , 0, 0, tool:swagger:list, 1, 0, C, swagger, 3, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 500, 108, 操作日志, operlog, monitor/operlog/index, , 0, 0, monitor:operlog:list, 1, 0, C, form, 1, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 501, 108, 登录日志, logininfor, monitor/logininfor/index, , 0, 0, monitor:logininfor:list, 1, 0, C, logininfor, 2, 2024-05-09 11:03:14 +<== Row: 2001, 2000, 岗位组织架构, structure, recruit/structure/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:structure:list, 1, 0, C, tree, 1, 2024-05-10 17:19:23 +<== Row: 2002, 2000, 我的招聘, post, , null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, log, 2, 2024-05-10 17:21:22 +<== Row: 2055, 2002, 在招岗位, recruit, null, null, 0, 0, , 1, 0, M, form, 1, 2024-06-05 14:03:44 +<== Row: 2031, 2002, 简历处理, resume, recruit/resume/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:resume:list, 1, 0, C, education, 2, 2024-05-22 11:38:18 +<== Row: 2003, 2002, 任务跟踪, trace, recruit/follow/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:follow:list, 1, 0, C, eye-open, 3, 2024-05-10 17:25:37 +<== Row: 2004, 2002, 面试管理, interview, recruit/interview/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:interview:list, 1, 0, C, documentation, 4, 2024-05-10 17:26:59 +<== Row: 2015, 2011, 我的申请, apply, recruit/apply/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:apply:list, 1, 0, C, guide, 1, 2024-05-18 09:00:26 +<== Row: 2019, 2011, 待我审批, pending, recruit/pending/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:pending:list, 1, 0, C, checkbox, 2, 2024-05-18 09:06:24 +<== Row: 2020, 2011, 我已审批, approved, recruit/approved/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:approved:list, 1, 0, C, drag, 3, 2024-05-18 09:07:58 +<== Row: 2043, 2055, 审批, process, recruit/process/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:process:list, 1, 0, C, clipboard, 1, 2024-05-29 11:23:23 +<== Row: 2010, 2055, 岗位公海, postsea, recruit/postsea/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:postsea:list, 1, 0, C, list, 2, 2024-05-13 15:29:24 +<== Row: 2030, 2055, 我的待招, mypost, recruit/mypost/index, null, 0, 0, recruit:mypost:list, 1, 0, C, post, 3, 2024-05-22 11:24:34 +<== Total: 36 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@626d7f71] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@21937bf8] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 20:31:51.377, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 20:31:51.378}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select id ,receive_date,recruitment_channel, resume_source,name,phone, post_id,post_name,suit_jd, hr_id,hr_name,interview_date, is_pass,invitation_date,rejected_reason, first_date,first_reach,first_test, first_interviewer_ids,first_pass,second_date, second_reach,second_interviewer_ids,second_pass, final_date,final_reach,final_interviewer_ids, final_pass,accept_offer,join_date,create_date,update_date,actual_join_date, fail_reason,special_reason,file from resume_follow_record where create_date >= ? and create_date <= ? +==> Parameters: 2024-06-01(LocalDate), 2024-06-30(LocalDate) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@21937bf8] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@22e4b2b3] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 20:31:51.377, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 20:31:51.378}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT p1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p1.post_id ORDER BY FIELD(p1.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), p1.update_date DESC ) as row_num FROM post_plan_follow p1 JOIN ( SELECT post_id, MAX(update_date) AS max_update_date FROM post_plan_follow GROUP BY post_id ) p2 ON p1.post_id = p2.post_id AND p1.update_date = p2.max_update_date ) subquery WHERE subquery.row_num = 1 ORDER BY FIELD(subquery.grade, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), subquery.update_date DESC LIMIT 7 +==> Parameters: +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@22e4b2b3] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@400e195f] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 20:31:51.377, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 20:31:51.378}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select distinct task_id from recruit_process_task_node where operator_id=? and status='process') +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@400e195f] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3957c1da] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 20:31:51.377, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 20:31:51.378}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id ,dept_name,dept_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason, post_count,salary,age, arrive_time,sex,education, rank,experience,first_interview, second_interview,final_interview,examination, recruitment_channel,required_keywords,optional_keywords, exclusive_requirement,precedence_requirement,position_statement, post_equirements,check_experience,application_materials, status,user_id,user_name, user_dept_id,del_flag,images,edit,complete_time,hr_id,hr_name,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (SELECT DISTINCT t1.task_id FROM recruit_process_task_node t1 JOIN ( SELECT task_id, MAX(order_num) as max_order_num FROM recruit_process_task_node WHERE operator_id = ? GROUP BY task_id ) t2 ON t1.task_id = t2.task_id AND t1.order_num = t2.max_order_num WHERE t1.status = 'complete') +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@3957c1da] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@346cf8f7] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 20:31:51.377, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 20:31:51.378}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id, apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where dept_id=? and user_id=? and del_flag=0 +==> Parameters: 104(Long), 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@346cf8f7] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@43f935af] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 20:31:51.377, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 20:31:51.378}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select task_id,apply_date,post_name,recruit_reason,post_count,salary,arrive_time,images,status,education,experience,edit,dept_name,dept_id,structure_post_id from recruit_process_task where task_id in (select task_id from recruit_post where hr_id =? and status !=3 ) +==> Parameters: 1(Long) +<== Total: 0 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@43f935af] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7cf91a8c] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 20:31:51.377, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 20:31:51.378}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select d.node_id, d.parent_id, d.ancestors, d.node_name, d.order_num, d.leader,,, d.status, d.del_flag, d.create_by, d.create_time, d.type, d.post_type, d.task_id from recruit_structure d where d.del_flag = '0' order by d.parent_id, d.order_num +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: node_id, parent_id, ancestors, node_name, order_num, leader, phone, email, status, del_flag, create_by, create_time, type, post_type, task_id +<== Row: 100, 0, 0, 深圳市零差云控科技有限公司, 0, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 2, null, null +<== Row: 227, 100, 0,100, 总经理, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:14:45, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 226, 104, 0,100,227,104, 市场总监, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:09:33, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 228, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:11, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 229, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘专员, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:27, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 230, 204, 0,100,227,204, 招聘高级专员, 3, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 15:19:44, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 219, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 海外业务, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:40, 2, null, null +<== Row: 220, 213, 0,100,227,104,226,213, 国内业务, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:56:56, 2, null, null +<== Row: 221, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 外贸主管, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:10, 1, 2, null +<== Row: 222, 219, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219, 技术主管, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 14:58:38, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 223, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 业务员, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:24, 1, 0, 1800371258123522049 +<== Row: 224, 221, 0,100,227,104,226,213,219,221, 网络运营, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:24:40, 1, 3, null +<== Row: 213, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 业务组别, 1, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-13 14:36:10, 2, null, null +<== Row: 214, 226, 0,100,227,104,226, 支持组别, 2, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-14 14:02:29, 2, null, null +<== Row: 103, 227, 0,100,227, 研发部, 1, 贾总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 104, 227, 0,100,227, 市场部, 2, 庞总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 106, 227, 0,100,227, 财务部, 4, 钱瑜, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 107, 227, 0,100,227, 制造部, 5, 崔总, , , 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 0, null, null +<== Row: 204, 227, 0,100,227, 行政人事部, 7, 庞总, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:33, 0, null, null +<== Row: 205, 227, 0,100,227, 销售部, 8, 朱亮, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-05-10 13:57:55, 0, null, null +<== Row: 225, 227, 0,100,227, 总经办, 9, null, null, null, 0, 0, admin, 2024-06-07 09:01:29, 0, null, null +<== Total: 21 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@7cf91a8c] +Application Version: 1.0.0 +Spring Boot Version: 2.5.15 +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// _ooOoo_ // +// o8888888o // +// 88" . "88 // +// (| ^_^ |) // +// O\ = /O // +// ____/`---'\____ // +// .' \\| |// `. // +// / \\||| : |||// \ // +// / _||||| -:- |||||- \ // +// | | \\\ - /// | | // +// | \_| ''\---/'' | | // +// \ .-\__ `-` ___/-. / // +// ___`. .' /--.--\ `. . ___ // +// ."" '< `.___\_<|>_/___.' >'"". // +// | | : `- \`.;`\ _ /`;.`/ - ` : | | // +// \ \ `-. \_ __\ /__ _/ .-` / / // +// ========`-.____`-.___\_____/___.-`____.-'======== // +// `=---=' // +// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // +// 佛祖保佑 永不宕机 永无BUG // +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +20:42:43.459 [background-preinit] INFO o.h.v.i.util.Version - [,21] - HV000001: Hibernate Validator 6.2.5.Final +20:42:43.473 [main] INFO c.z.RuoYiApplication - [logStarting,55] - Starting RuoYiApplication using Java 1.8.0_412 on centos with PID 20816 (/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar started by root in /home/java) +20:42:43.474 [main] DEBUG c.z.RuoYiApplication - [logStarting,56] - Running with Spring Boot v2.5.15, Spring v5.3.33 +20:42:43.474 [main] INFO c.z.RuoYiApplication - [logStartupProfileInfo,686] - The following 1 profile is active: "druid" +20:42:47.560 [main] INFO o.a.c.h.Http11NioProtocol - [log,173] - Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"] +20:42:47.561 [main] INFO o.a.c.c.StandardService - [log,173] - Starting service [Tomcat] +20:42:47.562 [main] INFO o.a.c.c.StandardEngine - [log,173] - Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/9.0.75] +20:42:47.648 [main] INFO o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/] - [log,173] - Initializing Spring embedded WebApplicationContext +20:42:48.478 [main] DEBUG c.z.f.s.f.JwtAuthenticationTokenFilter - [init,242] - Filter 'jwtAuthenticationTokenFilter' configured for use +Logging initialized using 'class org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl' adapter. +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/RecruitStructureMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysConfigMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysDeptMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysDictDataMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysDictTypeMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysLogininforMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysMenuMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysNoticeMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysOperLogMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysPostMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysRoleDeptMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysRoleMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysRoleMenuMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysUserMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysUserPostMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-system-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/system/SysUserRoleMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-quartz-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/quartz/SysJobLogMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-quartz-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/quartz/SysJobMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-generator-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/generator/GenTableColumnMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-generator-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/generator/GenTableMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-recruit-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/PostPlanFollowMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-recruit-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/RecruitPostMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-recruit-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/RecruitProcessTaskMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-recruit-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/RecruitProcessTaskNodeMapper.xml]' +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-recruit-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/ResumeFollowRecordMapper.xml]' +This "id" is the table primary key by default name for `id` in Class: "cn.zeroerr.domain.entity.ResumeHandleRecord",So @TableField will not work! +Parsed mapper file: 'URL [jar:file:/home/java/zeroerr_oa-admin.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/zeroerr_oa-recruit-3.8.7.jar!/mapper/ResumeHandleRecordMapper.xml]' + _ _ |_ _ _|_. ___ _ | _ +| | |\/|_)(_| | |_\ |_)||_|_\ + / | + 3.4.0 +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@460ebd80] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +20:42:50.952 [main] INFO c.a.d.p.DruidDataSource - [init,1009] - {dataSource-1} inited +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 20:42:50.948, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 20:42:50.948}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark from sys_config +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: config_id, config_name, config_key, config_value, config_type, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark +<== Row: 1, 主框架页-默认皮肤样式名称, sys.index.skinName, skin-blue, Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 蓝色 skin-blue、绿色 skin-green、紫色 skin-purple、红色 skin-red、黄色 skin-yellow +<== Row: 2, 用户管理-账号初始密码, sys.user.initPassword, 123456, Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 初始化密码 123456 +<== Row: 3, 主框架页-侧边栏主题, sys.index.sideTheme, theme-dark, Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 深色主题theme-dark,浅色主题theme-light +<== Row: 4, 账号自助-验证码开关, sys.account.captchaEnabled, false, Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, admin, 2024-05-24 15:25:01, 是否开启验证码功能(true开启,false关闭) +<== Row: 5, 账号自助-是否开启用户注册功能, sys.account.registerUser, false, Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 是否开启注册用户功能(true开启,false关闭) +<== Row: 6, 用户登录-黑名单列表, sys.login.blackIPList, , Y, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, , null, 设置登录IP黑名单限制,多个匹配项以;分隔,支持匹配(*通配、网段) +<== Total: 6 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@460ebd80] +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5f574cc2] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 20:42:50.948, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 20:42:50.948}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select dict_code, dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_type, css_class, list_class, is_default, status, create_by, create_time, remark from sys_dict_data WHERE status = ? order by dict_sort asc +==> Parameters: 0(String) +<== Columns: dict_code, dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_type, css_class, list_class, is_default, status, create_by, create_time, remark +<== Row: 1, 1, 男, 0, sys_user_sex, , , Y, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 性别男 +<== Row: 4, 1, 显示, 0, sys_show_hide, , primary, Y, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 显示菜单 +<== Row: 6, 1, 正常, 0, sys_normal_disable, , primary, Y, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 正常状态 +<== Row: 8, 1, 正常, 0, sys_job_status, , primary, Y, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 正常状态 +<== Row: 10, 1, 默认, DEFAULT, sys_job_group, , , Y, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 默认分组 +<== Row: 12, 1, 是, Y, sys_yes_no, , primary, Y, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 系统默认是 +<== Row: 14, 1, 通知, 1, sys_notice_type, , warning, Y, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 通知 +<== Row: 16, 1, 正常, 0, sys_notice_status, , primary, Y, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 正常状态 +<== Row: 19, 1, 新增, 1, sys_oper_type, , info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 新增操作 +<== Row: 28, 1, 成功, 0, sys_common_status, , primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 正常状态 +<== Row: 100, 1, 部门, 0, recruit_structure_type, null, default, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-11 19:39:02, 新增的节点属于部门 +<== Row: 103, 1, 审批中, process, recruit_process_status, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 10:48:15, 招聘申请审批中 +<== Row: 107, 1, 猎头, 1, recruit_process_channel, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:42:54, null +<== Row: 114, 1, 扩大编制, 1, recruit_process_reason, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:54:00, null +<== Row: 118, 1, 无需, 1, recruit_process_experience, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 08:48:30, null +<== Row: 124, 1, 男, 1, recruit_process_sex, null, info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:35:35, null +<== Row: 126, 1, 专科, 1, recruit_process_education, null, info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:46:06, null +<== Row: 129, 1, 个人简历, 1, recruit_process_materials, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:50:21, null +<== Row: 134, 1, 未修改, 1, recruit_process_edit, null, info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-18 17:19:37, null +<== Row: 137, 1, 同意, approved, recruit_process_node_status, null, success, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-20 14:33:30, null +<== Row: 141, 1, 正在招聘, 0, recruit_post_status, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-23 10:42:54, null +<== Row: 144, 1, 自投, 1, recruit_interview_source, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-23 15:59:03, null +<== Row: 146, 1, A, 1, recruit_post_grade, null, danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-27 17:01:30, null +<== Row: 150, 1, Y, 1, recruit_interview_pass, null, success, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-31 15:27:13, null +<== Row: 152, 1, Y, 1, recruit_interview_phoneresult, null, success, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-31 16:49:14, null +<== Row: 158, 1, 未申请, 0, recruit_structure_posttype, null, default, N, 0, admin, 2024-06-05 15:52:50, null +<== Row: 2, 2, 女, 1, sys_user_sex, , , N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 性别女 +<== Row: 5, 2, 隐藏, 1, sys_show_hide, , danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 隐藏菜单 +<== Row: 7, 2, 停用, 1, sys_normal_disable, , danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 停用状态 +<== Row: 9, 2, 暂停, 1, sys_job_status, , danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 停用状态 +<== Row: 11, 2, 系统, SYSTEM, sys_job_group, , , N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 系统分组 +<== Row: 13, 2, 否, N, sys_yes_no, , danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 系统默认否 +<== Row: 15, 2, 公告, 2, sys_notice_type, , success, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 公告 +<== Row: 17, 2, 关闭, 1, sys_notice_status, , danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 关闭状态 +<== Row: 20, 2, 修改, 2, sys_oper_type, , info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 修改操作 +<== Row: 29, 2, 失败, 1, sys_common_status, , danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 停用状态 +<== Row: 101, 2, 岗位, 1, recruit_structure_type, null, default, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-11 19:39:28, 新增的节点属于岗位 +<== Row: 104, 2, 撤销, cancel, recruit_process_status, null, warning, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 10:48:37, 招聘申请被撤销 +<== Row: 108, 2, BOSS直聘, 2, recruit_process_channel, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:43:14, null +<== Row: 115, 2, 储备人力, 2, recruit_process_reason, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:54:11, null +<== Row: 119, 2, 1年以上, 2, recruit_process_experience, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 08:48:39, null +<== Row: 125, 2, 女, 0, recruit_process_sex, null, info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:35:46, null +<== Row: 127, 2, 本科, 2, recruit_process_education, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:46:29, null +<== Row: 130, 2, 身份证明, 2, recruit_process_materials, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:50:34, null +<== Row: 135, 2, 已修改, 2, recruit_process_edit, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-18 17:20:20, null +<== Row: 138, 2, 驳回, refuse, recruit_process_node_status, null, warning, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-20 14:33:57, null +<== Row: 142, 2, 已招聘, 1, recruit_post_status, null, success, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-23 10:43:24, null +<== Row: 145, 2, 下载, 2, recruit_interview_source, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-23 15:59:13, null +<== Row: 147, 2, B, 2, recruit_post_grade, null, warning, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-27 17:02:10, null +<== Row: 151, 2, N, 0, recruit_interview_pass, null, danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-31 15:27:28, null +<== Row: 153, 2, N, 2, recruit_interview_phoneresult, null, danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-31 16:49:33, null +<== Row: 159, 2, 申请中, 1, recruit_structure_posttype, null, default, N, 0, admin, 2024-06-05 15:53:35, null +<== Row: 3, 3, 未知, 2, sys_user_sex, , , N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 性别未知 +<== Row: 21, 3, 删除, 3, sys_oper_type, , danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 删除操作 +<== Row: 102, 3, 其他, 2, recruit_structure_type, null, default, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-11 19:40:59, 各部门自己划分节点 +<== Row: 105, 3, 拒绝, refuse, recruit_process_status, null, danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 10:49:11, 招聘申请被拒绝 +<== Row: 109, 3, 猎聘, 3, recruit_process_channel, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:43:27, null +<== Row: 116, 3, 离职补充, 3, recruit_process_reason, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:54:20, null +<== Row: 123, 3, 2年以上, 3, recruit_process_experience, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 08:49:49, null +<== Row: 128, 3, 研究生, 3, recruit_process_education, null, warning, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:46:52, null +<== Row: 131, 3, 学历证明, 3, recruit_process_materials, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:50:43, null +<== Row: 136, 3, 正在修改, 3, recruit_process_edit, null, success, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-18 17:20:32, null +<== Row: 139, 3, 打回, repulse, recruit_process_node_status, null, info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-20 14:34:19, null +<== Row: 143, 3, 取消招聘, 2, recruit_post_status, null, warning, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-23 10:43:43, null +<== Row: 148, 3, C, 3, recruit_post_grade, null, success, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-27 17:02:24, null +<== Row: 154, 3, 候选人N, 3, recruit_interview_phoneresult, null, warning, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-31 16:49:51, null +<== Row: 157, 3, -, 2, recruit_interview_pass, null, info, N, 0, admin, 2024-06-04 15:52:40, null +<== Row: 160, 3, 已招聘, 2, recruit_structure_posttype, null, default, N, 0, admin, 2024-06-05 15:53:49, null +<== Row: 22, 4, 授权, 4, sys_oper_type, , primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 授权操作 +<== Row: 106, 4, 同意, approved, recruit_process_status, null, success, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 10:49:49, 招聘申请已通过 +<== Row: 110, 4, 内部推荐, 4, recruit_process_channel, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:43:44, null +<== Row: 117, 4, 短期需要, 4, recruit_process_reason, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:54:38, null +<== Row: 120, 4, 3-5年, 4, recruit_process_experience, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 08:48:48, null +<== Row: 132, 4, 技术职称证明, 4, recruit_process_materials, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:50:57, null +<== Row: 149, 4, D, 4, recruit_post_grade, null, info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-27 17:02:37, null +<== Row: 155, 4, 直接邀约, 4, recruit_interview_phoneresult, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-31 16:50:17, null +<== Row: 161, 4, 招聘中, 3, recruit_structure_posttype, null, default, N, 0, admin, 2024-06-05 16:32:39, null +<== Row: 23, 5, 导出, 5, sys_oper_type, , warning, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 导出操作 +<== Row: 111, 5, 官网, 5, recruit_process_channel, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:43:56, null +<== Row: 121, 5, 5年以上, 5, recruit_process_experience, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 08:49:05, null +<== Row: 133, 5, 其他, 5, recruit_process_materials, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 11:51:07, null +<== Row: 140, 5, 打回, repulse, recruit_process_status, null, info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-20 14:41:41, 招聘申请已打回 +<== Row: 156, 5, 未接通, 5, recruit_interview_phoneresult, null, info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-31 16:50:29, null +<== Row: 24, 6, 导入, 6, sys_oper_type, , warning, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 导入操作 +<== Row: 112, 6, 公众号, 6, recruit_process_channel, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:44:08, null +<== Row: 122, 6, 10年以上, 6, recruit_process_experience, el-tag--mini el-tag--plain, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-17 08:49:26, null +<== Row: 25, 7, 强退, 7, sys_oper_type, , danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 强退操作 +<== Row: 113, 7, 校招, 7, recruit_process_channel, null, primary, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-16 17:44:19, null +<== Row: 26, 8, 生成代码, 8, sys_oper_type, , warning, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 生成操作 +<== Row: 27, 9, 清空数据, 9, sys_oper_type, , danger, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 清空操作 +<== Row: 18, 99, 其他, 0, sys_oper_type, , info, N, 0, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, 其他操作 +<== Total: 91 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@5f574cc2] +20:42:52.899 [main] INFO o.q.i.StdSchedulerFactory - [instantiate,1220] - Using default implementation for ThreadExecutor +20:42:52.927 [main] INFO o.q.c.SchedulerSignalerImpl - [,61] - Initialized Scheduler Signaller of type: class org.quartz.core.SchedulerSignalerImpl +20:42:52.928 [main] INFO o.q.c.QuartzScheduler - [,229] - Quartz Scheduler v.2.3.2 created. +20:42:52.929 [main] INFO o.q.s.RAMJobStore - [initialize,155] - RAMJobStore initialized. +20:42:52.930 [main] INFO o.q.c.QuartzScheduler - [initialize,294] - Scheduler meta-data: Quartz Scheduler (v2.3.2) 'quartzScheduler' with instanceId 'NON_CLUSTERED' + Scheduler class: 'org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler' - running locally. + NOT STARTED. + Currently in standby mode. + Number of jobs executed: 0 + Using thread pool 'org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool' - with 10 threads. + Using job-store 'org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore' - which does not support persistence. and is not clustered. + +20:42:52.930 [main] INFO o.q.i.StdSchedulerFactory - [instantiate,1374] - Quartz scheduler 'quartzScheduler' initialized from an externally provided properties instance. +20:42:52.930 [main] INFO o.q.i.StdSchedulerFactory - [instantiate,1378] - Quartz scheduler version: 2.3.2 +20:42:52.931 [main] INFO o.q.c.QuartzScheduler - [setJobFactory,2293] - JobFactory set to: org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SpringBeanJobFactory@45673f68 +Creating a new SqlSession +SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2f6bcf87] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active +JDBC Connection [ConnectionProxyImpl{connectedTime=2024-06-11 20:42:50.948, closeCount=0, lastValidateTimeMillis=2024-06-11 20:42:50.948}] will not be managed by Spring +==> Preparing: select job_id, job_name, job_group, invoke_target, cron_expression, misfire_policy, concurrent, status, create_by, create_time, remark from sys_job +==> Parameters: +<== Columns: job_id, job_name, job_group, invoke_target, cron_expression, misfire_policy, concurrent, status, create_by, create_time, remark +<== Row: 1, 系统默认(无参), DEFAULT, ryTask.ryNoParams, 0/10 * * * * ?, 3, 1, 1, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, +<== Row: 2, 系统默认(有参), DEFAULT, ryTask.ryParams('ry'), 0/15 * * * * ?, 3, 1, 1, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, +<== Row: 3, 系统默认(多参), DEFAULT, ryTask.ryMultipleParams('ry', true, 2000L, 316.50D, 100), 0/20 * * * * ?, 3, 1, 1, admin, 2024-05-09 11:03:14, +<== Total: 3 +Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@2f6bcf87] + + +,------. ,--. ,--. ,--. +| .--. ' ,--,--. ,---. ,---. | '--' | ,---. | | ,---. ,---. ,--.--. +| '--' | ' ,-. | | .-. | | .-. : | .--. | | .-. : | | | .-. | | .-. : | .--' +| | --' \ '-' | ' '-' ' \ --. | | | | \ --. | | | '-' ' \ --. | | +`--' `--`--' .`- / `----' `--' `--' `----' `--' | |-' `----' `--' + `---' `--' is intercepting. + +20:42:55.531 [main] INFO o.a.c.h.Http11NioProtocol - [log,173] - Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"] +20:42:56.445 [main] INFO o.q.c.QuartzScheduler - [start,547] - Scheduler quartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started. +20:42:56.467 [main] INFO c.z.RuoYiApplication - [logStarted,61] - Started RuoYiApplication in 13.81 seconds (JVM running for 14.569) +(♥◠‿◠)ノ゙ 若依启动成功 ლ(´ڡ`ლ)゙ + .-------. ____ __ + | _ _ \ \ \ / / + | ( ' ) | \ _. / ' + |(_ o _) / _( )_ .' + | (_,_).' __ ___(_ o _)' + | |\ \ | || |(_,_)' + | | \ `' /| `-' / + | | \ / \ / + ''-' `'-' `-..-' diff --git a/package.json b/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d4f416 --- /dev/null +++ b/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +{ + "name": "zeroerr", + "version": "1.0.0", + "description": "ZeroErrOA系统", + "author": "廖蔚", + "license": "MIT", + "scripts": { + "dev": "vue-cli-service serve", + "build:prod": "vue-cli-service build", + "build:stage": "vue-cli-service build --mode staging", + "preview": "node build/index.js --preview", + "lint": "eslint --ext .js,.vue src" + }, + "husky": { + "hooks": { + "pre-commit": "lint-staged" + } + }, + "lint-staged": { + "src/**/*.{js,vue}": [ + "eslint --fix", + "git add" + ] + }, + "keywords": [ + "vue", + "admin", + "dashboard", + "element-ui", + "boilerplate", + "admin-template", + "management-system" + ], + "repository": { + "type": "git", + "url": "" + }, + "dependencies": { + "@riophae/vue-treeselect": "0.4.0", + "axios": "0.24.0", + "clipboard": "2.0.8", + "core-js": "3.25.3", + "echarts": "^5.5.0", + "element-ui": "2.15.14", + "file-saver": "2.0.5", + "fuse.js": "6.4.3", + "highlight.js": "9.18.5", + "js-beautify": "1.13.0", + "js-cookie": "3.0.1", + "jsencrypt": "3.0.0-rc.1", + "nprogress": "0.2.0", + "quill": "1.3.7", + "screenfull": "5.0.2", + "sortablejs": "1.10.2", + "vue": "2.6.12", + "vue-count-to": "1.0.13", + "vue-cropper": "0.5.5", + "vue-meta": "2.4.0", + "vue-router": "3.4.9", + "vue-tree-color": "^2.3.3", + "vuedraggable": "2.24.3", + "vuex": "3.6.0", + "watermark-dom": "^2.3.0" + }, + "devDependencies": { + "@vue/cli-plugin-babel": "4.4.6", + "@vue/cli-plugin-eslint": "4.4.6", + "@vue/cli-service": "4.4.6", + "babel-eslint": "10.1.0", + "babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node": "2.3.3", + "babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx": "^3.7.0", + "chalk": "4.1.0", + "compression-webpack-plugin": "6.1.2", + "connect": "3.6.6", + "eslint": "7.15.0", + "eslint-plugin-vue": "7.2.0", + "less": "^3.9.0", + "less-loader": "^4.1.0", + "lint-staged": "10.5.3", + "runjs": "4.4.2", + "sass": "1.32.13", + "sass-loader": "10.1.1", + "script-ext-html-webpack-plugin": "2.1.5", + "svg-sprite-loader": "5.1.1", + "vue-template-compiler": "2.6.12" + }, + "engines": { + "node": ">=8.9", + "npm": ">= 3.0.0" + }, + "browserslist": [ + "> 1%", + "last 2 versions" + ] +} diff --git a/public/favicon.ico b/public/favicon.ico new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f5570c Binary files /dev/null and b/public/favicon.ico differ diff --git a/public/html/ie.html b/public/html/ie.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..052ffcd --- /dev/null +++ b/public/html/ie.html @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ + + + + + + 请升级您的浏览器 + + + + + + +



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+ +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/index.html b/public/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..925455c --- /dev/null +++ b/public/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ + + + + + + + + + <%= %> + + + + +
+ + diff --git a/public/robots.txt b/public/robots.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77470cb --- /dev/null +++ b/public/robots.txt @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +User-agent: * +Disallow: / \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/App.vue b/src/App.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfb4298 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/App.vue @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ + + + + diff --git a/src/api/home/echart.js b/src/api/home/echart.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7e8d98 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/home/echart.js @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + + +//获取简历分析数据 + export function getResumeStat(query) { + console.log(query) + return request({ + url: '/home/getResumeStat', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) + } +//获取公告 +export function getAnnouncementList() { + return request({ + url: '/home/getAnnouncement', + method: 'get', + }) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/api/login.js b/src/api/login.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b7388f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/login.js @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +// 登录方法 +export function login(username, password, code, uuid) { + const data = { + username, + password, + code, + uuid + } + return request({ + url: '/login', + headers: { + isToken: false, + repeatSubmit: false + }, + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} + +// 注册方法 +export function register(data) { + return request({ + url: '/register', + headers: { + isToken: false + }, + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} + +// 获取用户详细信息 +export function getInfo() { + return request({ + url: '/getInfo', + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 退出方法 +export function logout() { + return request({ + url: '/logout', + method: 'post' + }) +} + +// 获取验证码 +export function getCodeImg() { + return request({ + url: '/captchaImage', + headers: { + isToken: false + }, + method: 'get', + timeout: 20000 + }) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/api/menu.js b/src/api/menu.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..faef101 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/menu.js @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +// 获取路由 +export const getRouters = () => { + return request({ + url: '/getRouters', + method: 'get' + }) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/api/monitor/cache.js b/src/api/monitor/cache.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72c5f6a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/monitor/cache.js @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +// 查询缓存详细 +export function getCache() { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/cache', + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 查询缓存名称列表 +export function listCacheName() { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/cache/getNames', + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 查询缓存键名列表 +export function listCacheKey(cacheName) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/cache/getKeys/' + cacheName, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 查询缓存内容 +export function getCacheValue(cacheName, cacheKey) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/cache/getValue/' + cacheName + '/' + cacheKey, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 清理指定名称缓存 +export function clearCacheName(cacheName) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/cache/clearCacheName/' + cacheName, + method: 'delete' + }) +} + +// 清理指定键名缓存 +export function clearCacheKey(cacheKey) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/cache/clearCacheKey/' + cacheKey, + method: 'delete' + }) +} + +// 清理全部缓存 +export function clearCacheAll() { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/cache/clearCacheAll', + method: 'delete' + }) +} diff --git a/src/api/monitor/job.js b/src/api/monitor/job.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3815569 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/monitor/job.js @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +// 查询定时任务调度列表 +export function listJob(query) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/job/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +// 查询定时任务调度详细 +export function getJob(jobId) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/job/' + jobId, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 新增定时任务调度 +export function addJob(data) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/job', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} + +// 修改定时任务调度 +export function updateJob(data) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/job', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + +// 删除定时任务调度 +export function delJob(jobId) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/job/' + jobId, + method: 'delete' + }) +} + +// 任务状态修改 +export function changeJobStatus(jobId, status) { + const data = { + jobId, + status + } + return request({ + url: '/monitor/job/changeStatus', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + + +// 定时任务立即执行一次 +export function runJob(jobId, jobGroup) { + const data = { + jobId, + jobGroup + } + return request({ + url: '/monitor/job/run', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/api/monitor/jobLog.js b/src/api/monitor/jobLog.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e0be61 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/monitor/jobLog.js @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +// 查询调度日志列表 +export function listJobLog(query) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/jobLog/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +// 删除调度日志 +export function delJobLog(jobLogId) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/jobLog/' + jobLogId, + method: 'delete' + }) +} + +// 清空调度日志 +export function cleanJobLog() { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/jobLog/clean', + method: 'delete' + }) +} diff --git a/src/api/monitor/logininfor.js b/src/api/monitor/logininfor.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d112b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/monitor/logininfor.js @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +// 查询登录日志列表 +export function list(query) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/logininfor/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +// 删除登录日志 +export function delLogininfor(infoId) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/logininfor/' + infoId, + method: 'delete' + }) +} + +// 解锁用户登录状态 +export function unlockLogininfor(userName) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/logininfor/unlock/' + userName, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 清空登录日志 +export function cleanLogininfor() { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/logininfor/clean', + method: 'delete' + }) +} diff --git a/src/api/monitor/online.js b/src/api/monitor/online.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd22137 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/monitor/online.js @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +// 查询在线用户列表 +export function list(query) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/online/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +// 强退用户 +export function forceLogout(tokenId) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/online/' + tokenId, + method: 'delete' + }) +} diff --git a/src/api/monitor/operlog.js b/src/api/monitor/operlog.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a04bca8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/monitor/operlog.js @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +// 查询操作日志列表 +export function list(query) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/operlog/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +// 删除操作日志 +export function delOperlog(operId) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/operlog/' + operId, + method: 'delete' + }) +} + +// 清空操作日志 +export function cleanOperlog() { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/operlog/clean', + method: 'delete' + }) +} diff --git a/src/api/monitor/server.js b/src/api/monitor/server.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1f9ca2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/monitor/server.js @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +// 获取服务信息 +export function getServer() { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/server', + method: 'get' + }) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/api/recruit/apply.js b/src/api/recruit/apply.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a644df --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/recruit/apply.js @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + + +// 组织架构图片上传 +export function uploadstructureImages(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/structure/images', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} + + // 新增招聘申请审批 +export function addApplyList(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/apply', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} + + // 获取所有二级组织架构 + export function getSecond(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/apply/listDept', + method: 'get', + data: data + }) + } + + + // 获取所有二级组织架构 + export function listStructurePost(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/apply/listStructurePost', + method: 'get', + data: data + }) + } + + + // 查询节点列表 +export function listApply(query) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/apply/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + + +// 查询审批单据详细 +export function getApplyTask(taskId) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/' + taskId, + method: 'get' + }) +} + + +// 撤销单据 +export function cancelApplyTask(taskId) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/apply/' + taskId, + method: 'put' + }) +} + +//修改后重新申请 +export function reapply(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/apply/reapply', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/api/recruit/approved.js b/src/api/recruit/approved.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7b73d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/recruit/approved.js @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + + + + // 查询节点列表 +export function listApproved(query) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/approved/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + diff --git a/src/api/recruit/entry.js b/src/api/recruit/entry.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..baad51f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/recruit/entry.js @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + + +//新增入职管理记录 +export function addEntryRecord(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/entryManage/add', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} + +//修改入职管理记录 +export function editEntryRecord(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/entryManage/edit', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + +//查询某个入职管理的记录 +export function getEntryRecord(entryId) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/entryManage/get/' + entryId, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +//查询入职管理记录列表 +export function listEntryRecord(query) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/entryManage/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +//删除入职管理记录 +export function deleteEntryRecord(entryId) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/entryManage/delete/' + entryId, + method: 'delete' + }) +} + + +//查看入职管理统计 +export function getStatistics(year) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/entryManage/getStatistics/' + year, + method: 'get' + }) +} diff --git a/src/api/recruit/follow.js b/src/api/recruit/follow.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5225e69 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/recruit/follow.js @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + + // 新增招聘计划与统计跟踪 + export function addFollow(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/follow/add', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) + } + + + + // 查询新增招聘计划与统计跟踪列表 +export function listFollow(query) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/follow/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + + + // 查询某个招聘计划与统计详细信息 + export function getFollowById(id) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/follow/' +id, + method: 'get', + }) + } + + + // 修改某个招聘计划与统计详细信息 + export function editFollowById(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/follow/edit' , + method: 'put', + data: data + }) + } + + + // 删除某个招聘计划与统计详细信息 + export function deleteFollowById(id) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/follow/delete/' +id, + method: 'delete', + }) + } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/api/recruit/grade.js b/src/api/recruit/grade.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9b7ac9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/recruit/grade.js @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + + // 查询岗位评级列表 +export function listPostGrade(query) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/postGrade/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +//新增岗位评级 +export function addPostGrade(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/postGrade/add', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} + + +//修改岗位评级 +export function editPostGrade(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/postGrade/edit', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + + +//删除岗位评级 +export function deletePostGrade(gradeId) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/postGrade/delete/'+gradeId, + method: 'delete', + }) +} + +export function getOnePostGrade(gradeId) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/postGrade/get/'+gradeId, + method: 'get', + }) +} diff --git a/src/api/recruit/home.js b/src/api/recruit/home.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..128c73f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/recruit/home.js @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + + +//获取当前月份的岗位数据 +export function getMonthPost(data) { + return request({ + url: '/home/getRecruitingPost', + method: 'get', + data: data + }) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/api/recruit/interview.js b/src/api/recruit/interview.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad791bc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/recruit/interview.js @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + + +//获取所有用户的名字(领导+hr) +export function getUserList(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/interview/getAllUser', + method: 'get', + data: data + }) +} + + + // 新增简历跟进记录 + export function addInterviewFollow(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/interview/add', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) + } + + + + // 查询简历跟进列表 +export function listInterViewFollow(query) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/interview/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + + + // 查询某个简历跟进详细信息 + export function getInterViewFollow(id) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/interview/' +id, + method: 'get', + }) + } + + + // 修改简历跟进记录 + export function editInterviewFollow(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/interview/edit', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) + } + + // 修改简历跟进记录是否置顶 + export function editTop(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/interview/editTopping', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) + } + + // 删除某个简历跟进详细信息 + export function deleteInterViewFollow(id) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/interview/' +id, + method: 'delete', + }) + } + + + // 简历上传 +export function uploadResume(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/interview/uploadResume', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} + +//返回面试标签的树状列表 +export function InterviewTag(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/interview/tag', + method: 'get', + data: data + }) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/api/recruit/jd.js b/src/api/recruit/jd.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c75bce0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/recruit/jd.js @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + + + + // 查询节点列表 +export function listJd(query) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/jd/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + diff --git a/src/api/recruit/mypost.js b/src/api/recruit/mypost.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b651903 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/recruit/mypost.js @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + + // 查询节点列表 +export function listmypost(query) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/mypost/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + + // 新增岗位处理记录 + export function addResumeRecord(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/mypost/resume/add', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) + } + + + //获取所有我负责的岗位名称 +export function getMyPostList(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/mypost/resume/postList', + method: 'get', + data: data + }) +} + + + //获取所有我的简历处理记录 + export function getResumeRecordList(query) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/mypost/resume/getRecordList', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) + } + + + +// 查询某个我的简历处理记录 +export function getResumeRecord(id) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/mypost/resume/getRecord/' + id, + method: 'get' + }) +} + + + +//修改某建立处理记录 +export function edit(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/mypost/resume/edit', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + + +//删除某建立处理记录 +export function deleteRecord(id) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/mypost/resume/delete/'+ id, + method: 'delete' + }) +} + + +//修改某岗位的招聘状态 +export function editPostStatus(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/mypost/edit', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} diff --git a/src/api/recruit/pending.js b/src/api/recruit/pending.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d35df8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/recruit/pending.js @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + + + + // 查询节点列表 +export function listPending(query) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/pending/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + + // 审批某节点 + export function audit(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/pending/audit', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) + } + + +//修改某单据参数 + export function edit(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/pending/edit/', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) + } + + + +//获取所有hr的名字 +export function getHrList(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/pending/getHr', + method: 'get', + data: data + }) +} + +//获取打回/修改记录 +export function getEditRecord(taskId) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/mypost/getRecord/'+taskId, + method: 'get', + }) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/api/recruit/postsea.js b/src/api/recruit/postsea.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9fa510 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/recruit/postsea.js @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + + // 查询节点列表 +export function listpostsea(query) { + return request({ + url: 'recruit/process/postsea/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +//分配hr +export function distributionPost(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/postsea/distribution', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + + +export function getRecord(postId) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/mypost/getOne/' + postId, + method: 'get' + }) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/api/recruit/structure.js b/src/api/recruit/structure.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79bae3e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/recruit/structure.js @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +// 查询节点列表 +export function listNode(query) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/structure/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + + +// 新增节点 +export function addNode(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/structure', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} + + + +// 修改部门 +export function updateNode(data) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/structure', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + +// 删除部门 +export function delNode(nodeId) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/structure/' + nodeId, + method: 'delete' + }) +} + +// 查询部门详细 +export function getNode(nodeId) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/structure/' + nodeId, + method: 'get' + }) +} + + +// 查询部门列表(排除节点) +export function listNodeExcludeChild(nodeId) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/structure/list/exclude/' + nodeId, + method: 'get' + }) +} + + + +// 查询岗位对应的部门 +export function getDeptByNodeId(nodeId) { + return request({ + url: '/recruit/process/apply/listDept/' + nodeId, + method: 'get' + }) +} diff --git a/src/api/system/config.js b/src/api/system/config.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a404d82 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/config.js @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +// 查询参数列表 +export function listConfig(query) { + return request({ + url: '/system/config/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +// 查询参数详细 +export function getConfig(configId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/config/' + configId, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 根据参数键名查询参数值 +export function getConfigKey(configKey) { + return request({ + url: '/system/config/configKey/' + configKey, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 新增参数配置 +export function addConfig(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/config', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} + +// 修改参数配置 +export function updateConfig(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/config', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + +// 删除参数配置 +export function delConfig(configId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/config/' + configId, + method: 'delete' + }) +} + +// 刷新参数缓存 +export function refreshCache() { + return request({ + url: '/system/config/refreshCache', + method: 'delete' + }) +} diff --git a/src/api/system/dept.js b/src/api/system/dept.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc943cd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/dept.js @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +// 查询部门列表 +export function listDept(query) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dept/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +// 查询部门列表(排除节点) +export function listDeptExcludeChild(deptId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dept/list/exclude/' + deptId, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 查询部门详细 +export function getDept(deptId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dept/' + deptId, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 新增部门 +export function addDept(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dept', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} + +// 修改部门 +export function updateDept(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dept', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + +// 删除部门 +export function delDept(deptId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dept/' + deptId, + method: 'delete' + }) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/api/system/dict/data.js b/src/api/system/dict/data.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c9eb79 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/dict/data.js @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +// 查询字典数据列表 +export function listData(query) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/data/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +// 查询字典数据详细 +export function getData(dictCode) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/data/' + dictCode, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 根据字典类型查询字典数据信息 +export function getDicts(dictType) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/data/type/' + dictType, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 新增字典数据 +export function addData(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/data', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} + +// 修改字典数据 +export function updateData(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/data', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + +// 删除字典数据 +export function delData(dictCode) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/data/' + dictCode, + method: 'delete' + }) +} diff --git a/src/api/system/dict/type.js b/src/api/system/dict/type.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7a6e01 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/dict/type.js @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +// 查询字典类型列表 +export function listType(query) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/type/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +// 查询字典类型详细 +export function getType(dictId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/type/' + dictId, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 新增字典类型 +export function addType(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/type', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} + +// 修改字典类型 +export function updateType(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/type', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + +// 删除字典类型 +export function delType(dictId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/type/' + dictId, + method: 'delete' + }) +} + +// 刷新字典缓存 +export function refreshCache() { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/type/refreshCache', + method: 'delete' + }) +} + +// 获取字典选择框列表 +export function optionselect() { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/type/optionselect', + method: 'get' + }) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/api/system/menu.js b/src/api/system/menu.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6415c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/menu.js @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +// 查询菜单列表 +export function listMenu(query) { + return request({ + url: '/system/menu/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +// 查询菜单详细 +export function getMenu(menuId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/menu/' + menuId, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 查询菜单下拉树结构 +export function treeselect() { + return request({ + url: '/system/menu/treeselect', + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 根据角色ID查询菜单下拉树结构 +export function roleMenuTreeselect(roleId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/menu/roleMenuTreeselect/' + roleId, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 新增菜单 +export function addMenu(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/menu', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} + +// 修改菜单 +export function updateMenu(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/menu', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + +// 删除菜单 +export function delMenu(menuId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/menu/' + menuId, + method: 'delete' + }) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/api/system/notice.js b/src/api/system/notice.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c274ea5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/notice.js @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +// 查询公告列表 +export function listNotice(query) { + return request({ + url: '/system/notice/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +// 查询公告详细 +export function getNotice(noticeId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/notice/' + noticeId, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 新增公告 +export function addNotice(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/notice', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} + +// 修改公告 +export function updateNotice(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/notice', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + +// 删除公告 +export function delNotice(noticeId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/notice/' + noticeId, + method: 'delete' + }) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/api/system/post.js b/src/api/system/post.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a8e9ca --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/post.js @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +// 查询岗位列表 +export function listPost(query) { + return request({ + url: '/system/post/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +// 查询岗位详细 +export function getPost(postId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/post/' + postId, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 新增岗位 +export function addPost(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/post', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} + +// 修改岗位 +export function updatePost(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/post', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + +// 删除岗位 +export function delPost(postId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/post/' + postId, + method: 'delete' + }) +} diff --git a/src/api/system/role.js b/src/api/system/role.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f13e6f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/role.js @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +// 查询角色列表 +export function listRole(query) { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +// 查询角色详细 +export function getRole(roleId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/' + roleId, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 新增角色 +export function addRole(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/role', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} + +// 修改角色 +export function updateRole(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/role', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + +// 角色数据权限 +export function dataScope(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/dataScope', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + +// 角色状态修改 +export function changeRoleStatus(roleId, status) { + const data = { + roleId, + status + } + return request({ + url: '/system/role/changeStatus', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + +// 删除角色 +export function delRole(roleId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/' + roleId, + method: 'delete' + }) +} + +// 查询角色已授权用户列表 +export function allocatedUserList(query) { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/authUser/allocatedList', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +// 查询角色未授权用户列表 +export function unallocatedUserList(query) { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/authUser/unallocatedList', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +// 取消用户授权角色 +export function authUserCancel(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/authUser/cancel', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + +// 批量取消用户授权角色 +export function authUserCancelAll(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/authUser/cancelAll', + method: 'put', + params: data + }) +} + +// 授权用户选择 +export function authUserSelectAll(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/authUser/selectAll', + method: 'put', + params: data + }) +} + +// 根据角色ID查询部门树结构 +export function deptTreeSelect(roleId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/deptTree/' + roleId, + method: 'get' + }) +} diff --git a/src/api/system/user.js b/src/api/system/user.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10cd23d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/user.js @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' +import { parseStrEmpty } from "@/utils/ruoyi"; + +// 查询用户列表 +export function listUser(query) { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +// 查询用户详细 +export function getUser(userId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/' + parseStrEmpty(userId), + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 新增用户 +export function addUser(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/user', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} + +// 修改用户 +export function updateUser(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/user', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + +// 删除用户 +export function delUser(userId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/' + userId, + method: 'delete' + }) +} + +// 用户密码重置 +export function resetUserPwd(userId, password) { + const data = { + userId, + password + } + return request({ + url: '/system/user/resetPwd', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + +// 用户状态修改 +export function changeUserStatus(userId, status) { + const data = { + userId, + status + } + return request({ + url: '/system/user/changeStatus', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + +// 查询用户个人信息 +export function getUserProfile() { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/profile ', + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 修改用户个人信息 +export function updateUserProfile(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/profile', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + +// 用户密码重置 +export function updateUserPwd(oldPassword, newPassword) { + const data = { + oldPassword, + newPassword + } + return request({ + url: '/system/user/profile/updatePwd', + method: 'put', + params: data + }) +} + +// 用户头像上传 +export function uploadAvatar(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/profile/avatar', + method: 'post', + data: data + }) +} + +// 查询授权角色 +export function getAuthRole(userId) { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/authRole/' + userId, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 保存授权角色 +export function updateAuthRole(data) { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/authRole', + method: 'put', + params: data + }) +} + +// 查询部门下拉树结构 +export function deptTreeSelect() { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/deptTree', + method: 'get' + }) +} diff --git a/src/api/tool/gen.js b/src/api/tool/gen.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2075677 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/tool/gen.js @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +// 查询生成表数据 +export function listTable(query) { + return request({ + url: '/tool/gen/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} +// 查询db数据库列表 +export function listDbTable(query) { + return request({ + url: '/tool/gen/db/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }) +} + +// 查询表详细信息 +export function getGenTable(tableId) { + return request({ + url: '/tool/gen/' + tableId, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 修改代码生成信息 +export function updateGenTable(data) { + return request({ + url: '/tool/gen', + method: 'put', + data: data + }) +} + +// 导入表 +export function importTable(data) { + return request({ + url: '/tool/gen/importTable', + method: 'post', + params: data + }) +} + +// 创建表 +export function createTable(data) { + return request({ + url: '/tool/gen/createTable', + method: 'post', + params: data + }) +} + +// 预览生成代码 +export function previewTable(tableId) { + return request({ + url: '/tool/gen/preview/' + tableId, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 删除表数据 +export function delTable(tableId) { + return request({ + url: '/tool/gen/' + tableId, + method: 'delete' + }) +} + +// 生成代码(自定义路径) +export function genCode(tableName) { + return request({ + url: '/tool/gen/genCode/' + tableName, + method: 'get' + }) +} + +// 同步数据库 +export function synchDb(tableName) { + return request({ + url: '/tool/gen/synchDb/' + tableName, + method: 'get' + }) +} diff --git a/src/assets/401_images/401.gif b/src/assets/401_images/401.gif new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd6e0d9 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/401_images/401.gif differ diff --git a/src/assets/404_images/404.png b/src/assets/404_images/404.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d8e230 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/404_images/404.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/404_images/404_cloud.png b/src/assets/404_images/404_cloud.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c6281d0 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/404_images/404_cloud.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/icons/index.js b/src/assets/icons/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c6b309 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +import Vue from 'vue' +import SvgIcon from '@/components/SvgIcon'// svg component + +// register globally +Vue.component('svg-icon', SvgIcon) + +const req = require.context('./svg', false, /\.svg$/) +const requireAll = requireContext => requireContext.keys().map(requireContext) +requireAll(req) diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/404.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/404.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6df5019 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/404.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/bug.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/bug.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05a150d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/bug.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/build.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/build.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97c4688 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/build.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/button.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/button.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..904fddc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/button.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/cascader.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/cascader.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e256024 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/cascader.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/chart.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/chart.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27728fb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/chart.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/checkbox.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/checkbox.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..013fd3a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/checkbox.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/clipboard.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/clipboard.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..90923ff --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/clipboard.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/code.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/code.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f9c5ab --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/code.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/color.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/color.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44a81aa --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/color.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/component.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/component.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29c3458 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/component.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/dashboard.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/dashboard.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5317d37 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/dashboard.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/date-range.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/date-range.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fda571e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/date-range.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/date.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/date.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..52dc73e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/date.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/dict.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/dict.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4849377 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/dict.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/documentation.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/documentation.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7043122 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/documentation.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/download.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/download.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c896951 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/download.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/downloadResume.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/downloadResume.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ef4b21 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/downloadResume.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/drag.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/drag.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4185d3c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/drag.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/druid.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/druid.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a2b4b4e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/druid.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/edit.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/edit.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d26101f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/edit.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/education.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/education.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7bfb01d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/education.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/email.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/email.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..74d25e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/email.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/entryPeople.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/entryPeople.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4f6f70 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/entryPeople.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/entryPersent.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/entryPersent.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c18c7ea --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/entryPersent.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/example.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/example.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..46f42b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/example.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/excel.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/excel.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..74d97b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/excel.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/exit-fullscreen.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/exit-fullscreen.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..485c128 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/exit-fullscreen.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/eye-open.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/eye-open.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88dcc98 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/eye-open.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/eye.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/eye.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16ed2d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/eye.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/findResume.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/findResume.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0323c3f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/findResume.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/firstPeople.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/firstPeople.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0071068 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/firstPeople.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git 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--- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/haveProcess.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/icon.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/icon.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82be8ee --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/icon.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/input.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/input.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab91381 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/input.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/international.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/international.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9b56ee --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/international.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/interview.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/interview.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..411e12b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/interview.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file 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0000000..20259ed --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/list.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/lock.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/lock.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..74fee54 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/lock.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/log.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/log.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d879d33 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/log.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/logininfor.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/logininfor.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..267f844 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/logininfor.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/message.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/message.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14ca817 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/message.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/money.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/money.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1580de --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/money.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/monitor.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/monitor.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc308cb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/monitor.svg @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/more.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/more.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4daae5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/more.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/myProcess.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/myProcess.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d73290d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/myProcess.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/myRecruit.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/myRecruit.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..500baa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/myRecruit.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/nested.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/nested.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06713a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/nested.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/number.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/number.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad5ce9a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/number.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/online.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/online.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..330a202 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/online.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/passPeople.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/passPeople.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee2aca9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/passPeople.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git 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0000000..aab852e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/peoples.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/phone.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/phone.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab8e8c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/phone.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/post.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/post.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2922c61 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/post.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/qq.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/qq.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee13d4e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/qq.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/question.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/question.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf75bd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/question.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/radio.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/radio.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0cde345 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/radio.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/rate.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/rate.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa3b14d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/rate.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/redis-list.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/redis-list.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98a15b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/redis-list.svg @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/redis.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/redis.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f1d62d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/redis.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/refresh.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/refresh.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fe669d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/refresh.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/resume.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/resume.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf32a90 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/resume.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/row.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/row.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0780992 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/row.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/search.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/search.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84233dd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/search.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/select.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/select.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d628382 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/select.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/self.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/self.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de6e495 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/self.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/server.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/server.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb287e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/server.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/shopping.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/shopping.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87513e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/shopping.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/size.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/size.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ddb25b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/size.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/skill.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/skill.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3b7312 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/skill.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/slider.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/slider.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fbe4f39 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/slider.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/star.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/star.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6cf86e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/star.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/swagger.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/swagger.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05d4e7b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/swagger.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/switch.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/switch.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ba61e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/switch.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/system.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/system.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5992593 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/system.svg @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/tab.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/tab.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4b48e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/tab.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/table.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/table.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e3dc9d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/table.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/textarea.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/textarea.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2709f29 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/textarea.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/theme.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/theme.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5982a2f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/theme.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/time-range.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/time-range.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13c1202 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/time-range.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/time.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/time.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b376e32 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/time.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/tool.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/tool.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48e0e35 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/tool.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/tree-table.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/tree-table.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8aafdb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/tree-table.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/tree.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/tree.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd4b7dd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/tree.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/upload.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/upload.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bae49c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/upload.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/user.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/user.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ba0716 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/user.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/validCode.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/validCode.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfb1021 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/validCode.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/waitProcess.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/waitProcess.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a90127 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/waitProcess.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/wechat.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/wechat.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c586e55 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/wechat.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/zip.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/zip.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f806fc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/zip.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svgo.yml b/src/assets/icons/svgo.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d11906a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svgo.yml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# replace default config + +# multipass: true +# full: true + +plugins: + + # - name + # + # or: + # - name: false + # - name: true + # + # or: + # - name: + # param1: 1 + # param2: 2 + +- removeAttrs: + attrs: + - 'fill' + - 'fill-rule' diff --git a/src/assets/images/dark.svg b/src/assets/images/dark.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f646bd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/images/dark.svg @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/images/light.svg b/src/assets/images/light.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab7cc08 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/images/light.svg @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/images/login-background.jpg b/src/assets/images/login-background.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4cbb103 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/images/login-background.jpg differ diff --git a/src/assets/images/pay.png b/src/assets/images/pay.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb8b967 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/images/pay.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/images/profile.jpg b/src/assets/images/profile.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f5570c Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/images/profile.jpg differ diff --git a/src/assets/logo/logo.png b/src/assets/logo/logo.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f5570c Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/logo/logo.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/styles/btn.scss b/src/assets/styles/btn.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6ba1a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/styles/btn.scss @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +@import './variables.scss'; + +@mixin colorBtn($color) { + background: $color; + + &:hover { + color: $color; + + &:before, + &:after { + background: $color; + } + } +} + { + @include colorBtn($blue) +} + +.light-blue-btn { + @include colorBtn($light-blue) +} + { + @include colorBtn($red) +} + { + @include colorBtn($pink) +} + { + @include colorBtn($green) +} + { + @include colorBtn($tiffany) +} + +.yellow-btn { + @include colorBtn($yellow) +} + +.pan-btn { + font-size: 14px; + color: #fff; + padding: 14px 36px; + border-radius: 8px; + border: none; + outline: none; + transition: 600ms ease all; + position: relative; + display: inline-block; + + &:hover { + background: #fff; + + &:before, + &:after { + width: 100%; + transition: 600ms ease all; + } + } + + &:before, + &:after { + content: ''; + position: absolute; + top: 0; + right: 0; + height: 2px; + width: 0; + transition: 400ms ease all; + } + + &::after { + right: inherit; + top: inherit; + left: 0; + bottom: 0; + } +} + +.custom-button { + display: inline-block; + line-height: 1; + white-space: nowrap; + cursor: pointer; + background: #fff; + color: #fff; + -webkit-appearance: none; + text-align: center; + box-sizing: border-box; + outline: 0; + margin: 0; + padding: 10px 15px; + font-size: 14px; + border-radius: 4px; +} diff --git a/src/assets/styles/element-ui.scss b/src/assets/styles/element-ui.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..363092a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/styles/element-ui.scss @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +// cover some element-ui styles + +.el-breadcrumb__inner, +.el-breadcrumb__inner a { + font-weight: 400 !important; +} + +.el-upload { + input[type="file"] { + display: none !important; + } +} + +.el-upload__input { + display: none; +} + +.cell { + .el-tag { + margin-right: 0px; + } +} + +.small-padding { + .cell { + padding-left: 5px; + padding-right: 5px; + } +} + +.fixed-width { + .el-button--mini { + padding: 7px 10px; + width: 60px; + } +} + +.status-col { + .cell { + padding: 0 10px; + text-align: center; + + .el-tag { + margin-right: 0px; + } + } +} + +// to fixed +.el-dialog { + transform: none; + left: 0; + position: relative; + margin: 0 auto; +} + +// refine element ui upload +.upload-container { + .el-upload { + width: 100%; + + .el-upload-dragger { + width: 100%; + height: 200px; + } + } +} + +// dropdown +.el-dropdown-menu { + a { + display: block + } +} + +// fix date-picker ui bug in filter-item +.el-range-editor.el-input__inner { + display: inline-flex !important; +} + +// to fix el-date-picker css style +.el-range-separator { + box-sizing: content-box; +} + +.el-menu--collapse + > div + > .el-submenu + > .el-submenu__title + .el-submenu__icon-arrow { + display: none; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/styles/element-variables.scss b/src/assets/styles/element-variables.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1615ff2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/styles/element-variables.scss @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +/** +* I think element-ui's default theme color is too light for long-term use. +* So I modified the default color and you can modify it to your liking. +**/ + +/* theme color */ +$--color-primary: #1890ff; +$--color-success: #13ce66; +$--color-warning: #ffba00; +$--color-danger: #ff4949; +// $--color-info: #1E1E1E; + +$--button-font-weight: 400; + +// $--color-text-regular: #1f2d3d; + +$--border-color-light: #dfe4ed; +$--border-color-lighter: #e6ebf5; + +$--table-border: 1px solid #dfe6ec; + +/* icon font path, required */ +$--font-path: '~element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/fonts'; + +@import "~element-ui/packages/theme-chalk/src/index"; + +// the :export directive is the magic sauce for webpack +// +:export { + theme: $--color-primary; +} diff --git a/src/assets/styles/index.scss b/src/assets/styles/index.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f3b9ef --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/styles/index.scss @@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ +@import './variables.scss'; +@import './mixin.scss'; +@import './transition.scss'; +@import './element-ui.scss'; +@import './sidebar.scss'; +@import './btn.scss'; + +body { + height: 100%; + -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; + -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; + text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; + font-family: Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, PingFang SC, Hiragino Sans GB, Microsoft YaHei, Arial, sans-serif; +} + +label { + font-weight: 700; +} + +html { + height: 100%; + box-sizing: border-box; +} + +#app { + height: 100%; +} + +*, +*:before, +*:after { + box-sizing: inherit; +} + { + padding: 0px !important; +} + +.padding-content { + padding: 4px 0; +} + +a:focus, +a:active { + outline: none; +} + +a, +a:focus, +a:hover { + cursor: pointer; + color: inherit; + text-decoration: none; +} + +div:focus { + outline: none; +} + { + float: right; +} + +.fl { + float: left; +} + { + padding-right: 5px; +} + { + padding-left: 5px; +} + +.block { + display: block; +} + +.pointer { + cursor: pointer; +} + +.inlineBlock { + display: block; +} + +.clearfix { + &:after { + visibility: hidden; + display: block; + font-size: 0; + content: " "; + clear: both; + height: 0; + } +} + +aside { + background: #eef1f6; + padding: 8px 24px; + margin-bottom: 20px; + border-radius: 2px; + display: block; + line-height: 32px; + font-size: 16px; + font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; + color: #2c3e50; + -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; + -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; + + a { + color: #337ab7; + cursor: pointer; + + &:hover { + color: rgb(32, 160, 255); + } + } +} + +//main-container全局样式 { + padding: 20px; +} + +.components-container { + margin: 30px 50px; + position: relative; +} + +.pagination-container { + margin-top: 30px; +} + +.text-center { + text-align: center +} + +.sub-navbar { + height: 50px; + line-height: 50px; + position: relative; + width: 100%; + text-align: right; + padding-right: 20px; + transition: 600ms ease position; + background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(32, 182, 249, 1) 0%, rgba(32, 182, 249, 1) 0%, rgba(33, 120, 241, 1) 100%, rgba(33, 120, 241, 1) 100%); + + .subtitle { + font-size: 20px; + color: #fff; + } + + &.draft { + background: #d0d0d0; + } + + &.deleted { + background: #d0d0d0; + } +} +, { + color: #337ab7; + cursor: pointer; + + &:hover { + color: rgb(32, 160, 255); + } +} + +.filter-container { + padding-bottom: 10px; + + .filter-item { + display: inline-block; + vertical-align: middle; + margin-bottom: 10px; + } +} diff --git a/src/assets/styles/mixin.scss b/src/assets/styles/mixin.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06fa061 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/styles/mixin.scss @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +@mixin clearfix { + &:after { + content: ""; + display: table; + clear: both; + } +} + +@mixin scrollBar { + &::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece { + background: #d3dce6; + } + + &::-webkit-scrollbar { + width: 6px; + } + + &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { + background: #99a9bf; + border-radius: 20px; + } +} + +@mixin relative { + position: relative; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; +} + +@mixin pct($pct) { + width: #{$pct}; + position: relative; + margin: 0 auto; +} + +@mixin triangle($width, $height, $color, $direction) { + $width: $width/2; + $color-border-style: $height solid $color; + $transparent-border-style: $width solid transparent; + height: 0; + width: 0; + + @if $direction==up { + border-bottom: $color-border-style; + border-left: $transparent-border-style; + border-right: $transparent-border-style; + } + + @else if $direction==right { + border-left: $color-border-style; + border-top: $transparent-border-style; + border-bottom: $transparent-border-style; + } + + @else if $direction==down { + border-top: $color-border-style; + border-left: $transparent-border-style; + border-right: $transparent-border-style; + } + + @else if $direction==left { + border-right: $color-border-style; + border-top: $transparent-border-style; + border-bottom: $transparent-border-style; + } +} diff --git a/src/assets/styles/ruoyi.scss b/src/assets/styles/ruoyi.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e29874 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/styles/ruoyi.scss @@ -0,0 +1,291 @@ +/** +* 通用css样式布局处理 +* Copyright (c) 2019 ruoyi +*/ + +/** 基础通用 **/ +.pt5 { + padding-top: 5px; +} + +.pr5 { + padding-right: 5px; +} + +.pb5 { + padding-bottom: 5px; +} + +.mt5 { + margin-top: 5px; +} + +.mr5 { + margin-right: 5px; +} + +.mb5 { + margin-bottom: 5px; +} + +.mb8 { + margin-bottom: 8px; +} + +.ml5 { + margin-left: 5px; +} + +.mt10 { + margin-top: 10px; +} + +.mr10 { + margin-right: 10px; +} + +.mb10 { + margin-bottom: 10px; +} +.ml10 { + margin-left: 10px; +} + +.mt20 { + margin-top: 20px; +} + +.mr20 { + margin-right: 20px; +} + +.mb20 { + margin-bottom: 20px; +} +.ml20 { + margin-left: 20px; +} + +.h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { + font-family: inherit; + font-weight: 500; + line-height: 1.1; + color: inherit; +} + +.el-message-box__status + .el-message-box__message{ + word-break: break-word; +} + +.el-dialog:not(.is-fullscreen) { + margin-top: 6vh !important; +} + +.el-dialog__wrapper.scrollbar .el-dialog .el-dialog__body { + overflow: auto; + overflow-x: hidden; + max-height: 70vh; + padding: 10px 20px 0; +} + +.el-table { + .el-table__header-wrapper, .el-table__fixed-header-wrapper { + th { + word-break: break-word; + background-color: #f8f8f9; + color: #515a6e; + height: 40px; + font-size: 13px; + } + } + + .el-table__body-wrapper { + .el-button [class*="el-icon-"] + span { + margin-left: 1px; + } + } +} + +/** 表单布局 **/ +.form-header { + font-size: 15px; + color: #6379bb; + border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; + margin: 8px 10px 25px 10px; + padding-bottom: 5px +} + +/** 表格布局 **/ +.pagination-container { + position: relative; + height: 25px; + margin-bottom: 10px; + margin-top: 15px; + padding: 10px 20px !important; +} + +/* tree border */ +.tree-border { + margin-top: 5px; + border: 1px solid #e5e6e7; + background: #FFFFFF none; + border-radius: 4px; +} + +.pagination-container .el-pagination { + right: 0; + position: absolute; +} + +@media (max-width: 768px) { + .pagination-container .el-pagination > .el-pagination__jump { + display: none !important; + } + .pagination-container .el-pagination > .el-pagination__sizes { + display: none !important; + } +} + +.el-table .fixed-width .el-button--mini { + padding-left: 0; + padding-right: 0; + width: inherit; +} + +/** 表格更多操作下拉样式 */ +.el-table .el-dropdown-link,.el-table .el-dropdown-selfdefine { + cursor: pointer; + margin-left: 5px; +} + +.el-table .el-dropdown, .el-icon-arrow-down { + font-size: 12px; +} + +.el-tree-node__content > .el-checkbox { + margin-right: 8px; +} + +.list-group-striped > .list-group-item { + border-left: 0; + border-right: 0; + border-radius: 0; + padding-left: 0; + padding-right: 0; +} + +.list-group { + padding-left: 0px; + list-style: none; +} + +.list-group-item { + border-bottom: 1px solid #e7eaec; + border-top: 1px solid #e7eaec; + margin-bottom: -1px; + padding: 11px 0px; + font-size: 13px; +} + +.pull-right { + float: right !important; +} + +.el-card__header { + padding: 14px 15px 7px; + min-height: 40px; +} + +.el-card__body { + padding: 15px 20px 20px 20px; +} + +.card-box { + padding-right: 15px; + padding-left: 15px; + margin-bottom: 10px; +} + +/* button color */, +.el-button--cyan:active { + background: #20B2AA; + border-color: #20B2AA; + color: #FFFFFF; +} + +.el-button--cyan:focus, +.el-button--cyan:hover { + background: #48D1CC; + border-color: #48D1CC; + color: #FFFFFF; +} + +.el-button--cyan { + background-color: #20B2AA; + border-color: #20B2AA; + color: #FFFFFF; +} + +/* text color */ +.text-navy { + color: #1ab394; +} + +.text-primary { + color: inherit; +} + +.text-success { + color: #1c84c6; +} + +.text-info { + color: #23c6c8; +} + +.text-warning { + color: #f8ac59; +} + +.text-danger { + color: #ed5565; +} + +.text-muted { + color: #888888; +} + +/* image */ +.img-circle { + border-radius: 50%; +} + +.img-lg { + width: 120px; + height: 120px; +} + +.avatar-upload-preview { + position: relative; + top: 50%; + left: 50%; + transform: translate(-50%, -50%); + width: 200px; + height: 200px; + border-radius: 50%; + box-shadow: 0 0 4px #ccc; + overflow: hidden; +} + +/* 拖拽列样式 */ +.sortable-ghost { + opacity: .8; + color: #fff !important; + background: #42b983 !important; +} + { + position: relative; + float: right; +} diff --git a/src/assets/styles/sidebar.scss b/src/assets/styles/sidebar.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..abe5b63 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/styles/sidebar.scss @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +#app { + + .main-container { + height: 100%; + transition: margin-left .28s; + margin-left: $base-sidebar-width; + position: relative; + } + + .sidebarHide { + margin-left: 0!important; + } + + .sidebar-container { + -webkit-transition: width .28s; + transition: width 0.28s; + width: $base-sidebar-width !important; + background-color: $base-menu-background; + height: 100%; + position: fixed; + font-size: 0px; + top: 0; + bottom: 0; + left: 0; + z-index: 1001; + overflow: hidden; + -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 0 6px rgba(0,21,41,.35); + box-shadow: 2px 0 6px rgba(0,21,41,.35); + + // reset element-ui css + .horizontal-collapse-transition { + transition: 0s width ease-in-out, 0s padding-left ease-in-out, 0s padding-right ease-in-out; + } + + .scrollbar-wrapper { + overflow-x: hidden !important; + } + + { + right: 0px; + } + + .el-scrollbar { + height: 100%; + } + + &.has-logo { + .el-scrollbar { + height: calc(100% - 50px); + } + } + + .is-horizontal { + display: none; + } + + a { + display: inline-block; + width: 100%; + overflow: hidden; + } + + .svg-icon { + margin-right: 16px; + } + + .el-menu { + border: none; + height: 100%; + width: 100% !important; + } + + .el-menu-item, .el-submenu__title { + overflow: hidden !important; + text-overflow: ellipsis !important; + white-space: nowrap !important; + } + + // menu hover + .submenu-title-noDropdown, + .el-submenu__title { + &:hover { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06) !important; + } + } + + & .theme-dark .is-active > .el-submenu__title { + color: $base-menu-color-active !important; + } + + & .nest-menu .el-submenu>.el-submenu__title, + & .el-submenu .el-menu-item { + min-width: $base-sidebar-width !important; + + &:hover { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06) !important; + } + } + + & .theme-dark .nest-menu .el-submenu>.el-submenu__title, + & .theme-dark .el-submenu .el-menu-item { + background-color: $base-sub-menu-background !important; + + &:hover { + background-color: $base-sub-menu-hover !important; + } + } + } + + .hideSidebar { + .sidebar-container { + width: 54px !important; + } + + .main-container { + margin-left: 54px; + } + + .submenu-title-noDropdown { + padding: 0 !important; + position: relative; + + .el-tooltip { + padding: 0 !important; + + .svg-icon { + margin-left: 20px; + } + } + } + + .el-submenu { + overflow: hidden; + + &>.el-submenu__title { + padding: 0 !important; + + .svg-icon { + margin-left: 20px; + } + + } + } + + .el-menu--collapse { + .el-submenu { + &>.el-submenu__title { + &>span { + height: 0; + width: 0; + overflow: hidden; + visibility: hidden; + display: inline-block; + } + } + } + } + } + + .el-menu--collapse .el-menu .el-submenu { + min-width: $base-sidebar-width !important; + } + + // mobile responsive + .mobile { + .main-container { + margin-left: 0px; + } + + .sidebar-container { + transition: transform .28s; + width: $base-sidebar-width !important; + } + + &.hideSidebar { + .sidebar-container { + pointer-events: none; + transition-duration: 0.3s; + transform: translate3d(-$base-sidebar-width, 0, 0); + } + } + } + + .withoutAnimation { + + .main-container, + .sidebar-container { + transition: none; + } + } +} + +// when menu collapsed +.el-menu--vertical { + &>.el-menu { + .svg-icon { + margin-right: 16px; + } + } + + .nest-menu .el-submenu>.el-submenu__title, + .el-menu-item { + &:hover { + // you can use $subMenuHover + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06) !important; + } + } + + // the scroll bar appears when the subMenu is too long + >.el-menu--popup { + max-height: 100vh; + overflow-y: auto; + + &::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece { + background: #d3dce6; + } + + &::-webkit-scrollbar { + width: 6px; + } + + &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { + background: #99a9bf; + border-radius: 20px; + } + } +} diff --git a/src/assets/styles/transition.scss b/src/assets/styles/transition.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..073f8c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/styles/transition.scss @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +// global transition css + +/* fade */ +.fade-enter-active, +.fade-leave-active { + transition: opacity 0.28s; +} + +.fade-enter, +.fade-leave-active { + opacity: 0; +} + +/* fade-transform */ +.fade-transform--move, +.fade-transform-leave-active, +.fade-transform-enter-active { + transition: all .5s; +} + +.fade-transform-enter { + opacity: 0; + transform: translateX(-30px); +} + +.fade-transform-leave-to { + opacity: 0; + transform: translateX(30px); +} + +/* breadcrumb transition */ +.breadcrumb-enter-active, +.breadcrumb-leave-active { + transition: all .5s; +} + +.breadcrumb-enter, +.breadcrumb-leave-active { + opacity: 0; + transform: translateX(20px); +} + +.breadcrumb-move { + transition: all .5s; +} + +.breadcrumb-leave-active { + position: absolute; +} diff --git a/src/assets/styles/variables.scss b/src/assets/styles/variables.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34484d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/styles/variables.scss @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +// base color +$blue:#324157; +$light-blue:#3A71A8; +$red:#C03639; +$pink: #E65D6E; +$green: #30B08F; +$tiffany: #4AB7BD; +$yellow:#FEC171; +$panGreen: #30B08F; + +// 默认菜单主题风格 +$base-menu-color:#bfcbd9; +$base-menu-color-active:#f4f4f5; +$base-menu-background:#304156; +$base-logo-title-color: #ffffff; + +$base-menu-light-color:rgba(0,0,0,.70); +$base-menu-light-background:#ffffff; +$base-logo-light-title-color: #001529; + +$base-sub-menu-background:#1f2d3d; +$base-sub-menu-hover:#001528; + +// 自定义暗色菜单风格 +/** +$base-menu-color:hsla(0,0%,100%,.65); +$base-menu-color-active:#fff; +$base-menu-background:#001529; +$base-logo-title-color: #ffffff; + +$base-menu-light-color:rgba(0,0,0,.70); +$base-menu-light-background:#ffffff; +$base-logo-light-title-color: #001529; + +$base-sub-menu-background:#000c17; +$base-sub-menu-hover:#001528; +*/ + +$base-sidebar-width: 200px; + +// the :export directive is the magic sauce for webpack +// +:export { + menuColor: $base-menu-color; + menuLightColor: $base-menu-light-color; + menuColorActive: $base-menu-color-active; + menuBackground: $base-menu-background; + menuLightBackground: $base-menu-light-background; + subMenuBackground: $base-sub-menu-background; + subMenuHover: $base-sub-menu-hover; + sideBarWidth: $base-sidebar-width; + logoTitleColor: $base-logo-title-color; + logoLightTitleColor: $base-logo-light-title-color +} diff --git a/src/components/Breadcrumb/index.vue b/src/components/Breadcrumb/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1696f54 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/Breadcrumb/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/Crontab/day.vue b/src/components/Crontab/day.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe3eaf0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/Crontab/day.vue @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/components/Crontab/hour.vue b/src/components/Crontab/hour.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b1f1fc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/Crontab/hour.vue @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/components/Crontab/index.vue b/src/components/Crontab/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3963df2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/Crontab/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,430 @@ + + + + diff --git a/src/components/Crontab/min.vue b/src/components/Crontab/min.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43cab90 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/Crontab/min.vue @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/components/Crontab/month.vue b/src/components/Crontab/month.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd0ac38 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/Crontab/month.vue @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/components/Crontab/result.vue b/src/components/Crontab/result.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aea6e0e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/Crontab/result.vue @@ -0,0 +1,559 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/components/Crontab/second.vue b/src/components/Crontab/second.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7b7761 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/Crontab/second.vue @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/components/Crontab/week.vue b/src/components/Crontab/week.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1cec700 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/Crontab/week.vue @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/components/Crontab/year.vue b/src/components/Crontab/year.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5487a6c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/Crontab/year.vue @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/components/DictData/index.js b/src/components/DictData/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b85d4a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/DictData/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +import Vue from 'vue' +import store from '@/store' +import DataDict from '@/utils/dict' +import { getDicts as getDicts } from '@/api/system/dict/data' + +function searchDictByKey(dict, key) { + if (key == null && key == "") { + return null + } + try { + for (let i = 0; i < dict.length; i++) { + if (dict[i].key == key) { + return dict[i].value + } + } + } catch (e) { + return null + } +} + +function install() { + Vue.use(DataDict, { + metas: { + '*': { + labelField: 'dictLabel', + valueField: 'dictValue', + request(dictMeta) { + const storeDict = searchDictByKey(store.getters.dict, dictMeta.type) + if (storeDict) { + return new Promise(resolve => { resolve(storeDict) }) + } else { + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + getDicts(dictMeta.type).then(res => { + store.dispatch('dict/setDict', { key: dictMeta.type, value: }) + resolve( + }).catch(error => { + reject(error) + }) + }) + } + }, + }, + }, + }) +} + +export default { + install, +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/components/DictTag/index.vue b/src/components/DictTag/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b5b230 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/DictTag/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ + + + + diff --git a/src/components/Editor/index.vue b/src/components/Editor/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8981d76 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/Editor/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/FileUpload/index.vue b/src/components/FileUpload/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7f6b0a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/FileUpload/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/Hamburger/index.vue b/src/components/Hamburger/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..368b002 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/Hamburger/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/HeaderSearch/index.vue b/src/components/HeaderSearch/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d6780b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/HeaderSearch/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/IconSelect/index.vue b/src/components/IconSelect/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8dadc02 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/IconSelect/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ + + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/IconSelect/requireIcons.js b/src/components/IconSelect/requireIcons.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99e5c54 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/IconSelect/requireIcons.js @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + +const req = require.context('../../assets/icons/svg', false, /\.svg$/) +const requireAll = requireContext => requireContext.keys() + +const re = /\.\/(.*)\.svg/ + +const icons = requireAll(req).map(i => { + return i.match(re)[1] +}) + +export default icons diff --git a/src/components/ImagePreview/index.vue b/src/components/ImagePreview/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c770c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/ImagePreview/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/ImageUpload/index.vue b/src/components/ImageUpload/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e64c9b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/ImageUpload/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/Pagination/index.vue b/src/components/Pagination/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56f5a6b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/Pagination/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/PanThumb/index.vue b/src/components/PanThumb/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1bcf417 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/PanThumb/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/ParentView/index.vue b/src/components/ParentView/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7bf6148 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/ParentView/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + diff --git a/src/components/RightPanel/index.vue b/src/components/RightPanel/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5abeecb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/RightPanel/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/RightToolbar/index.vue b/src/components/RightToolbar/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67da293 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/RightToolbar/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/components/RuoYi/Doc/index.vue b/src/components/RuoYi/Doc/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75fa864 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/RuoYi/Doc/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/components/RuoYi/Git/index.vue b/src/components/RuoYi/Git/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bdafbae --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/RuoYi/Git/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/components/Screenfull/index.vue b/src/components/Screenfull/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4e539c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/Screenfull/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/SizeSelect/index.vue b/src/components/SizeSelect/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..069b5de --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/SizeSelect/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/components/StructMap/index.vue b/src/components/StructMap/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..baf2e85 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/StructMap/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/SvgIcon/index.vue b/src/components/SvgIcon/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4bf5ad --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/SvgIcon/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/ThemePicker/index.vue b/src/components/ThemePicker/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1714e1f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/ThemePicker/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/TopNav/index.vue b/src/components/TopNav/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86a91c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/TopNav/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/iFrame/index.vue b/src/components/iFrame/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..426857f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/iFrame/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/Navbar.vue b/src/layout/components/Navbar.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2fc9209 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/Navbar.vue @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/Settings/index.vue b/src/layout/components/Settings/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb3c9ce --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/Settings/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,260 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/Sidebar/FixiOSBug.js b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/FixiOSBug.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6823726 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/FixiOSBug.js @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +export default { + computed: { + device() { + return this.$ + } + }, + mounted() { + // In order to fix the click on menu on the ios device will trigger the mouseleave bug + this.fixBugIniOS() + }, + methods: { + fixBugIniOS() { + const $subMenu = this.$refs.subMenu + if ($subMenu) { + const handleMouseleave = $subMenu.handleMouseleave + $subMenu.handleMouseleave = (e) => { + if (this.device === 'mobile') { + return + } + handleMouseleave(e) + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Item.vue b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Item.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be3285d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Item.vue @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ + diff --git a/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Link.vue b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Link.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b0bc93 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Link.vue @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Logo.vue b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Logo.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2774cc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Logo.vue @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/Sidebar/SidebarItem.vue b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/SidebarItem.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82ba407 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/SidebarItem.vue @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/Sidebar/index.vue b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51d0839 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/TagsView/ScrollPane.vue b/src/layout/components/TagsView/ScrollPane.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb753a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/TagsView/ScrollPane.vue @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/TagsView/index.vue b/src/layout/components/TagsView/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96585a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/TagsView/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/index.js b/src/layout/components/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..104bd3a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +export { default as AppMain } from './AppMain' +export { default as Navbar } from './Navbar' +export { default as Settings } from './Settings' +export { default as Sidebar } from './Sidebar/index.vue' +export { default as TagsView } from './TagsView/index.vue' diff --git a/src/layout/index.vue b/src/layout/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dba4393 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/layout/mixin/ResizeHandler.js b/src/layout/mixin/ResizeHandler.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e8d0df8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/mixin/ResizeHandler.js @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +import store from '@/store' + +const { body } = document +const WIDTH = 992 // refer to Bootstrap's responsive design + +export default { + watch: { + $route(route) { + if (this.device === 'mobile' && this.sidebar.opened) { + store.dispatch('app/closeSideBar', { withoutAnimation: false }) + } + } + }, + beforeMount() { + window.addEventListener('resize', this.$_resizeHandler) + }, + beforeDestroy() { + window.removeEventListener('resize', this.$_resizeHandler) + }, + mounted() { + const isMobile = this.$_isMobile() + if (isMobile) { + store.dispatch('app/toggleDevice', 'mobile') + store.dispatch('app/closeSideBar', { withoutAnimation: true }) + } + }, + methods: { + // use $_ for mixins properties + // + $_isMobile() { + const rect = body.getBoundingClientRect() + return rect.width - 1 < WIDTH + }, + $_resizeHandler() { + if (!document.hidden) { + const isMobile = this.$_isMobile() + store.dispatch('app/toggleDevice', isMobile ? 'mobile' : 'desktop') + + if (isMobile) { + store.dispatch('app/closeSideBar', { withoutAnimation: true }) + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/main.js b/src/main.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2688f2b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main.js @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +import Vue from 'vue' + +import Cookies from 'js-cookie' + +import Element from 'element-ui' +import './assets/styles/element-variables.scss' + +import '@/assets/styles/index.scss' // global css +import '@/assets/styles/ruoyi.scss' // ruoyi css +import App from './App' +import store from './store' +import router from './router' +import directive from './directive' // directive +import plugins from './plugins' // plugins +import { download } from '@/utils/request' + +import './assets/icons' // icon +import './permission' // permission control +import { getDicts } from "@/api/system/dict/data"; +import { getConfigKey } from "@/api/system/config"; +import { parseTime, resetForm, addDateRange, selectDictLabel, selectDictLabels, handleTree } from "@/utils/ruoyi"; +// 分页组件 +import Pagination from "@/components/Pagination"; +// 自定义表格工具组件 +import RightToolbar from "@/components/RightToolbar" +// 富文本组件 +import Editor from "@/components/Editor" +// 文件上传组件 +import FileUpload from "@/components/FileUpload" +// 图片上传组件 +import ImageUpload from "@/components/ImageUpload" +// 图片预览组件 +import ImagePreview from "@/components/ImagePreview" +// 字典标签组件 +import DictTag from '@/components/DictTag' +// 头部标签组件 +import VueMeta from 'vue-meta' +// 字典数据组件 +import DictData from '@/components/DictData' + +import Vue2OrgTree from 'vue-tree-color' +Vue.use(Vue2OrgTree) + +// 全局方法挂载 +Vue.prototype.getDicts = getDicts +Vue.prototype.getConfigKey = getConfigKey +Vue.prototype.parseTime = parseTime +Vue.prototype.resetForm = resetForm +Vue.prototype.addDateRange = addDateRange +Vue.prototype.selectDictLabel = selectDictLabel +Vue.prototype.selectDictLabels = selectDictLabels = download +Vue.prototype.handleTree = handleTree + +// 全局组件挂载 +Vue.component('DictTag', DictTag) +Vue.component('Pagination', Pagination) +Vue.component('RightToolbar', RightToolbar) +Vue.component('Editor', Editor) +Vue.component('FileUpload', FileUpload) +Vue.component('ImageUpload', ImageUpload) +Vue.component('ImagePreview', ImagePreview) +Vue.component('vue2-org-tree', Vue2OrgTree); + +Vue.use(directive) +Vue.use(plugins) +Vue.use(VueMeta) +DictData.install() + +/** + * If you don't want to use mock-server + * you want to use MockJs for mock api + * you can execute: mockXHR() + * + * Currently MockJs will be used in the production environment, + * please remove it before going online! ! ! + */ + +Vue.use(Element, { + size: Cookies.get('size') || 'medium' // set element-ui default size +}) + +Vue.config.productionTip = false + +new Vue({ + el: '#app', + router, + store, + render: h => h(App) +}) diff --git a/src/permission.js b/src/permission.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c568979 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/permission.js @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +import router from './router' +import store from './store' +import { Message } from 'element-ui' +import NProgress from 'nprogress' +import 'nprogress/nprogress.css' +import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth' +import { isRelogin } from '@/utils/request' + +NProgress.configure({ showSpinner: false }) + +const whiteList = ['/login', '/register'] + +router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { + NProgress.start() + if (getToken()) { + to.meta.title && store.dispatch('settings/setTitle', to.meta.title) + /* has token*/ + if (to.path === '/login') { + next({ path: '/' }) + NProgress.done() + } else if (whiteList.indexOf(to.path) !== -1) { + next() + } else { + if (store.getters.roles.length === 0) { + = true + // 判断当前用户是否已拉取完user_info信息 + store.dispatch('GetInfo').then(() => { + = false + store.dispatch('GenerateRoutes').then(accessRoutes => { + // 根据roles权限生成可访问的路由表 + router.addRoutes(accessRoutes) // 动态添加可访问路由表 + next({, replace: true }) // hack方法 确保addRoutes已完成 + }) + }).catch(err => { + store.dispatch('LogOut').then(() => { + Message.error(err) + next({ path: '/' }) + }) + }) + } else { + next() + } + } + } else { + // 没有token + if (whiteList.indexOf(to.path) !== -1) { + // 在免登录白名单,直接进入 + next() + } else { + next(`/login?redirect=${encodeURIComponent(to.fullPath)}`) // 否则全部重定向到登录页 + NProgress.done() + } + } +}) + +router.afterEach(() => { + NProgress.done() +}) diff --git a/src/plugins/auth.js b/src/plugins/auth.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c6bc24 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/auth.js @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +import store from '@/store' + +function authPermission(permission) { + const all_permission = "*:*:*"; + const permissions = store.getters && store.getters.permissions + if (permission && permission.length > 0) { + return permissions.some(v => { + return all_permission === v || v === permission + }) + } else { + return false + } +} + +function authRole(role) { + const super_admin = "admin"; + const roles = store.getters && store.getters.roles + if (role && role.length > 0) { + return roles.some(v => { + return super_admin === v || v === role + }) + } else { + return false + } +} + +export default { + // 验证用户是否具备某权限 + hasPermi(permission) { + return authPermission(permission); + }, + // 验证用户是否含有指定权限,只需包含其中一个 + hasPermiOr(permissions) { + return permissions.some(item => { + return authPermission(item) + }) + }, + // 验证用户是否含有指定权限,必须全部拥有 + hasPermiAnd(permissions) { + return permissions.every(item => { + return authPermission(item) + }) + }, + // 验证用户是否具备某角色 + hasRole(role) { + return authRole(role); + }, + // 验证用户是否含有指定角色,只需包含其中一个 + hasRoleOr(roles) { + return roles.some(item => { + return authRole(item) + }) + }, + // 验证用户是否含有指定角色,必须全部拥有 + hasRoleAnd(roles) { + return roles.every(item => { + return authRole(item) + }) + } +} diff --git a/src/plugins/cache.js b/src/plugins/cache.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b5c00b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/cache.js @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +const sessionCache = { + set (key, value) { + if (!sessionStorage) { + return + } + if (key != null && value != null) { + sessionStorage.setItem(key, value) + } + }, + get (key) { + if (!sessionStorage) { + return null + } + if (key == null) { + return null + } + return sessionStorage.getItem(key) + }, + setJSON (key, jsonValue) { + if (jsonValue != null) { + this.set(key, JSON.stringify(jsonValue)) + } + }, + getJSON (key) { + const value = this.get(key) + if (value != null) { + return JSON.parse(value) + } + }, + remove (key) { + sessionStorage.removeItem(key); + } +} +const localCache = { + set (key, value) { + if (!localStorage) { + return + } + if (key != null && value != null) { + localStorage.setItem(key, value) + } + }, + get (key) { + if (!localStorage) { + return null + } + if (key == null) { + return null + } + return localStorage.getItem(key) + }, + setJSON (key, jsonValue) { + if (jsonValue != null) { + this.set(key, JSON.stringify(jsonValue)) + } + }, + getJSON (key) { + const value = this.get(key) + if (value != null) { + return JSON.parse(value) + } + }, + remove (key) { + localStorage.removeItem(key); + } +} + +export default { + /** + * 会话级缓存 + */ + session: sessionCache, + /** + * 本地缓存 + */ + local: localCache +} diff --git a/src/plugins/download.js b/src/plugins/download.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42acd00 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/download.js @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +import axios from 'axios' +import {Loading, Message} from 'element-ui' +import { saveAs } from 'file-saver' +import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth' +import errorCode from '@/utils/errorCode' +import { blobValidate } from "@/utils/ruoyi"; + +const baseURL = process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API +let downloadLoadingInstance; + +export default { + name(name, isDelete = true) { + var url = baseURL + "/common/download?fileName=" + encodeURIComponent(name) + "&delete=" + isDelete + axios({ + method: 'get', + url: url, + responseType: 'blob', + headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + getToken() } + }).then((res) => { + const isBlob = blobValidate(; + if (isBlob) { + const blob = new Blob([]) + this.saveAs(blob, decodeURIComponent(res.headers['download-filename'])) + } else { + this.printErrMsg(; + } + }) + }, + resource(resource) { + var url = baseURL + "/common/download/resource?resource=" + encodeURIComponent(resource); + axios({ + method: 'get', + url: url, + responseType: 'blob', + headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + getToken() } + }).then((res) => { + const isBlob = blobValidate(; + if (isBlob) { + const blob = new Blob([]) + this.saveAs(blob, decodeURIComponent(res.headers['download-filename'])) + } else { + this.printErrMsg(; + } + }) + }, + zip(url, name) { + var url = baseURL + url + downloadLoadingInstance = Loading.service({ text: "正在下载数据,请稍候", spinner: "el-icon-loading", background: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)", }) + axios({ + method: 'get', + url: url, + responseType: 'blob', + headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + getToken() } + }).then((res) => { + const isBlob = blobValidate(; + if (isBlob) { + const blob = new Blob([], { type: 'application/zip' }) + this.saveAs(blob, name) + } else { + this.printErrMsg(; + } + downloadLoadingInstance.close(); + }).catch((r) => { + console.error(r) + Message.error('下载文件出现错误,请联系管理员!') + downloadLoadingInstance.close(); + }) + }, + saveAs(text, name, opts) { + saveAs(text, name, opts); + }, + async printErrMsg(data) { + const resText = await data.text(); + const rspObj = JSON.parse(resText); + const errMsg = errorCode[rspObj.code] || rspObj.msg || errorCode['default'] + Message.error(errMsg); + } +} + diff --git a/src/plugins/index.js b/src/plugins/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d000f2d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +import tab from './tab' +import auth from './auth' +import cache from './cache' +import modal from './modal' +import download from './download' + +export default { + install(Vue) { + // 页签操作 + Vue.prototype.$tab = tab + // 认证对象 + Vue.prototype.$auth = auth + // 缓存对象 + Vue.prototype.$cache = cache + // 模态框对象 + Vue.prototype.$modal = modal + // 下载文件 + Vue.prototype.$download = download + } +} diff --git a/src/plugins/modal.js b/src/plugins/modal.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b37ca14 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/modal.js @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +import { Message, MessageBox, Notification, Loading } from 'element-ui' + +let loadingInstance; + +export default { + // 消息提示 + msg(content) { + + }, + // 错误消息 + msgError(content) { + Message.error(content) + }, + // 成功消息 + msgSuccess(content) { + Message.success(content) + }, + // 警告消息 + msgWarning(content) { + Message.warning(content) + }, + // 弹出提示 + alert(content) { + MessageBox.alert(content, "系统提示") + }, + // 错误提示 + alertError(content) { + MessageBox.alert(content, "系统提示", { type: 'error' }) + }, + // 成功提示 + alertSuccess(content) { + MessageBox.alert(content, "系统提示", { type: 'success' }) + }, + // 警告提示 + alertWarning(content) { + MessageBox.alert(content, "系统提示", { type: 'warning' }) + }, + // 通知提示 + notify(content) { + + }, + // 错误通知 + notifyError(content) { + Notification.error(content); + }, + // 成功通知 + notifySuccess(content) { + Notification.success(content) + }, + // 警告通知 + notifyWarning(content) { + Notification.warning(content) + }, + // 确认窗体 + confirm(content) { + return MessageBox.confirm(content, "系统提示", { + confirmButtonText: '确定', + cancelButtonText: '取消', + type: "warning", + }) + }, + // 提交内容 + prompt(content) { + return MessageBox.prompt(content, "系统提示", { + confirmButtonText: '确定', + cancelButtonText: '取消', + type: "warning", + }) + }, + // 打开遮罩层 + loading(content) { + loadingInstance = Loading.service({ + lock: true, + text: content, + spinner: "el-icon-loading", + background: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)", + }) + }, + // 关闭遮罩层 + closeLoading() { + loadingInstance.close(); + } +} diff --git a/src/plugins/tab.js b/src/plugins/tab.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fcde419 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/tab.js @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +import store from '@/store' +import router from '@/router'; + +export default { + // 刷新当前tab页签 + refreshPage(obj) { + const { path, query, matched } = router.currentRoute; + if (obj === undefined) { + matched.forEach((m) => { + if (m.components && m.components.default && { + if (!['Layout', 'ParentView'].includes( { + obj = { name:, path: path, query: query }; + } + } + }); + } + return store.dispatch('tagsView/delCachedView', obj).then(() => { + const { path, query } = obj + router.replace({ + path: '/redirect' + path, + query: query + }) + }) + }, + // 关闭当前tab页签,打开新页签 + closeOpenPage(obj) { + store.dispatch("tagsView/delView", router.currentRoute); + if (obj !== undefined) { + return router.push(obj); + } + }, + // 关闭指定tab页签 + closePage(obj) { + if (obj === undefined) { + return store.dispatch('tagsView/delView', router.currentRoute).then(({ visitedViews }) => { + const latestView = visitedViews.slice(-1)[0] + if (latestView) { + return router.push(latestView.fullPath) + } + return router.push('/'); + }); + } + return store.dispatch('tagsView/delView', obj); + }, + // 关闭所有tab页签 + closeAllPage() { + return store.dispatch('tagsView/delAllViews'); + }, + // 关闭左侧tab页签 + closeLeftPage(obj) { + return store.dispatch('tagsView/delLeftTags', obj || router.currentRoute); + }, + // 关闭右侧tab页签 + closeRightPage(obj) { + return store.dispatch('tagsView/delRightTags', obj || router.currentRoute); + }, + // 关闭其他tab页签 + closeOtherPage(obj) { + return store.dispatch('tagsView/delOthersViews', obj || router.currentRoute); + }, + // 添加tab页签 + openPage(title, url, params) { + const obj = { path: url, meta: { title: title } } + store.dispatch('tagsView/addView', obj); + return router.push({ path: url, query: params }); + }, + // 修改tab页签 + updatePage(obj) { + return store.dispatch('tagsView/updateVisitedView', obj); + } +} diff --git a/src/router/index.js b/src/router/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c35190b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/router/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +import Vue from 'vue' +import Router from 'vue-router' + +Vue.use(Router) + +/* Layout */ +import Layout from '@/layout' + +/** + * Note: 路由配置项 + * + * hidden: true // 当设置 true 的时候该路由不会再侧边栏出现 如401,login等页面,或者如一些编辑页面/edit/1 + * alwaysShow: true // 当你一个路由下面的 children 声明的路由大于1个时,自动会变成嵌套的模式--如组件页面 + * // 只有一个时,会将那个子路由当做根路由显示在侧边栏--如引导页面 + * // 若你想不管路由下面的 children 声明的个数都显示你的根路由 + * // 你可以设置 alwaysShow: true,这样它就会忽略之前定义的规则,一直显示根路由 + * redirect: noRedirect // 当设置 noRedirect 的时候该路由在面包屑导航中不可被点击 + * name:'router-name' // 设定路由的名字,一定要填写不然使用时会出现各种问题 + * query: '{"id": 1, "name": "ry"}' // 访问路由的默认传递参数 + * roles: ['admin', 'common'] // 访问路由的角色权限 + * permissions: ['a:a:a', 'b:b:b'] // 访问路由的菜单权限 + * meta : { + noCache: true // 如果设置为true,则不会被 缓存(默认 false) + title: 'title' // 设置该路由在侧边栏和面包屑中展示的名字 + icon: 'svg-name' // 设置该路由的图标,对应路径src/assets/icons/svg + breadcrumb: false // 如果设置为false,则不会在breadcrumb面包屑中显示 + activeMenu: '/system/user' // 当路由设置了该属性,则会高亮相对应的侧边栏。 + } + */ + +// 公共路由 +export const constantRoutes = [ + { + path: '/redirect', + component: Layout, + hidden: true, + children: [ + { + path: '/redirect/:path(.*)', + component: () => import('@/views/redirect') + } + ] + }, + { + path: '/login', + component: () => import('@/views/login'), + hidden: true + }, + { + path: '/register', + component: () => import('@/views/register'), + hidden: true + }, + { + path: '/404', + component: () => import('@/views/error/404'), + hidden: true + }, + { + path: '/401', + component: () => import('@/views/error/401'), + hidden: true + }, + { + path: '', + component: Layout, + redirect: 'index', + children: [ + { + path: 'index', + component: () => import('@/views/index'), + name: 'Index', + meta: { title: '主页', icon: 'dashboard', affix: true } + } + ] + }, + { + path: '/user', + component: Layout, + hidden: true, + redirect: 'noredirect', + children: [ + { + path: 'profile', + component: () => import('@/views/system/user/profile/index'), + name: 'Profile', + meta: { title: '个人中心', icon: 'user' } + } + ] + } +] + +// 动态路由,基于用户权限动态去加载 +export const dynamicRoutes = [ + { + path: '/system/user-auth', + component: Layout, + hidden: true, + permissions: ['system:user:edit'], + children: [ + { + path: 'role/:userId(\\d+)', + component: () => import('@/views/system/user/authRole'), + name: 'AuthRole', + meta: { title: '分配角色', activeMenu: '/system/user' } + } + ] + }, + { + path: '/system/role-auth', + component: Layout, + hidden: true, + permissions: ['system:role:edit'], + children: [ + { + path: 'user/:roleId(\\d+)', + component: () => import('@/views/system/role/authUser'), + name: 'AuthUser', + meta: { title: '分配用户', activeMenu: '/system/role' } + } + ] + }, + { + path: '/system/dict-data', + component: Layout, + hidden: true, + permissions: ['system:dict:list'], + children: [ + { + path: 'index/:dictId(\\d+)', + component: () => import('@/views/system/dict/data'), + name: 'Data', + meta: { title: '字典数据', activeMenu: '/system/dict' } + } + ] + }, + { + path: '/monitor/job-log', + component: Layout, + hidden: true, + permissions: ['monitor:job:list'], + children: [ + { + path: 'index/:jobId(\\d+)', + component: () => import('@/views/monitor/job/log'), + name: 'JobLog', + meta: { title: '调度日志', activeMenu: '/monitor/job' } + } + ] + }, + { + path: '/tool/gen-edit', + component: Layout, + hidden: true, + permissions: ['tool:gen:edit'], + children: [ + { + path: 'index/:tableId(\\d+)', + component: () => import('@/views/tool/gen/editTable'), + name: 'GenEdit', + meta: { title: '修改生成配置', activeMenu: '/tool/gen' } + } + ] + } +] + +// 防止连续点击多次路由报错 +let routerPush = Router.prototype.push; +let routerReplace = Router.prototype.replace; +// push +Router.prototype.push = function push(location) { + return, location).catch(err => err) +} +// replace +Router.prototype.replace = function push(location) { + return, location).catch(err => err) +} + +export default new Router({ + mode: 'history', // 去掉url中的# + scrollBehavior: () => ({ y: 0 }), + routes: constantRoutes +}) diff --git a/src/settings.js b/src/settings.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a0b09f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/settings.js @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +module.exports = { + /** + * 侧边栏主题 深色主题theme-dark,浅色主题theme-light + */ + sideTheme: 'theme-dark', + + /** + * 是否系统布局配置 + */ + showSettings: false, + + /** + * 是否显示顶部导航 + */ + topNav: false, + + /** + * 是否显示 tagsView + */ + tagsView: true, + + /** + * 是否固定头部 + */ + fixedHeader: false, + + /** + * 是否显示logo + */ + sidebarLogo: true, + + /** + * 是否显示动态标题 + */ + dynamicTitle: false, + + /** + * @type {string | array} 'production' | ['production', 'development'] + * @description Need show err logs component. + * The default is only used in the production env + * If you want to also use it in dev, you can pass ['production', 'development'] + */ + errorLog: 'production' +} diff --git a/src/store/getters.js b/src/store/getters.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8adb1b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/store/getters.js @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +const getters = { + sidebar: state =>, + size: state =>, + device: state =>, + dict: state => state.dict.dict, + visitedViews: state => state.tagsView.visitedViews, + cachedViews: state => state.tagsView.cachedViews, + token: state => state.user.token, + avatar: state => state.user.avatar, + name: state =>, + introduction: state => state.user.introduction, + roles: state => state.user.roles, + permissions: state => state.user.permissions, + permission_routes: state => state.permission.routes, + topbarRouters:state => state.permission.topbarRouters, + defaultRoutes:state => state.permission.defaultRoutes, + sidebarRouters:state => state.permission.sidebarRouters, +} +export default getters diff --git a/src/store/index.js b/src/store/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97aaef8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/store/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +import Vue from 'vue' +import Vuex from 'vuex' +import app from './modules/app' +import dict from './modules/dict' +import user from './modules/user' +import tagsView from './modules/tagsView' +import permission from './modules/permission' +import settings from './modules/settings' +import getters from './getters' + +Vue.use(Vuex) + +const store = new Vuex.Store({ + modules: { + app, + dict, + user, + tagsView, + permission, + settings + }, + getters +}) + +export default store diff --git a/src/store/modules/app.js b/src/store/modules/app.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e22d1c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/store/modules/app.js @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +import Cookies from 'js-cookie' + +const state = { + sidebar: { + opened: Cookies.get('sidebarStatus') ? !!+Cookies.get('sidebarStatus') : true, + withoutAnimation: false, + hide: false + }, + device: 'desktop', + size: Cookies.get('size') || 'medium' +} + +const mutations = { + TOGGLE_SIDEBAR: state => { + if (state.sidebar.hide) { + return false; + } + state.sidebar.opened = !state.sidebar.opened + state.sidebar.withoutAnimation = false + if (state.sidebar.opened) { + Cookies.set('sidebarStatus', 1) + } else { + Cookies.set('sidebarStatus', 0) + } + }, + CLOSE_SIDEBAR: (state, withoutAnimation) => { + Cookies.set('sidebarStatus', 0) + state.sidebar.opened = false + state.sidebar.withoutAnimation = withoutAnimation + }, + TOGGLE_DEVICE: (state, device) => { + state.device = device + }, + SET_SIZE: (state, size) => { + state.size = size + Cookies.set('size', size) + }, + SET_SIDEBAR_HIDE: (state, status) => { + state.sidebar.hide = status + } +} + +const actions = { + toggleSideBar({ commit }) { + commit('TOGGLE_SIDEBAR') + }, + closeSideBar({ commit }, { withoutAnimation }) { + commit('CLOSE_SIDEBAR', withoutAnimation) + }, + toggleDevice({ commit }, device) { + commit('TOGGLE_DEVICE', device) + }, + setSize({ commit }, size) { + commit('SET_SIZE', size) + }, + toggleSideBarHide({ commit }, status) { + commit('SET_SIDEBAR_HIDE', status) + } +} + +export default { + namespaced: true, + state, + mutations, + actions +} diff --git a/src/store/modules/dict.js b/src/store/modules/dict.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a1b2f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/store/modules/dict.js @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +const state = { + dict: new Array() +} +const mutations = { + SET_DICT: (state, { key, value }) => { + if (key !== null && key !== "") { + state.dict.push({ + key: key, + value: value + }) + } + }, + REMOVE_DICT: (state, key) => { + try { + for (let i = 0; i < state.dict.length; i++) { + if (state.dict[i].key == key) { + state.dict.splice(i, 1) + return true + } + } + } catch (e) { + } + }, + CLEAN_DICT: (state) => { + state.dict = new Array() + } +} + +const actions = { + // 设置字典 + setDict({ commit }, data) { + commit('SET_DICT', data) + }, + // 删除字典 + removeDict({ commit }, key) { + commit('REMOVE_DICT', key) + }, + // 清空字典 + cleanDict({ commit }) { + commit('CLEAN_DICT') + } +} + +export default { + namespaced: true, + state, + mutations, + actions +} + diff --git a/src/store/modules/permission.js b/src/store/modules/permission.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3c216a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/store/modules/permission.js @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +import auth from '@/plugins/auth' +import router, { constantRoutes, dynamicRoutes } from '@/router' +import { getRouters } from '@/api/menu' +import Layout from '@/layout/index' +import ParentView from '@/components/ParentView' +import InnerLink from '@/layout/components/InnerLink' + +const permission = { + state: { + routes: [], + addRoutes: [], + defaultRoutes: [], + topbarRouters: [], + sidebarRouters: [] + }, + mutations: { + SET_ROUTES: (state, routes) => { + state.addRoutes = routes + state.routes = constantRoutes.concat(routes) + }, + SET_DEFAULT_ROUTES: (state, routes) => { + state.defaultRoutes = constantRoutes.concat(routes) + }, + SET_TOPBAR_ROUTES: (state, routes) => { + state.topbarRouters = routes + }, + SET_SIDEBAR_ROUTERS: (state, routes) => { + state.sidebarRouters = routes + }, + }, + actions: { + // 生成路由 + GenerateRoutes({ commit }) { + return new Promise(resolve => { + // 向后端请求路由数据 + getRouters().then(res => { + const sdata = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify( + const rdata = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify( + const sidebarRoutes = filterAsyncRouter(sdata) + const rewriteRoutes = filterAsyncRouter(rdata, false, true) + const asyncRoutes = filterDynamicRoutes(dynamicRoutes); + rewriteRoutes.push({ path: '*', redirect: '/404', hidden: true }) + router.addRoutes(asyncRoutes); + commit('SET_ROUTES', rewriteRoutes) + commit('SET_SIDEBAR_ROUTERS', constantRoutes.concat(sidebarRoutes)) + commit('SET_DEFAULT_ROUTES', sidebarRoutes) + commit('SET_TOPBAR_ROUTES', sidebarRoutes) + resolve(rewriteRoutes) + }) + }) + } + } +} + +// 遍历后台传来的路由字符串,转换为组件对象 +function filterAsyncRouter(asyncRouterMap, lastRouter = false, type = false) { + return asyncRouterMap.filter(route => { + if (type && route.children) { + route.children = filterChildren(route.children) + } + if (route.component) { + // Layout ParentView 组件特殊处理 + if (route.component === 'Layout') { + route.component = Layout + } else if (route.component === 'ParentView') { + route.component = ParentView + } else if (route.component === 'InnerLink') { + route.component = InnerLink + } else { + route.component = loadView(route.component) + } + } + if (route.children != null && route.children && route.children.length) { + route.children = filterAsyncRouter(route.children, route, type) + } else { + delete route['children'] + delete route['redirect'] + } + return true + }) +} + +function filterChildren(childrenMap, lastRouter = false) { + var children = [] + childrenMap.forEach((el, index) => { + if (el.children && el.children.length) { + if (el.component === 'ParentView' && !lastRouter) { + el.children.forEach(c => { + c.path = el.path + '/' + c.path + if (c.children && c.children.length) { + children = children.concat(filterChildren(c.children, c)) + return + } + children.push(c) + }) + return + } + } + if (lastRouter) { + el.path = lastRouter.path + '/' + el.path + if (el.children && el.children.length) { + children = children.concat(filterChildren(el.children, el)) + return + } + } + children = children.concat(el) + }) + return children +} + +// 动态路由遍历,验证是否具备权限 +export function filterDynamicRoutes(routes) { + const res = [] + routes.forEach(route => { + if (route.permissions) { + if (auth.hasPermiOr(route.permissions)) { + res.push(route) + } + } else if (route.roles) { + if (auth.hasRoleOr(route.roles)) { + res.push(route) + } + } + }) + return res +} + +export const loadView = (view) => { + if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { + return (resolve) => require([`@/views/${view}`], resolve) + } else { + // 使用 import 实现生产环境的路由懒加载 + return () => import(`@/views/${view}`) + } +} + +export default permission diff --git a/src/store/modules/settings.js b/src/store/modules/settings.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2455a1e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/store/modules/settings.js @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +import defaultSettings from '@/settings' + +const { sideTheme, showSettings, topNav, tagsView, fixedHeader, sidebarLogo, dynamicTitle } = defaultSettings + +const storageSetting = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('layout-setting')) || '' +const state = { + title: '', + theme: storageSetting.theme || '#409EFF', + sideTheme: storageSetting.sideTheme || sideTheme, + showSettings: showSettings, + topNav: storageSetting.topNav === undefined ? topNav : storageSetting.topNav, + tagsView: storageSetting.tagsView === undefined ? tagsView : storageSetting.tagsView, + fixedHeader: storageSetting.fixedHeader === undefined ? fixedHeader : storageSetting.fixedHeader, + sidebarLogo: storageSetting.sidebarLogo === undefined ? sidebarLogo : storageSetting.sidebarLogo, + dynamicTitle: storageSetting.dynamicTitle === undefined ? dynamicTitle : storageSetting.dynamicTitle +} +const mutations = { + CHANGE_SETTING: (state, { key, value }) => { + if (state.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + state[key] = value + } + } +} + +const actions = { + // 修改布局设置 + changeSetting({ commit }, data) { + commit('CHANGE_SETTING', data) + }, + // 设置网页标题 + setTitle({ commit }, title) { + state.title = title + } +} + +export default { + namespaced: true, + state, + mutations, + actions +} + diff --git a/src/store/modules/tagsView.js b/src/store/modules/tagsView.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5fc011c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/store/modules/tagsView.js @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +const state = { + visitedViews: [], + cachedViews: [], + iframeViews: [] +} + +const mutations = { + ADD_IFRAME_VIEW: (state, view) => { + if (state.iframeViews.some(v => v.path === view.path)) return + state.iframeViews.push( + Object.assign({}, view, { + title: view.meta.title || 'no-name' + }) + ) + }, + ADD_VISITED_VIEW: (state, view) => { + if (state.visitedViews.some(v => v.path === view.path)) return + state.visitedViews.push( + Object.assign({}, view, { + title: view.meta.title || 'no-name' + }) + ) + }, + ADD_CACHED_VIEW: (state, view) => { + if (state.cachedViews.includes( return + if (view.meta && !view.meta.noCache) { + state.cachedViews.push( + } + }, + DEL_VISITED_VIEW: (state, view) => { + for (const [i, v] of state.visitedViews.entries()) { + if (v.path === view.path) { + state.visitedViews.splice(i, 1) + break + } + } + state.iframeViews = state.iframeViews.filter(item => item.path !== view.path) + }, + DEL_IFRAME_VIEW: (state, view) => { + state.iframeViews = state.iframeViews.filter(item => item.path !== view.path) + }, + DEL_CACHED_VIEW: (state, view) => { + const index = state.cachedViews.indexOf( + index > -1 && state.cachedViews.splice(index, 1) + }, + + DEL_OTHERS_VISITED_VIEWS: (state, view) => { + state.visitedViews = state.visitedViews.filter(v => { + return v.meta.affix || v.path === view.path + }) + state.iframeViews = state.iframeViews.filter(item => item.path === view.path) + }, + DEL_OTHERS_CACHED_VIEWS: (state, view) => { + const index = state.cachedViews.indexOf( + if (index > -1) { + state.cachedViews = state.cachedViews.slice(index, index + 1) + } else { + state.cachedViews = [] + } + }, + DEL_ALL_VISITED_VIEWS: state => { + // keep affix tags + const affixTags = state.visitedViews.filter(tag => tag.meta.affix) + state.visitedViews = affixTags + state.iframeViews = [] + }, + DEL_ALL_CACHED_VIEWS: state => { + state.cachedViews = [] + }, + UPDATE_VISITED_VIEW: (state, view) => { + for (let v of state.visitedViews) { + if (v.path === view.path) { + v = Object.assign(v, view) + break + } + } + }, + DEL_RIGHT_VIEWS: (state, view) => { + const index = state.visitedViews.findIndex(v => v.path === view.path) + if (index === -1) { + return + } + state.visitedViews = state.visitedViews.filter((item, idx) => { + if (idx <= index || (item.meta && item.meta.affix)) { + return true + } + const i = state.cachedViews.indexOf( + if (i > -1) { + state.cachedViews.splice(i, 1) + } + if( { + const fi = state.iframeViews.findIndex(v => v.path === item.path) + state.iframeViews.splice(fi, 1) + } + return false + }) + }, + DEL_LEFT_VIEWS: (state, view) => { + const index = state.visitedViews.findIndex(v => v.path === view.path) + if (index === -1) { + return + } + state.visitedViews = state.visitedViews.filter((item, idx) => { + if (idx >= index || (item.meta && item.meta.affix)) { + return true + } + const i = state.cachedViews.indexOf( + if (i > -1) { + state.cachedViews.splice(i, 1) + } + if( { + const fi = state.iframeViews.findIndex(v => v.path === item.path) + state.iframeViews.splice(fi, 1) + } + return false + }) + } +} + +const actions = { + addView({ dispatch }, view) { + dispatch('addVisitedView', view) + dispatch('addCachedView', view) + }, + addIframeView({ commit }, view) { + commit('ADD_IFRAME_VIEW', view) + }, + addVisitedView({ commit }, view) { + commit('ADD_VISITED_VIEW', view) + }, + addCachedView({ commit }, view) { + commit('ADD_CACHED_VIEW', view) + }, + delView({ dispatch, state }, view) { + return new Promise(resolve => { + dispatch('delVisitedView', view) + dispatch('delCachedView', view) + resolve({ + visitedViews: [...state.visitedViews], + cachedViews: [...state.cachedViews] + }) + }) + }, + delVisitedView({ commit, state }, view) { + return new Promise(resolve => { + commit('DEL_VISITED_VIEW', view) + resolve([...state.visitedViews]) + }) + }, + delIframeView({ commit, state }, view) { + return new Promise(resolve => { + commit('DEL_IFRAME_VIEW', view) + resolve([...state.iframeViews]) + }) + }, + delCachedView({ commit, state }, view) { + return new Promise(resolve => { + commit('DEL_CACHED_VIEW', view) + resolve([...state.cachedViews]) + }) + }, + delOthersViews({ dispatch, state }, view) { + return new Promise(resolve => { + dispatch('delOthersVisitedViews', view) + dispatch('delOthersCachedViews', view) + resolve({ + visitedViews: [...state.visitedViews], + cachedViews: [...state.cachedViews] + }) + }) + }, + delOthersVisitedViews({ commit, state }, view) { + return new Promise(resolve => { + commit('DEL_OTHERS_VISITED_VIEWS', view) + resolve([...state.visitedViews]) + }) + }, + delOthersCachedViews({ commit, state }, view) { + return new Promise(resolve => { + commit('DEL_OTHERS_CACHED_VIEWS', view) + resolve([...state.cachedViews]) + }) + }, + delAllViews({ dispatch, state }, view) { + return new Promise(resolve => { + dispatch('delAllVisitedViews', view) + dispatch('delAllCachedViews', view) + resolve({ + visitedViews: [...state.visitedViews], + cachedViews: [...state.cachedViews] + }) + }) + }, + delAllVisitedViews({ commit, state }) { + return new Promise(resolve => { + commit('DEL_ALL_VISITED_VIEWS') + resolve([...state.visitedViews]) + }) + }, + delAllCachedViews({ commit, state }) { + return new Promise(resolve => { + commit('DEL_ALL_CACHED_VIEWS') + resolve([...state.cachedViews]) + }) + }, + updateVisitedView({ commit }, view) { + commit('UPDATE_VISITED_VIEW', view) + }, + delRightTags({ commit }, view) { + return new Promise(resolve => { + commit('DEL_RIGHT_VIEWS', view) + resolve([...state.visitedViews]) + }) + }, + delLeftTags({ commit }, view) { + return new Promise(resolve => { + commit('DEL_LEFT_VIEWS', view) + resolve([...state.visitedViews]) + }) + }, +} + +export default { + namespaced: true, + state, + mutations, + actions +} diff --git a/src/store/modules/user.js b/src/store/modules/user.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cdbab1e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/store/modules/user.js @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +import { login, logout, getInfo } from '@/api/login' +import { getToken, setToken, removeToken } from '@/utils/auth' + +const user = { + state: { + token: getToken(), + id: '', + name: '', + avatar: '', + roles: [], + permissions: [] + }, + + mutations: { + SET_TOKEN: (state, token) => { + state.token = token + }, + SET_ID: (state, id) => { + = id + }, + SET_NAME: (state, name) => { + = name + }, + SET_AVATAR: (state, avatar) => { + state.avatar = avatar + }, + SET_ROLES: (state, roles) => { + state.roles = roles + }, + SET_PERMISSIONS: (state, permissions) => { + state.permissions = permissions + } + }, + + actions: { + // 登录 + Login({ commit }, userInfo) { + const username = userInfo.username.trim() + const password = userInfo.password + const code = userInfo.code + const uuid = userInfo.uuid + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + login(username, password, code, uuid).then(res => { + setToken(res.token) + commit('SET_TOKEN', res.token) + resolve() + }).catch(error => { + reject(error) + }) + }) + }, + + // 获取用户信息 + GetInfo({ commit, state }) { + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + getInfo().then(res => { + const user = res.user + const avatar = (user.avatar == "" || user.avatar == null) ? require("@/assets/images/profile.jpg") : process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API + user.avatar; + if (res.roles && res.roles.length > 0) { // 验证返回的roles是否是一个非空数组 + commit('SET_ROLES', res.roles) + commit('SET_PERMISSIONS', res.permissions) + } else { + commit('SET_ROLES', ['ROLE_DEFAULT']) + } + commit('SET_ID', user.userId) + commit('SET_NAME', user.userName) + commit('SET_AVATAR', avatar) + resolve(res) + }).catch(error => { + reject(error) + }) + }) + }, + + // 退出系统 + LogOut({ commit, state }) { + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + logout(state.token).then(() => { + commit('SET_TOKEN', '') + commit('SET_ROLES', []) + commit('SET_PERMISSIONS', []) + removeToken() + resolve() + }).catch(error => { + reject(error) + }) + }) + }, + + // 前端 登出 + FedLogOut({ commit }) { + return new Promise(resolve => { + commit('SET_TOKEN', '') + removeToken() + resolve() + }) + } + } +} + +export default user diff --git a/src/utils/auth.js b/src/utils/auth.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08a43d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/auth.js @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +import Cookies from 'js-cookie' + +const TokenKey = 'Admin-Token' + +export function getToken() { + return Cookies.get(TokenKey) +} + +export function setToken(token) { + return Cookies.set(TokenKey, token) +} + +export function removeToken() { + return Cookies.remove(TokenKey) +} diff --git a/src/utils/dict/Dict.js b/src/utils/dict/Dict.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..104bd6e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/dict/Dict.js @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +import Vue from 'vue' +import { mergeRecursive } from "@/utils/ruoyi"; +import DictMeta from './DictMeta' +import DictData from './DictData' + +const DEFAULT_DICT_OPTIONS = { + types: [], +} + +/** + * @classdesc 字典 + * @property {Object} label 标签对象,内部属性名为字典类型名称 + * @property {Object} dict 字段数组,内部属性名为字典类型名称 + * @property {Array.} _dictMetas 字典元数据数组 + */ +export default class Dict { + constructor() { + this.owner = null + this.label = {} + this.type = {} + } + + init(options) { + if (options instanceof Array) { + options = { types: options } + } + const opts = mergeRecursive(DEFAULT_DICT_OPTIONS, options) + if (opts.types === undefined) { + throw new Error('need dict types') + } + const ps = [] + this._dictMetas = => DictMeta.parse(t)) + this._dictMetas.forEach(dictMeta => { + const type = dictMeta.type + Vue.set(this.label, type, {}) + Vue.set(this.type, type, []) + if (dictMeta.lazy) { + return + } + ps.push(loadDict(this, dictMeta)) + }) + return Promise.all(ps) + } + + /** + * 重新加载字典 + * @param {String} type 字典类型 + */ + reloadDict(type) { + const dictMeta = this._dictMetas.find(e => e.type === type) + if (dictMeta === undefined) { + return Promise.reject(`the dict meta of ${type} was not found`) + } + return loadDict(this, dictMeta) + } +} + +/** + * 加载字典 + * @param {Dict} dict 字典 + * @param {DictMeta} dictMeta 字典元数据 + * @returns {Promise} + */ +function loadDict(dict, dictMeta) { + return dictMeta.request(dictMeta) + .then(response => { + const type = dictMeta.type + let dicts = dictMeta.responseConverter(response, dictMeta) + if (!(dicts instanceof Array)) { + console.error('the return of responseConverter must be Array.') + dicts = [] + } else if (dicts.filter(d => d instanceof DictData).length !== dicts.length) { + console.error('the type of elements in dicts must be DictData') + dicts = [] + } + dict.type[type].splice(0, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, ...dicts) + dicts.forEach(d => { + Vue.set(dict.label[type], d.value, d.label) + }) + return dicts + }) +} diff --git a/src/utils/dict/DictConverter.js b/src/utils/dict/DictConverter.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0cf5df8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/dict/DictConverter.js @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +import DictOptions from './DictOptions' +import DictData from './DictData' + +export default function(dict, dictMeta) { + const label = determineDictField(dict, dictMeta.labelField, ...DictOptions.DEFAULT_LABEL_FIELDS) + const value = determineDictField(dict, dictMeta.valueField, ...DictOptions.DEFAULT_VALUE_FIELDS) + return new DictData(dict[label], dict[value], dict) +} + +/** + * 确定字典字段 + * @param {DictData} dict + * @param {...String} fields + */ +function determineDictField(dict, ...fields) { + return fields.find(f =>, f)) +} diff --git a/src/utils/dict/DictData.js b/src/utils/dict/DictData.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..afc763e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/dict/DictData.js @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +/** + * @classdesc 字典数据 + * @property {String} label 标签 + * @property {*} value 标签 + * @property {Object} raw 原始数据 + */ +export default class DictData { + constructor(label, value, raw) { + this.label = label + this.value = value + this.raw = raw + } +} diff --git a/src/utils/dict/DictMeta.js b/src/utils/dict/DictMeta.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9779daa --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/dict/DictMeta.js @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +import { mergeRecursive } from "@/utils/ruoyi"; +import DictOptions from './DictOptions' + +/** + * @classdesc 字典元数据 + * @property {String} type 类型 + * @property {Function} request 请求 + * @property {String} label 标签字段 + * @property {String} value 值字段 + */ +export default class DictMeta { + constructor(options) { + this.type = options.type + this.request = options.request + this.responseConverter = options.responseConverter + this.labelField = options.labelField + this.valueField = options.valueField + this.lazy = options.lazy === true + } +} + + +/** + * 解析字典元数据 + * @param {Object} options + * @returns {DictMeta} + */ +DictMeta.parse= function(options) { + let opts = null + if (typeof options === 'string') { + opts = DictOptions.metas[options] || {} + opts.type = options + } else if (typeof options === 'object') { + opts = options + } + opts = mergeRecursive(DictOptions.metas['*'], opts) + return new DictMeta(opts) +} diff --git a/src/utils/dict/DictOptions.js b/src/utils/dict/DictOptions.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..338a94e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/dict/DictOptions.js @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +import { mergeRecursive } from "@/utils/ruoyi"; +import dictConverter from './DictConverter' + +export const options = { + metas: { + '*': { + /** + * 字典请求,方法签名为function(dictMeta: DictMeta): Promise + */ + request: (dictMeta) => { + console.log(`load dict ${dictMeta.type}`) + return Promise.resolve([]) + }, + /** + * 字典响应数据转换器,方法签名为function(response: Object, dictMeta: DictMeta): DictData + */ + responseConverter, + labelField: 'label', + valueField: 'value', + }, + }, + /** + * 默认标签字段 + */ + DEFAULT_LABEL_FIELDS: ['label', 'name', 'title'], + /** + * 默认值字段 + */ + DEFAULT_VALUE_FIELDS: ['value', 'id', 'uid', 'key'], +} + +/** + * 映射字典 + * @param {Object} response 字典数据 + * @param {DictMeta} dictMeta 字典元数据 + * @returns {DictData} + */ +function responseConverter(response, dictMeta) { + const dicts = response.content instanceof Array ? response.content : response + if (dicts === undefined) { + console.warn(`no dict data of "${dictMeta.type}" found in the response`) + return [] + } + return => dictConverter(d, dictMeta)) +} + +export function mergeOptions(src) { + mergeRecursive(options, src) +} + +export default options diff --git a/src/utils/dict/index.js b/src/utils/dict/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..215eb9e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/dict/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +import Dict from './Dict' +import { mergeOptions } from './DictOptions' + +export default function(Vue, options) { + mergeOptions(options) + Vue.mixin({ + data() { + if (this.$options === undefined || this.$options.dicts === undefined || this.$options.dicts === null) { + return {} + } + const dict = new Dict() + dict.owner = this + return { + dict + } + }, + created() { + if (!(this.dict instanceof Dict)) { + return + } + options.onCreated && options.onCreated(this.dict) + this.dict.init(this.$options.dicts).then(() => { + options.onReady && options.onReady(this.dict) + this.$nextTick(() => { + this.$emit('dictReady', this.dict) + if (this.$options.methods && this.$options.methods.onDictReady instanceof Function) { + this.$, this.dict) + } + }) + }) + }, + }) +} diff --git a/src/utils/errorCode.js b/src/utils/errorCode.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2111ee --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/errorCode.js @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +export default { + '401': '认证失败,无法访问系统资源', + '403': '当前操作没有权限', + '404': '访问资源不存在', + 'default': '系统未知错误,请反馈给管理员' +} diff --git a/src/utils/generator/config.js b/src/utils/generator/config.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7abf227 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/generator/config.js @@ -0,0 +1,438 @@ +export const formConf = { + formRef: 'elForm', + formModel: 'formData', + size: 'medium', + labelPosition: 'right', + labelWidth: 100, + formRules: 'rules', + gutter: 15, + disabled: false, + span: 24, + formBtns: true +} + +export const inputComponents = [ + { + label: '单行文本', + tag: 'el-input', + tagIcon: 'input', + placeholder: '请输入', + defaultValue: undefined, + span: 24, + labelWidth: null, + style: { width: '100%' }, + clearable: true, + prepend: '', + append: '', + 'prefix-icon': '', + 'suffix-icon': '', + maxlength: null, + 'show-word-limit': false, + readonly: false, + disabled: false, + required: true, + regList: [], + changeTag: true, + document: '' + }, + { + label: '多行文本', + tag: 'el-input', + tagIcon: 'textarea', + type: 'textarea', + placeholder: '请输入', + defaultValue: undefined, + span: 24, + labelWidth: null, + autosize: { + minRows: 4, + maxRows: 4 + }, + style: { width: '100%' }, + maxlength: null, + 'show-word-limit': false, + readonly: false, + disabled: false, + required: true, + regList: [], + changeTag: true, + document: '' + }, + { + label: '密码', + tag: 'el-input', + tagIcon: 'password', + placeholder: '请输入', + defaultValue: undefined, + span: 24, + 'show-password': true, + labelWidth: null, + style: { width: '100%' }, + clearable: true, + prepend: '', + append: '', + 'prefix-icon': '', + 'suffix-icon': '', + maxlength: null, + 'show-word-limit': false, + readonly: false, + disabled: false, + required: true, + regList: [], + changeTag: true, + document: '' + }, + { + label: '计数器', + tag: 'el-input-number', + tagIcon: 'number', + placeholder: '', + defaultValue: undefined, + span: 24, + labelWidth: null, + min: undefined, + max: undefined, + step: undefined, + 'step-strictly': false, + precision: undefined, + 'controls-position': '', + disabled: false, + required: true, + regList: [], + changeTag: true, + document: '' + } +] + +export const selectComponents = [ + { + label: '下拉选择', + tag: 'el-select', + tagIcon: 'select', + placeholder: '请选择', + defaultValue: undefined, + span: 24, + labelWidth: null, + style: { width: '100%' }, + clearable: true, + disabled: false, + required: true, + filterable: false, + multiple: false, + options: [{ + label: '选项一', + value: 1 + }, { + label: '选项二', + value: 2 + }], + regList: [], + changeTag: true, + document: '' + }, + { + label: '级联选择', + tag: 'el-cascader', + tagIcon: 'cascader', + placeholder: '请选择', + defaultValue: [], + span: 24, + labelWidth: null, + style: { width: '100%' }, + props: { + props: { + multiple: false + } + }, + 'show-all-levels': true, + disabled: false, + clearable: true, + filterable: false, + required: true, + options: [{ + id: 1, + value: 1, + label: '选项1', + children: [{ + id: 2, + value: 2, + label: '选项1-1' + }] + }], + dataType: 'dynamic', + labelKey: 'label', + valueKey: 'value', + childrenKey: 'children', + separator: '/', + regList: [], + changeTag: true, + document: '' + }, + { + label: '单选框组', + tag: 'el-radio-group', + tagIcon: 'radio', + defaultValue: undefined, + span: 24, + labelWidth: null, + style: {}, + optionType: 'default', + border: false, + size: 'medium', + disabled: false, + required: true, + options: [{ + label: '选项一', + value: 1 + }, { + label: '选项二', + value: 2 + }], + regList: [], + changeTag: true, + document: '' + }, + { + label: '多选框组', + tag: 'el-checkbox-group', + tagIcon: 'checkbox', + defaultValue: [], + span: 24, + labelWidth: null, + style: {}, + optionType: 'default', + border: false, + size: 'medium', + disabled: false, + required: true, + options: [{ + label: '选项一', + value: 1 + }, { + label: '选项二', + value: 2 + }], + regList: [], + changeTag: true, + document: '' + }, + { + label: '开关', + tag: 'el-switch', + tagIcon: 'switch', + defaultValue: false, + span: 24, + labelWidth: null, + style: {}, + disabled: false, + required: true, + 'active-text': '', + 'inactive-text': '', + 'active-color': null, + 'inactive-color': null, + 'active-value': true, + 'inactive-value': false, + regList: [], + changeTag: true, + document: '' + }, + { + label: '滑块', + tag: 'el-slider', + tagIcon: 'slider', + defaultValue: null, + span: 24, + labelWidth: null, + disabled: false, + required: true, + min: 0, + max: 100, + step: 1, + 'show-stops': false, + range: false, + regList: [], + changeTag: true, + document: '' + }, + { + label: '时间选择', + tag: 'el-time-picker', + tagIcon: 'time', + placeholder: '请选择', + defaultValue: null, + span: 24, + labelWidth: null, + style: { width: '100%' }, + disabled: false, + clearable: true, + required: true, + 'picker-options': { + selectableRange: '00:00:00-23:59:59' + }, + format: 'HH:mm:ss', + 'value-format': 'HH:mm:ss', + regList: [], + changeTag: true, + document: '' + }, + { + label: '时间范围', + tag: 'el-time-picker', + tagIcon: 'time-range', + defaultValue: null, + span: 24, + labelWidth: null, + style: { width: '100%' }, + disabled: false, + clearable: true, + required: true, + 'is-range': true, + 'range-separator': '至', + 'start-placeholder': '开始时间', + 'end-placeholder': '结束时间', + format: 'HH:mm:ss', + 'value-format': 'HH:mm:ss', + regList: [], + changeTag: true, + document: '' + }, + { + label: '日期选择', + tag: 'el-date-picker', + tagIcon: 'date', + placeholder: '请选择', + defaultValue: null, + type: 'date', + span: 24, + labelWidth: null, + style: { width: '100%' }, + disabled: false, + clearable: true, + required: true, + format: 'yyyy-MM-dd', + 'value-format': 'yyyy-MM-dd', + readonly: false, + regList: [], + changeTag: true, + document: '' + }, + { + label: '日期范围', + tag: 'el-date-picker', + tagIcon: 'date-range', + defaultValue: null, + span: 24, + labelWidth: null, + style: { width: '100%' }, + type: 'daterange', + 'range-separator': '至', + 'start-placeholder': '开始日期', + 'end-placeholder': '结束日期', + disabled: false, + clearable: true, + required: true, + format: 'yyyy-MM-dd', + 'value-format': 'yyyy-MM-dd', + readonly: false, + regList: [], + changeTag: true, + document: '' + }, + { + label: '评分', + tag: 'el-rate', + tagIcon: 'rate', + defaultValue: 0, + span: 24, + labelWidth: null, + style: {}, + max: 5, + 'allow-half': false, + 'show-text': false, + 'show-score': false, + disabled: false, + required: true, + regList: [], + changeTag: true, + document: '' + }, + { + label: '颜色选择', + tag: 'el-color-picker', + tagIcon: 'color', + defaultValue: null, + labelWidth: null, + 'show-alpha': false, + 'color-format': '', + disabled: false, + required: true, + size: 'medium', + regList: [], + changeTag: true, + document: '' + }, + { + label: '上传', + tag: 'el-upload', + tagIcon: 'upload', + action: '', + defaultValue: null, + labelWidth: null, + disabled: false, + required: true, + accept: '', + name: 'file', + 'auto-upload': true, + showTip: false, + buttonText: '点击上传', + fileSize: 2, + sizeUnit: 'MB', + 'list-type': 'text', + multiple: false, + regList: [], + changeTag: true, + document: '' + } +] + +export const layoutComponents = [ + { + layout: 'rowFormItem', + tagIcon: 'row', + type: 'default', + justify: 'start', + align: 'top', + label: '行容器', + layoutTree: true, + children: [], + document: '' + }, + { + layout: 'colFormItem', + label: '按钮', + changeTag: true, + labelWidth: null, + tag: 'el-button', + tagIcon: 'button', + span: 24, + default: '主要按钮', + type: 'primary', + icon: 'el-icon-search', + size: 'medium', + disabled: false, + document: '' + } +] + +// 组件rule的触发方式,无触发方式的组件不生成rule +export const trigger = { + 'el-input': 'blur', + 'el-input-number': 'blur', + 'el-select': 'change', + 'el-radio-group': 'change', + 'el-checkbox-group': 'change', + 'el-cascader': 'change', + 'el-time-picker': 'change', + 'el-date-picker': 'change', + 'el-rate': 'change' +} diff --git a/src/utils/generator/css.js b/src/utils/generator/css.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1c62e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/generator/css.js @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +const styles = { + 'el-rate': '.el-rate{display: inline-block; vertical-align: text-top;}', + 'el-upload': '.el-upload__tip{line-height: 1.2;}' +} + +function addCss(cssList, el) { + const css = styles[el.tag] + css && cssList.indexOf(css) === -1 && cssList.push(css) + if (el.children) { + el.children.forEach(el2 => addCss(cssList, el2)) + } +} + +export function makeUpCss(conf) { + const cssList = [] + conf.fields.forEach(el => addCss(cssList, el)) + return cssList.join('\n') +} diff --git a/src/utils/generator/drawingDefault.js b/src/utils/generator/drawingDefault.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..09f133c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/generator/drawingDefault.js @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +export default [ + { + layout: 'colFormItem', + tagIcon: 'input', + label: '手机号', + vModel: 'mobile', + formId: 6, + tag: 'el-input', + placeholder: '请输入手机号', + defaultValue: '', + span: 24, + style: { width: '100%' }, + clearable: true, + prepend: '', + append: '', + 'prefix-icon': 'el-icon-mobile', + 'suffix-icon': '', + maxlength: 11, + 'show-word-limit': true, + readonly: false, + disabled: false, + required: true, + changeTag: true, + regList: [{ + pattern: '/^1(3|4|5|7|8|9)\\d{9}$/', + message: '手机号格式错误' + }] + } +] diff --git a/src/utils/generator/html.js b/src/utils/generator/html.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9bcc536 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/generator/html.js @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +/* eslint-disable max-len */ +import { trigger } from './config' + +let confGlobal +let someSpanIsNot24 + +export function dialogWrapper(str) { + return ` + ${str} +
+ 取消 + 确定 +
` +} + +export function vueTemplate(str) { + return `` +} + +export function vueScript(str) { + return `` +} + +export function cssStyle(cssStr) { + return `` +} + +function buildFormTemplate(conf, child, type) { + let labelPosition = '' + if (conf.labelPosition !== 'right') { + labelPosition = `label-position="${conf.labelPosition}"` + } + const disabled = conf.disabled ? `:disabled="${conf.disabled}"` : '' + let str = ` + ${child} + ${buildFromBtns(conf, type)} + ` + if (someSpanIsNot24) { + str = ` + ${str} + ` + } + return str +} + +function buildFromBtns(conf, type) { + let str = '' + if (conf.formBtns && type === 'file') { + str = ` + 提交 + 重置 + ` + if (someSpanIsNot24) { + str = ` + ${str} + ` + } + } + return str +} + +// span不为24的用el-col包裹 +function colWrapper(element, str) { + if (someSpanIsNot24 || element.span !== 24) { + return ` + ${str} + ` + } + return str +} + +const layouts = { + colFormItem(element) { + let labelWidth = '' + if (element.labelWidth && element.labelWidth !== confGlobal.labelWidth) { + labelWidth = `label-width="${element.labelWidth}px"` + } + const required = !trigger[element.tag] && element.required ? 'required' : '' + const tagDom = tags[element.tag] ? tags[element.tag](element) : null + let str = ` + ${tagDom} + ` + str = colWrapper(element, str) + return str + }, + rowFormItem(element) { + const type = element.type === 'default' ? '' : `type="${element.type}"` + const justify = element.type === 'default' ? '' : `justify="${element.justify}"` + const align = element.type === 'default' ? '' : `align="${element.align}"` + const gutter = element.gutter ? `gutter="${element.gutter}"` : '' + const children = => layouts[el.layout](el)) + let str = ` + ${children.join('\n')} + ` + str = colWrapper(element, str) + return str + } +} + +const tags = { + 'el-button': el => { + const { + tag, disabled + } = attrBuilder(el) + const type = el.type ? `type="${el.type}"` : '' + const icon = el.icon ? `icon="${el.icon}"` : '' + const size = el.size ? `size="${el.size}"` : '' + let child = buildElButtonChild(el) + + if (child) child = `\n${child}\n` // 换行 + return `<${el.tag} ${type} ${icon} ${size} ${disabled}>${child}` + }, + 'el-input': el => { + const { + disabled, vModel, clearable, placeholder, width + } = attrBuilder(el) + const maxlength = el.maxlength ? `:maxlength="${el.maxlength}"` : '' + const showWordLimit = el['show-word-limit'] ? 'show-word-limit' : '' + const readonly = el.readonly ? 'readonly' : '' + const prefixIcon = el['prefix-icon'] ? `prefix-icon='${el['prefix-icon']}'` : '' + const suffixIcon = el['suffix-icon'] ? `suffix-icon='${el['suffix-icon']}'` : '' + const showPassword = el['show-password'] ? 'show-password' : '' + const type = el.type ? `type="${el.type}"` : '' + const autosize = el.autosize && el.autosize.minRows + ? `:autosize="{minRows: ${el.autosize.minRows}, maxRows: ${el.autosize.maxRows}}"` + : '' + let child = buildElInputChild(el) + + if (child) child = `\n${child}\n` // 换行 + return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${type} ${placeholder} ${maxlength} ${showWordLimit} ${readonly} ${disabled} ${clearable} ${prefixIcon} ${suffixIcon} ${showPassword} ${autosize} ${width}>${child}` + }, + 'el-input-number': el => { + const { disabled, vModel, placeholder } = attrBuilder(el) + const controlsPosition = el['controls-position'] ? `controls-position=${el['controls-position']}` : '' + const min = el.min ? `:min='${el.min}'` : '' + const max = el.max ? `:max='${el.max}'` : '' + const step = el.step ? `:step='${el.step}'` : '' + const stepStrictly = el['step-strictly'] ? 'step-strictly' : '' + const precision = el.precision ? `:precision='${el.precision}'` : '' + + return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${placeholder} ${step} ${stepStrictly} ${precision} ${controlsPosition} ${min} ${max} ${disabled}>` + }, + 'el-select': el => { + const { + disabled, vModel, clearable, placeholder, width + } = attrBuilder(el) + const filterable = el.filterable ? 'filterable' : '' + const multiple = el.multiple ? 'multiple' : '' + let child = buildElSelectChild(el) + + if (child) child = `\n${child}\n` // 换行 + return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${placeholder} ${disabled} ${multiple} ${filterable} ${clearable} ${width}>${child}` + }, + 'el-radio-group': el => { + const { disabled, vModel } = attrBuilder(el) + const size = `size="${el.size}"` + let child = buildElRadioGroupChild(el) + + if (child) child = `\n${child}\n` // 换行 + return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${size} ${disabled}>${child}` + }, + 'el-checkbox-group': el => { + const { disabled, vModel } = attrBuilder(el) + const size = `size="${el.size}"` + const min = el.min ? `:min="${el.min}"` : '' + const max = el.max ? `:max="${el.max}"` : '' + let child = buildElCheckboxGroupChild(el) + + if (child) child = `\n${child}\n` // 换行 + return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${min} ${max} ${size} ${disabled}>${child}` + }, + 'el-switch': el => { + const { disabled, vModel } = attrBuilder(el) + const activeText = el['active-text'] ? `active-text="${el['active-text']}"` : '' + const inactiveText = el['inactive-text'] ? `inactive-text="${el['inactive-text']}"` : '' + const activeColor = el['active-color'] ? `active-color="${el['active-color']}"` : '' + const inactiveColor = el['inactive-color'] ? `inactive-color="${el['inactive-color']}"` : '' + const activeValue = el['active-value'] !== true ? `:active-value='${JSON.stringify(el['active-value'])}'` : '' + const inactiveValue = el['inactive-value'] !== false ? `:inactive-value='${JSON.stringify(el['inactive-value'])}'` : '' + + return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${activeText} ${inactiveText} ${activeColor} ${inactiveColor} ${activeValue} ${inactiveValue} ${disabled}>` + }, + 'el-cascader': el => { + const { + disabled, vModel, clearable, placeholder, width + } = attrBuilder(el) + const options = el.options ? `:options="${el.vModel}Options"` : '' + const props = el.props ? `:props="${el.vModel}Props"` : '' + const showAllLevels = el['show-all-levels'] ? '' : ':show-all-levels="false"' + const filterable = el.filterable ? 'filterable' : '' + const separator = el.separator === '/' ? '' : `separator="${el.separator}"` + + return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${options} ${props} ${width} ${showAllLevels} ${placeholder} ${separator} ${filterable} ${clearable} ${disabled}>` + }, + 'el-slider': el => { + const { disabled, vModel } = attrBuilder(el) + const min = el.min ? `:min='${el.min}'` : '' + const max = el.max ? `:max='${el.max}'` : '' + const step = el.step ? `:step='${el.step}'` : '' + const range = el.range ? 'range' : '' + const showStops = el['show-stops'] ? `:show-stops="${el['show-stops']}"` : '' + + return `<${el.tag} ${min} ${max} ${step} ${vModel} ${range} ${showStops} ${disabled}>` + }, + 'el-time-picker': el => { + const { + disabled, vModel, clearable, placeholder, width + } = attrBuilder(el) + const startPlaceholder = el['start-placeholder'] ? `start-placeholder="${el['start-placeholder']}"` : '' + const endPlaceholder = el['end-placeholder'] ? `end-placeholder="${el['end-placeholder']}"` : '' + const rangeSeparator = el['range-separator'] ? `range-separator="${el['range-separator']}"` : '' + const isRange = el['is-range'] ? 'is-range' : '' + const format = el.format ? `format="${el.format}"` : '' + const valueFormat = el['value-format'] ? `value-format="${el['value-format']}"` : '' + const pickerOptions = el['picker-options'] ? `:picker-options='${JSON.stringify(el['picker-options'])}'` : '' + + return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${isRange} ${format} ${valueFormat} ${pickerOptions} ${width} ${placeholder} ${startPlaceholder} ${endPlaceholder} ${rangeSeparator} ${clearable} ${disabled}>` + }, + 'el-date-picker': el => { + const { + disabled, vModel, clearable, placeholder, width + } = attrBuilder(el) + const startPlaceholder = el['start-placeholder'] ? `start-placeholder="${el['start-placeholder']}"` : '' + const endPlaceholder = el['end-placeholder'] ? `end-placeholder="${el['end-placeholder']}"` : '' + const rangeSeparator = el['range-separator'] ? `range-separator="${el['range-separator']}"` : '' + const format = el.format ? `format="${el.format}"` : '' + const valueFormat = el['value-format'] ? `value-format="${el['value-format']}"` : '' + const type = el.type === 'date' ? '' : `type="${el.type}"` + const readonly = el.readonly ? 'readonly' : '' + + return `<${el.tag} ${type} ${vModel} ${format} ${valueFormat} ${width} ${placeholder} ${startPlaceholder} ${endPlaceholder} ${rangeSeparator} ${clearable} ${readonly} ${disabled}>` + }, + 'el-rate': el => { + const { disabled, vModel } = attrBuilder(el) + const max = el.max ? `:max='${el.max}'` : '' + const allowHalf = el['allow-half'] ? 'allow-half' : '' + const showText = el['show-text'] ? 'show-text' : '' + const showScore = el['show-score'] ? 'show-score' : '' + + return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${allowHalf} ${showText} ${showScore} ${disabled}>` + }, + 'el-color-picker': el => { + const { disabled, vModel } = attrBuilder(el) + const size = `size="${el.size}"` + const showAlpha = el['show-alpha'] ? 'show-alpha' : '' + const colorFormat = el['color-format'] ? `color-format="${el['color-format']}"` : '' + + return `<${el.tag} ${vModel} ${size} ${showAlpha} ${colorFormat} ${disabled}>` + }, + 'el-upload': el => { + const disabled = el.disabled ? ':disabled=\'true\'' : '' + const action = el.action ? `:action="${el.vModel}Action"` : '' + const multiple = el.multiple ? 'multiple' : '' + const listType = el['list-type'] !== 'text' ? `list-type="${el['list-type']}"` : '' + const accept = el.accept ? `accept="${el.accept}"` : '' + const name = !== 'file' ? `name="${}"` : '' + const autoUpload = el['auto-upload'] === false ? ':auto-upload="false"' : '' + const beforeUpload = `:before-upload="${el.vModel}BeforeUpload"` + const fileList = `:file-list="${el.vModel}fileList"` + const ref = `ref="${el.vModel}"` + let child = buildElUploadChild(el) + + if (child) child = `\n${child}\n` // 换行 + return `<${el.tag} ${ref} ${fileList} ${action} ${autoUpload} ${multiple} ${beforeUpload} ${listType} ${accept} ${name} ${disabled}>${child}` + } +} + +function attrBuilder(el) { + return { + vModel: `v-model="${confGlobal.formModel}.${el.vModel}"`, + clearable: el.clearable ? 'clearable' : '', + placeholder: el.placeholder ? `placeholder="${el.placeholder}"` : '', + width: && ? ':style="{width: \'100%\'}"' : '', + disabled: el.disabled ? ':disabled=\'true\'' : '' + } +} + +// el-buttin 子级 +function buildElButtonChild(conf) { + const children = [] + if (conf.default) { + children.push(conf.default) + } + return children.join('\n') +} + +// el-input innerHTML +function buildElInputChild(conf) { + const children = [] + if (conf.prepend) { + children.push(``) + } + if (conf.append) { + children.push(``) + } + return children.join('\n') +} + +function buildElSelectChild(conf) { + const children = [] + if (conf.options && conf.options.length) { + children.push(``) + } + return children.join('\n') +} + +function buildElRadioGroupChild(conf) { + const children = [] + if (conf.options && conf.options.length) { + const tag = conf.optionType === 'button' ? 'el-radio-button' : 'el-radio' + const border = conf.border ? 'border' : '' + children.push(`<${tag} v-for="(item, index) in ${conf.vModel}Options" :key="index" :label="item.value" :disabled="item.disabled" ${border}>{{item.label}}`) + } + return children.join('\n') +} + +function buildElCheckboxGroupChild(conf) { + const children = [] + if (conf.options && conf.options.length) { + const tag = conf.optionType === 'button' ? 'el-checkbox-button' : 'el-checkbox' + const border = conf.border ? 'border' : '' + children.push(`<${tag} v-for="(item, index) in ${conf.vModel}Options" :key="index" :label="item.value" :disabled="item.disabled" ${border}>{{item.label}}`) + } + return children.join('\n') +} + +function buildElUploadChild(conf) { + const list = [] + if (conf['list-type'] === 'picture-card') list.push('') + else list.push(`${conf.buttonText}`) + if (conf.showTip) list.push(`
只能上传不超过 ${conf.fileSize}${conf.sizeUnit} 的${conf.accept}文件
`) + return list.join('\n') +} + +export function makeUpHtml(conf, type) { + const htmlList = [] + confGlobal = conf + someSpanIsNot24 = conf.fields.some(item => item.span !== 24) + conf.fields.forEach(el => { + htmlList.push(layouts[el.layout](el)) + }) + const htmlStr = htmlList.join('\n') + + let temp = buildFormTemplate(conf, htmlStr, type) + if (type === 'dialog') { + temp = dialogWrapper(temp) + } + confGlobal = null + return temp +} diff --git a/src/utils/generator/icon.json b/src/utils/generator/icon.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d9999a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/generator/icon.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +["platform-eleme","eleme","delete-solid","delete","s-tools","setting","user-solid","user","phone","phone-outline","more","more-outline","star-on","star-off","s-goods","goods","warning","warning-outline","question","info","remove","circle-plus","success","error","zoom-in","zoom-out","remove-outline","circle-plus-outline","circle-check","circle-close","s-help","help","minus","plus","check","close","picture","picture-outline","picture-outline-round","upload","upload2","download","camera-solid","camera","video-camera-solid","video-camera","message-solid","bell","s-cooperation","s-order","s-platform","s-fold","s-unfold","s-operation","s-promotion","s-home","s-release","s-ticket","s-management","s-open","s-shop","s-marketing","s-flag","s-comment","s-finance","s-claim","s-custom","s-opportunity","s-data","s-check","s-grid","menu","share","d-caret","caret-left","caret-right","caret-bottom","caret-top","bottom-left","bottom-right","back","right","bottom","top","top-left","top-right","arrow-left","arrow-right","arrow-down","arrow-up","d-arrow-left","d-arrow-right","video-pause","video-play","refresh","refresh-right","refresh-left","finished","sort","sort-up","sort-down","rank","loading","view","c-scale-to-original","date","edit","edit-outline","folder","folder-opened","folder-add","folder-remove","folder-delete","folder-checked","tickets","document-remove","document-delete","document-copy","document-checked","document","document-add","printer","paperclip","takeaway-box","search","monitor","attract","mobile","scissors","umbrella","headset","brush","mouse","coordinate","magic-stick","reading","data-line","data-board","pie-chart","data-analysis","collection-tag","film","suitcase","suitcase-1","receiving","collection","files","notebook-1","notebook-2","toilet-paper","office-building","school","table-lamp","house","no-smoking","smoking","shopping-cart-full","shopping-cart-1","shopping-cart-2","shopping-bag-1","shopping-bag-2","sold-out","sell","present","box","bank-card","money","coin","wallet","discount","price-tag","news","guide","male","female","thumb","cpu","link","connection","open","turn-off","set-up","chat-round","chat-line-round","chat-square","chat-dot-round","chat-dot-square","chat-line-square","message","postcard","position","turn-off-microphone","microphone","close-notification","bangzhu","time","odometer","crop","aim","switch-button","full-screen","copy-document","mic","stopwatch","medal-1","medal","trophy","trophy-1","first-aid-kit","discover","place","location","location-outline","location-information","add-location","delete-location","map-location","alarm-clock","timer","watch-1","watch","lock","unlock","key","service","mobile-phone","bicycle","truck","ship","basketball","football","soccer","baseball","wind-power","light-rain","lightning","heavy-rain","sunrise","sunrise-1","sunset","sunny","cloudy","partly-cloudy","cloudy-and-sunny","moon","moon-night","dish","dish-1","food","chicken","fork-spoon","knife-fork","burger","tableware","sugar","dessert","ice-cream","hot-water","water-cup","coffee-cup","cold-drink","goblet","goblet-full","goblet-square","goblet-square-full","refrigerator","grape","watermelon","cherry","apple","pear","orange","coffee","ice-tea","ice-drink","milk-tea","potato-strips","lollipop","ice-cream-square","ice-cream-round"] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/utils/generator/js.js b/src/utils/generator/js.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee8668d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/generator/js.js @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ +import { exportDefault, titleCase } from '@/utils/index' +import { trigger } from './config' + +const units = { + KB: '1024', + MB: '1024 / 1024', + GB: '1024 / 1024 / 1024' +} +let confGlobal +const inheritAttrs = { + file: '', + dialog: 'inheritAttrs: false,' +} + + +export function makeUpJs(conf, type) { + confGlobal = conf = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(conf)) + const dataList = [] + const ruleList = [] + const optionsList = [] + const propsList = [] + const methodList = mixinMethod(type) + const uploadVarList = [] + + conf.fields.forEach(el => { + buildAttributes(el, dataList, ruleList, optionsList, methodList, propsList, uploadVarList) + }) + + const script = buildexport( + conf, + type, + dataList.join('\n'), + ruleList.join('\n'), + optionsList.join('\n'), + uploadVarList.join('\n'), + propsList.join('\n'), + methodList.join('\n') + ) + confGlobal = null + return script +} + +function buildAttributes(el, dataList, ruleList, optionsList, methodList, propsList, uploadVarList) { + buildData(el, dataList) + buildRules(el, ruleList) + + if (el.options && el.options.length) { + buildOptions(el, optionsList) + if (el.dataType === 'dynamic') { + const model = `${el.vModel}Options` + const options = titleCase(model) + buildOptionMethod(`get${options}`, model, methodList) + } + } + + if (el.props && el.props.props) { + buildProps(el, propsList) + } + + if (el.action && el.tag === 'el-upload') { + uploadVarList.push( + `${el.vModel}Action: '${el.action}', + ${el.vModel}fileList: [],` + ) + methodList.push(buildBeforeUpload(el)) + if (!el['auto-upload']) { + methodList.push(buildSubmitUpload(el)) + } + } + + if (el.children) { + el.children.forEach(el2 => { + buildAttributes(el2, dataList, ruleList, optionsList, methodList, propsList, uploadVarList) + }) + } +} + +function mixinMethod(type) { + const list = []; const + minxins = { + file: confGlobal.formBtns ? { + submitForm: `submitForm() { + this.$refs['${confGlobal.formRef}'].validate(valid => { + if(!valid) return + // TODO 提交表单 + }) + },`, + resetForm: `resetForm() { + this.$refs['${confGlobal.formRef}'].resetFields() + },` + } : null, + dialog: { + onOpen: 'onOpen() {},', + onClose: `onClose() { + this.$refs['${confGlobal.formRef}'].resetFields() + },`, + close: `close() { + this.$emit('update:visible', false) + },`, + handleConfirm: `handleConfirm() { + this.$refs['${confGlobal.formRef}'].validate(valid => { + if(!valid) return + this.close() + }) + },` + } + } + + const methods = minxins[type] + if (methods) { + Object.keys(methods).forEach(key => { + list.push(methods[key]) + }) + } + + return list +} + +function buildData(conf, dataList) { + if (conf.vModel === undefined) return + let defaultValue + if (typeof (conf.defaultValue) === 'string' && !conf.multiple) { + defaultValue = `'${conf.defaultValue}'` + } else { + defaultValue = `${JSON.stringify(conf.defaultValue)}` + } + dataList.push(`${conf.vModel}: ${defaultValue},`) +} + +function buildRules(conf, ruleList) { + if (conf.vModel === undefined) return + const rules = [] + if (trigger[conf.tag]) { + if (conf.required) { + const type = Array.isArray(conf.defaultValue) ? 'type: \'array\',' : '' + let message = Array.isArray(conf.defaultValue) ? `请至少选择一个${conf.vModel}` : conf.placeholder + if (message === undefined) message = `${conf.label}不能为空` + rules.push(`{ required: true, ${type} message: '${message}', trigger: '${trigger[conf.tag]}' }`) + } + if (conf.regList && Array.isArray(conf.regList)) { + conf.regList.forEach(item => { + if (item.pattern) { + rules.push(`{ pattern: ${eval(item.pattern)}, message: '${item.message}', trigger: '${trigger[conf.tag]}' }`) + } + }) + } + ruleList.push(`${conf.vModel}: [${rules.join(',')}],`) + } +} + +function buildOptions(conf, optionsList) { + if (conf.vModel === undefined) return + if (conf.dataType === 'dynamic') { conf.options = [] } + const str = `${conf.vModel}Options: ${JSON.stringify(conf.options)},` + optionsList.push(str) +} + +function buildProps(conf, propsList) { + if (conf.dataType === 'dynamic') { + conf.valueKey !== 'value' && (conf.props.props.value = conf.valueKey) + conf.labelKey !== 'label' && (conf.props.props.label = conf.labelKey) + conf.childrenKey !== 'children' && (conf.props.props.children = conf.childrenKey) + } + const str = `${conf.vModel}Props: ${JSON.stringify(conf.props.props)},` + propsList.push(str) +} + +function buildBeforeUpload(conf) { + const unitNum = units[conf.sizeUnit]; let rightSizeCode = ''; let acceptCode = ''; const + returnList = [] + if (conf.fileSize) { + rightSizeCode = `let isRightSize = file.size / ${unitNum} < ${conf.fileSize} + if(!isRightSize){ + this.$message.error('文件大小超过 ${conf.fileSize}${conf.sizeUnit}') + }` + returnList.push('isRightSize') + } + if (conf.accept) { + acceptCode = `let isAccept = new RegExp('${conf.accept}').test(file.type) + if(!isAccept){ + this.$message.error('应该选择${conf.accept}类型的文件') + }` + returnList.push('isAccept') + } + const str = `${conf.vModel}BeforeUpload(file) { + ${rightSizeCode} + ${acceptCode} + return ${returnList.join('&&')} + },` + return returnList.length ? str : '' +} + +function buildSubmitUpload(conf) { + const str = `submitUpload() { + this.$refs['${conf.vModel}'].submit() + },` + return str +} + +function buildOptionMethod(methodName, model, methodList) { + const str = `${methodName}() { + // TODO 发起请求获取数据 + this.${model} + },` + methodList.push(str) +} + +function buildexport(conf, type, data, rules, selectOptions, uploadVar, props, methods) { + const str = `${exportDefault}{ + ${inheritAttrs[type]} + components: {}, + props: [], + data () { + return { + ${conf.formModel}: { + ${data} + }, + ${conf.formRules}: { + ${rules} + }, + ${uploadVar} + ${selectOptions} + ${props} + } + }, + computed: {}, + watch: {}, + created () {}, + mounted () {}, + methods: { + ${methods} + } +}` + return str +} diff --git a/src/utils/generator/render.js b/src/utils/generator/render.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e8640f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/generator/render.js @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +import { makeMap } from '@/utils/index' + +// 参考 +const isAttr = makeMap( + 'accept,accept-charset,accesskey,action,align,alt,async,autocomplete,' + + 'autofocus,autoplay,autosave,bgcolor,border,buffered,challenge,charset,' + + 'checked,cite,class,code,codebase,color,cols,colspan,content,http-equiv,' + + 'name,contenteditable,contextmenu,controls,coords,data,datetime,default,' + + 'defer,dir,dirname,disabled,download,draggable,dropzone,enctype,method,for,' + + 'form,formaction,headers,height,hidden,high,href,hreflang,http-equiv,' + + 'icon,id,ismap,itemprop,keytype,kind,label,lang,language,list,loop,low,' + + 'manifest,max,maxlength,media,method,GET,POST,min,multiple,email,file,' + + 'muted,name,novalidate,open,optimum,pattern,ping,placeholder,poster,' + + 'preload,radiogroup,readonly,rel,required,reversed,rows,rowspan,sandbox,' + + 'scope,scoped,seamless,selected,shape,size,type,text,password,sizes,span,' + + 'spellcheck,src,srcdoc,srclang,srcset,start,step,style,summary,tabindex,' + + 'target,title,type,usemap,value,width,wrap' +) + +function vModel(self, dataObject, defaultValue) { + dataObject.props.value = defaultValue + + dataObject.on.input = val => { + self.$emit('input', val) + } +} + +const componentChild = { + 'el-button': { + default(h, conf, key) { + return conf[key] + }, + }, + 'el-input': { + prepend(h, conf, key) { + return + }, + append(h, conf, key) { + return + } + }, + 'el-select': { + options(h, conf, key) { + const list = [] + conf.options.forEach(item => { + list.push() + }) + return list + } + }, + 'el-radio-group': { + options(h, conf, key) { + const list = [] + conf.options.forEach(item => { + if (conf.optionType === 'button') list.push({item.label}) + else list.push({item.label}) + }) + return list + } + }, + 'el-checkbox-group': { + options(h, conf, key) { + const list = [] + conf.options.forEach(item => { + if (conf.optionType === 'button') { + list.push({item.label}) + } else { + list.push({item.label}) + } + }) + return list + } + }, + 'el-upload': { + 'list-type': (h, conf, key) => { + const list = [] + if (conf['list-type'] === 'picture-card') { + list.push() + } else { + list.push({conf.buttonText}) + } + if (conf.showTip) { + list.push(
只能上传不超过 {conf.fileSize}{conf.sizeUnit} 的{conf.accept}文件
) + } + return list + } + } +} + +export default { + render(h) { + const dataObject = { + attrs: {}, + props: {}, + on: {}, + style: {} + } + const confClone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.conf)) + const children = [] + + const childObjs = componentChild[confClone.tag] + if (childObjs) { + Object.keys(childObjs).forEach(key => { + const childFunc = childObjs[key] + if (confClone[key]) { + children.push(childFunc(h, confClone, key)) + } + }) + } + + Object.keys(confClone).forEach(key => { + const val = confClone[key] + if (key === 'vModel') { + vModel(this, dataObject, confClone.defaultValue) + } else if (dataObject[key]) { + dataObject[key] = val + } else if (!isAttr(key)) { + dataObject.props[key] = val + } else { + dataObject.attrs[key] = val + } + }) + return h(this.conf.tag, dataObject, children) + }, + props: ['conf'] +} diff --git a/src/utils/index.js b/src/utils/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df5db12 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,390 @@ +import { parseTime } from './ruoyi' + +/** + * 表格时间格式化 + */ +export function formatDate(cellValue) { + if (cellValue == null || cellValue == "") return ""; + var date = new Date(cellValue) + var year = date.getFullYear() + var month = date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1 + var day = date.getDate() < 10 ? '0' + date.getDate() : date.getDate() + var hours = date.getHours() < 10 ? '0' + date.getHours() : date.getHours() + var minutes = date.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + date.getMinutes() : date.getMinutes() + var seconds = date.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' + date.getSeconds() : date.getSeconds() + return year + '-' + month + '-' + day + ' ' + hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds +} + +/** + * @param {number} time + * @param {string} option + * @returns {string} + */ +export function formatTime(time, option) { + if (('' + time).length === 10) { + time = parseInt(time) * 1000 + } else { + time = +time + } + const d = new Date(time) + const now = + + const diff = (now - d) / 1000 + + if (diff < 30) { + return '刚刚' + } else if (diff < 3600) { + // less 1 hour + return Math.ceil(diff / 60) + '分钟前' + } else if (diff < 3600 * 24) { + return Math.ceil(diff / 3600) + '小时前' + } else if (diff < 3600 * 24 * 2) { + return '1天前' + } + if (option) { + return parseTime(time, option) + } else { + return ( + d.getMonth() + + 1 + + '月' + + d.getDate() + + '日' + + d.getHours() + + '时' + + d.getMinutes() + + '分' + ) + } +} + +/** + * @param {string} url + * @returns {Object} + */ +export function getQueryObject(url) { + url = url == null ? window.location.href : url + const search = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('?') + 1) + const obj = {} + const reg = /([^?&=]+)=([^?&=]*)/g + search.replace(reg, (rs, $1, $2) => { + const name = decodeURIComponent($1) + let val = decodeURIComponent($2) + val = String(val) + obj[name] = val + return rs + }) + return obj +} + +/** + * @param {string} input value + * @returns {number} output value + */ +export function byteLength(str) { + // returns the byte length of an utf8 string + let s = str.length + for (var i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + const code = str.charCodeAt(i) + if (code > 0x7f && code <= 0x7ff) s++ + else if (code > 0x7ff && code <= 0xffff) s += 2 + if (code >= 0xDC00 && code <= 0xDFFF) i-- + } + return s +} + +/** + * @param {Array} actual + * @returns {Array} + */ +export function cleanArray(actual) { + const newArray = [] + for (let i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) { + if (actual[i]) { + newArray.push(actual[i]) + } + } + return newArray +} + +/** + * @param {Object} json + * @returns {Array} + */ +export function param(json) { + if (!json) return '' + return cleanArray( + Object.keys(json).map(key => { + if (json[key] === undefined) return '' + return encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(json[key]) + }) + ).join('&') +} + +/** + * @param {string} url + * @returns {Object} + */ +export function param2Obj(url) { + const search = decodeURIComponent(url.split('?')[1]).replace(/\+/g, ' ') + if (!search) { + return {} + } + const obj = {} + const searchArr = search.split('&') + searchArr.forEach(v => { + const index = v.indexOf('=') + if (index !== -1) { + const name = v.substring(0, index) + const val = v.substring(index + 1, v.length) + obj[name] = val + } + }) + return obj +} + +/** + * @param {string} val + * @returns {string} + */ +export function html2Text(val) { + const div = document.createElement('div') + div.innerHTML = val + return div.textContent || div.innerText +} + +/** + * Merges two objects, giving the last one precedence + * @param {Object} target + * @param {(Object|Array)} source + * @returns {Object} + */ +export function objectMerge(target, source) { + if (typeof target !== 'object') { + target = {} + } + if (Array.isArray(source)) { + return source.slice() + } + Object.keys(source).forEach(property => { + const sourceProperty = source[property] + if (typeof sourceProperty === 'object') { + target[property] = objectMerge(target[property], sourceProperty) + } else { + target[property] = sourceProperty + } + }) + return target +} + +/** + * @param {HTMLElement} element + * @param {string} className + */ +export function toggleClass(element, className) { + if (!element || !className) { + return + } + let classString = element.className + const nameIndex = classString.indexOf(className) + if (nameIndex === -1) { + classString += '' + className + } else { + classString = + classString.substr(0, nameIndex) + + classString.substr(nameIndex + className.length) + } + element.className = classString +} + +/** + * @param {string} type + * @returns {Date} + */ +export function getTime(type) { + if (type === 'start') { + return new Date().getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 90 + } else { + return new Date(new Date().toDateString()) + } +} + +/** + * @param {Function} func + * @param {number} wait + * @param {boolean} immediate + * @return {*} + */ +export function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { + let timeout, args, context, timestamp, result + + const later = function() { + // 据上一次触发时间间隔 + const last = +new Date() - timestamp + + // 上次被包装函数被调用时间间隔 last 小于设定时间间隔 wait + if (last < wait && last > 0) { + timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - last) + } else { + timeout = null + // 如果设定为immediate===true,因为开始边界已经调用过了此处无需调用 + if (!immediate) { + result = func.apply(context, args) + if (!timeout) context = args = null + } + } + } + + return function(...args) { + context = this + timestamp = +new Date() + const callNow = immediate && !timeout + // 如果延时不存在,重新设定延时 + if (!timeout) timeout = setTimeout(later, wait) + if (callNow) { + result = func.apply(context, args) + context = args = null + } + + return result + } +} + +/** + * This is just a simple version of deep copy + * Has a lot of edge cases bug + * If you want to use a perfect deep copy, use lodash's _.cloneDeep + * @param {Object} source + * @returns {Object} + */ +export function deepClone(source) { + if (!source && typeof source !== 'object') { + throw new Error('error arguments', 'deepClone') + } + const targetObj = source.constructor === Array ? [] : {} + Object.keys(source).forEach(keys => { + if (source[keys] && typeof source[keys] === 'object') { + targetObj[keys] = deepClone(source[keys]) + } else { + targetObj[keys] = source[keys] + } + }) + return targetObj +} + +/** + * @param {Array} arr + * @returns {Array} + */ +export function uniqueArr(arr) { + return Array.from(new Set(arr)) +} + +/** + * @returns {string} + */ +export function createUniqueString() { + const timestamp = +new Date() + '' + const randomNum = parseInt((1 + Math.random()) * 65536) + '' + return (+(randomNum + timestamp)).toString(32) +} + +/** + * Check if an element has a class + * @param {HTMLElement} elm + * @param {string} cls + * @returns {boolean} + */ +export function hasClass(ele, cls) { + return !!ele.className.match(new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + cls + '(\\s|$)')) +} + +/** + * Add class to element + * @param {HTMLElement} elm + * @param {string} cls + */ +export function addClass(ele, cls) { + if (!hasClass(ele, cls)) ele.className += ' ' + cls +} + +/** + * Remove class from element + * @param {HTMLElement} elm + * @param {string} cls + */ +export function removeClass(ele, cls) { + if (hasClass(ele, cls)) { + const reg = new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + cls + '(\\s|$)') + ele.className = ele.className.replace(reg, ' ') + } +} + +export function makeMap(str, expectsLowerCase) { + const map = Object.create(null) + const list = str.split(',') + for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { + map[list[i]] = true + } + return expectsLowerCase + ? val => map[val.toLowerCase()] + : val => map[val] +} + +export const exportDefault = 'export default ' + +export const beautifierConf = { + html: { + indent_size: '2', + indent_char: ' ', + max_preserve_newlines: '-1', + preserve_newlines: false, + keep_array_indentation: false, + break_chained_methods: false, + indent_scripts: 'separate', + brace_style: 'end-expand', + space_before_conditional: true, + unescape_strings: false, + jslint_happy: false, + end_with_newline: true, + wrap_line_length: '110', + indent_inner_html: true, + comma_first: false, + e4x: true, + indent_empty_lines: true + }, + js: { + indent_size: '2', + indent_char: ' ', + max_preserve_newlines: '-1', + preserve_newlines: false, + keep_array_indentation: false, + break_chained_methods: false, + indent_scripts: 'normal', + brace_style: 'end-expand', + space_before_conditional: true, + unescape_strings: false, + jslint_happy: true, + end_with_newline: true, + wrap_line_length: '110', + indent_inner_html: true, + comma_first: false, + e4x: true, + indent_empty_lines: true + } +} + +// 首字母大小 +export function titleCase(str) { + return str.replace(/( |^)[a-z]/g, L => L.toUpperCase()) +} + +// 下划转驼峰 +export function camelCase(str) { + return str.replace(/_[a-z]/g, str1 => str1.substr(-1).toUpperCase()) +} + +export function isNumberStr(str) { + return /^[+-]?(0|([1-9]\d*))(\.\d+)?$/g.test(str) +} + diff --git a/src/utils/jsencrypt.js b/src/utils/jsencrypt.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78d9523 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/jsencrypt.js @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +import JSEncrypt from 'jsencrypt/bin/jsencrypt.min' + +// 密钥对生成 + +const publicKey = 'MFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSAJBAKoR8mX0rGKLqzcWmOzbfj64K8ZIgOdH\n' + + 'nzkXSOVOZbFu/TJhZ7rFAN+eaGkl3C4buccQd/EjEsj9ir7ijT7h96MCAwEAAQ==' + +const privateKey = 'MIIBVAIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAT4wggE6AgEAAkEAqhHyZfSsYourNxaY\n' + + '7Nt+PrgrxkiA50efORdI5U5lsW79MmFnusUA355oaSXcLhu5xxB38SMSyP2KvuKN\n' + + 'PuH3owIDAQABAkAfoiLyL+Z4lf4Myxk6xUDgLaWGximj20CUf+5BKKnlrK+Ed8gA\n' + + 'kM0HqoTt2UZwA5E2MzS4EI2gjfQhz5X28uqxAiEA3wNFxfrCZlSZHb0gn2zDpWow\n' + + 'cSxQAgiCstxGUoOqlW8CIQDDOerGKH5OmCJ4Z21v+F25WaHYPxCFMvwxpcw99Ecv\n' + + 'DQIgIdhDTIqD2jfYjPTY8Jj3EDGPbH2HHuffvflECt3Ek60CIQCFRlCkHpi7hthh\n' + + 'YhovyloRYsM+IS9h/0BzlEAuO0ktMQIgSPT3aFAgJYwKpqRYKlLDVcflZFCKY7u3\n' + + 'UP8iWi1Qw0Y=' + +// 加密 +export function encrypt(txt) { + const encryptor = new JSEncrypt() + encryptor.setPublicKey(publicKey) // 设置公钥 + return encryptor.encrypt(txt) // 对数据进行加密 +} + +// 解密 +export function decrypt(txt) { + const encryptor = new JSEncrypt() + encryptor.setPrivateKey(privateKey) // 设置私钥 + return encryptor.decrypt(txt) // 对数据进行解密 +} + diff --git a/src/utils/permission.js b/src/utils/permission.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..189a716 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/permission.js @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +import store from '@/store' + +/** + * 字符权限校验 + * @param {Array} value 校验值 + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export function checkPermi(value) { + if (value && value instanceof Array && value.length > 0) { + const permissions = store.getters && store.getters.permissions + const permissionDatas = value + const all_permission = "*:*:*"; + + const hasPermission = permissions.some(permission => { + return all_permission === permission || permissionDatas.includes(permission) + }) + + return hasPermission; + + } else { + console.error(`need roles! Like checkPermi="['system:user:add','system:user:edit']"`) + return false + } +} + +/** + * 角色权限校验 + * @param {Array} value 校验值 + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export function checkRole(value) { + if (value && value instanceof Array && value.length > 0) { + const roles = store.getters && store.getters.roles + const permissionRoles = value + const super_admin = "admin"; + + const hasRole = roles.some(role => { + return super_admin === role || permissionRoles.includes(role) + }) + + return hasRole; + + } else { + console.error(`need roles! Like checkRole="['admin','editor']"`) + return false + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/utils/request.js b/src/utils/request.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ffb0d21 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/request.js @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +import axios from 'axios' +import { Notification, MessageBox, Message, Loading } from 'element-ui' +import store from '@/store' +import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth' +import errorCode from '@/utils/errorCode' +import { tansParams, blobValidate } from "@/utils/ruoyi"; +import cache from '@/plugins/cache' +import { saveAs } from 'file-saver' + +let downloadLoadingInstance; +// 是否显示重新登录 +export let isRelogin = { show: false }; + +axios.defaults.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json;charset=utf-8' +// 创建axios实例 +const service = axios.create({ + // axios中请求配置有baseURL选项,表示请求URL公共部分 + baseURL: process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API, + // 超时 + timeout: 10000 +}) + +// request拦截器 +service.interceptors.request.use(config => { + // 是否需要设置 token + const isToken = (config.headers || {}).isToken === false + // 是否需要防止数据重复提交 + const isRepeatSubmit = (config.headers || {}).repeatSubmit === false + if (getToken() && !isToken) { + config.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + getToken() // 让每个请求携带自定义token 请根据实际情况自行修改 + } + // get请求映射params参数 + if (config.method === 'get' && config.params) { + let url = config.url + '?' + tansParams(config.params); + url = url.slice(0, -1); + config.params = {}; + config.url = url; + } + if (!isRepeatSubmit && (config.method === 'post' || config.method === 'put')) { + const requestObj = { + url: config.url, + data: typeof === 'object' ? JSON.stringify( :, + time: new Date().getTime() + } + const requestSize = Object.keys(JSON.stringify(requestObj)).length; // 请求数据大小 + const limitSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024; // 限制存放数据5M + if (requestSize >= limitSize) { + console.warn(`[${config.url}]: ` + '请求数据大小超出允许的5M限制,无法进行防重复提交验证。') + return config; + } + const sessionObj = cache.session.getJSON('sessionObj') + if (sessionObj === undefined || sessionObj === null || sessionObj === '') { + cache.session.setJSON('sessionObj', requestObj) + } else { + const s_url = sessionObj.url; // 请求地址 + const s_data =; // 请求数据 + const s_time = sessionObj.time; // 请求时间 + const interval = 1000; // 间隔时间(ms),小于此时间视为重复提交 + if (s_data === && requestObj.time - s_time < interval && s_url === requestObj.url) { + const message = '数据正在处理,请勿重复提交'; + console.warn(`[${s_url}]: ` + message) + return Promise.reject(new Error(message)) + } else { + cache.session.setJSON('sessionObj', requestObj) + } + } + } + return config +}, error => { + console.log(error) + Promise.reject(error) +}) + +// 响应拦截器 +service.interceptors.response.use(res => { + // 未设置状态码则默认成功状态 + const code = || 200; + // 获取错误信息 + const msg = errorCode[code] || || errorCode['default'] + // 二进制数据则直接返回 + if (res.request.responseType === 'blob' || res.request.responseType === 'arraybuffer') { + return + } + if (code === 401) { + if (! { + = true; + MessageBox.confirm('登录状态已过期,您可以继续留在该页面,或者重新登录', '系统提示', { confirmButtonText: '重新登录', cancelButtonText: '取消', type: 'warning' }).then(() => { + = false; + store.dispatch('LogOut').then(() => { + location.href = '/index'; + }) + }).catch(() => { + = false; + }); + } + return Promise.reject('无效的会话,或者会话已过期,请重新登录。') + } else if (code === 500) { + Message({ message: msg, type: 'error' }) + return Promise.reject(new Error(msg)) + } else if (code === 601) { + Message({ message: msg, type: 'warning' }) + return Promise.reject('error') + } else if (code !== 200) { + Notification.error({ title: msg }) + return Promise.reject('error') + } else { + return + } + }, + error => { + console.log('err' + error) + let { message } = error; + if (message == "Network Error") { + message = "后端接口连接异常"; + } else if (message.includes("timeout")) { + message = "系统接口请求超时"; + } else if (message.includes("Request failed with status code")) { + message = "系统接口" + message.substr(message.length - 3) + "异常"; + } + Message({ message: message, type: 'error', duration: 5 * 1000 }) + return Promise.reject(error) + } +) + +// 通用下载方法 +export function download(url, params, filename, config) { + downloadLoadingInstance = Loading.service({ text: "正在下载数据,请稍候", spinner: "el-icon-loading", background: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)", }) + return, params, { + transformRequest: [(params) => { return tansParams(params) }], + headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, + responseType: 'blob', + ...config + }).then(async (data) => { + const isBlob = blobValidate(data); + if (isBlob) { + const blob = new Blob([data]) + saveAs(blob, filename) + } else { + const resText = await data.text(); + const rspObj = JSON.parse(resText); + const errMsg = errorCode[rspObj.code] || rspObj.msg || errorCode['default'] + Message.error(errMsg); + } + downloadLoadingInstance.close(); + }).catch((r) => { + console.error(r) + Message.error('下载文件出现错误,请联系管理员!') + downloadLoadingInstance.close(); + }) +} + +export default service diff --git a/src/utils/ruoyi.js b/src/utils/ruoyi.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44bf9c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/ruoyi.js @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ + + +/** + * 通用js方法封装处理 + * Copyright (c) 2019 ruoyi + */ + +// 日期格式化 +export function parseTime(time, pattern) { + if (arguments.length === 0 || !time) { + return null + } + const format = pattern || '{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s}' + let date + if (typeof time === 'object') { + date = time + } else { + if ((typeof time === 'string') && (/^[0-9]+$/.test(time))) { + time = parseInt(time) + } else if (typeof time === 'string') { + time = time.replace(new RegExp(/-/gm), '/').replace('T', ' ').replace(new RegExp(/\.[\d]{3}/gm), ''); + } + if ((typeof time === 'number') && (time.toString().length === 10)) { + time = time * 1000 + } + date = new Date(time) + } + const formatObj = { + y: date.getFullYear(), + m: date.getMonth() + 1, + d: date.getDate(), + h: date.getHours(), + i: date.getMinutes(), + s: date.getSeconds(), + a: date.getDay() + } + const time_str = format.replace(/{(y|m|d|h|i|s|a)+}/g, (result, key) => { + let value = formatObj[key] + // Note: getDay() returns 0 on Sunday + if (key === 'a') { return ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'][value] } + if (result.length > 0 && value < 10) { + value = '0' + value + } + return value || 0 + }) + return time_str +} + +// 表单重置 +export function resetForm(refName) { + if (this.$refs[refName]) { + this.$refs[refName].resetFields(); + } +} + +// 添加日期范围 +export function addDateRange(params, dateRange, propName) { + let search = params; + search.params = typeof (search.params) === 'object' && search.params !== null && !Array.isArray(search.params) ? search.params : {}; + dateRange = Array.isArray(dateRange) ? dateRange : []; + if (typeof (propName) === 'undefined') { + search.params['beginTime'] = dateRange[0]; + search.params['endTime'] = dateRange[1]; + } else { + search.params['begin' + propName] = dateRange[0]; + search.params['end' + propName] = dateRange[1]; + } + return search; +} + +// 回显数据字典 +export function selectDictLabel(datas, value) { + if (value === undefined) { + return ""; + } + var actions = []; + Object.keys(datas).some((key) => { + if (datas[key].value == ('' + value)) { + actions.push(datas[key].label); + return true; + } + }) + if (actions.length === 0) { + actions.push(value); + } + return actions.join(''); +} + +// 回显数据字典(字符串、数组) +export function selectDictLabels(datas, value, separator) { + if (value === undefined || value.length ===0) { + return ""; + } + if (Array.isArray(value)) { + value = value.join(","); + } + var actions = []; + var currentSeparator = undefined === separator ? "," : separator; + var temp = value.split(currentSeparator); + Object.keys(value.split(currentSeparator)).some((val) => { + var match = false; + Object.keys(datas).some((key) => { + if (datas[key].value == ('' + temp[val])) { + actions.push(datas[key].label + currentSeparator); + match = true; + } + }) + if (!match) { + actions.push(temp[val] + currentSeparator); + } + }) + return actions.join('').substring(0, actions.join('').length - 1); +} + +// 字符串格式化(%s ) +export function sprintf(str) { + var args = arguments, flag = true, i = 1; + str = str.replace(/%s/g, function () { + var arg = args[i++]; + if (typeof arg === 'undefined') { + flag = false; + return ''; + } + return arg; + }); + return flag ? str : ''; +} + +// 转换字符串,undefined,null等转化为"" +export function parseStrEmpty(str) { + if (!str || str == "undefined" || str == "null") { + return ""; + } + return str; +} + +// 数据合并 +export function mergeRecursive(source, target) { + for (var p in target) { + try { + if (target[p].constructor == Object) { + source[p] = mergeRecursive(source[p], target[p]); + } else { + source[p] = target[p]; + } + } catch (e) { + source[p] = target[p]; + } + } + return source; +}; + +/** + * 构造树型结构数据 + * @param {*} data 数据源 + * @param {*} id id字段 默认 'id' + * @param {*} parentId 父节点字段 默认 'parentId' + * @param {*} children 孩子节点字段 默认 'children' + */ +export function handleTree(data, id, parentId, children) { + let config = { + id: id || 'id', + parentId: parentId || 'parentId', + childrenList: children || 'children' + }; + + var childrenListMap = {}; + var nodeIds = {}; + var tree = []; + + for (let d of data) { + let parentId = d[config.parentId]; + if (childrenListMap[parentId] == null) { + childrenListMap[parentId] = []; + } + nodeIds[d[]] = d; + childrenListMap[parentId].push(d); + } + + for (let d of data) { + let parentId = d[config.parentId]; + if (nodeIds[parentId] == null) { + tree.push(d); + } + } + + for (let t of tree) { + adaptToChildrenList(t); + } + + function adaptToChildrenList(o) { + if (childrenListMap[o[]] !== null) { + o[config.childrenList] = childrenListMap[o[]]; + } + if (o[config.childrenList]) { + for (let c of o[config.childrenList]) { + adaptToChildrenList(c); + } + } + } + return tree; +} + +/** +* 参数处理 +* @param {*} params 参数 +*/ +export function tansParams(params) { + let result = '' + for (const propName of Object.keys(params)) { + const value = params[propName]; + var part = encodeURIComponent(propName) + "="; + if (value !== null && value !== "" && typeof (value) !== "undefined") { + if (typeof value === 'object') { + for (const key of Object.keys(value)) { + if (value[key] !== null && value[key] !== "" && typeof (value[key]) !== 'undefined') { + let params = propName + '[' + key + ']'; + var subPart = encodeURIComponent(params) + "="; + result += subPart + encodeURIComponent(value[key]) + "&"; + } + } + } else { + result += part + encodeURIComponent(value) + "&"; + } + } + } + return result +} + +// 验证是否为blob格式 +export function blobValidate(data) { + return data.type !== 'application/json' +} diff --git a/src/utils/scroll-to.js b/src/utils/scroll-to.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5d8e04 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/scroll-to.js @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +Math.easeInOutQuad = function(t, b, c, d) { + t /= d / 2 + if (t < 1) { + return c / 2 * t * t + b + } + t-- + return -c / 2 * (t * (t - 2) - 1) + b +} + +// requestAnimationFrame for Smart Animating +var requestAnimFrame = (function() { + return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60) } +})() + +/** + * Because it's so fucking difficult to detect the scrolling element, just move them all + * @param {number} amount + */ +function move(amount) { + document.documentElement.scrollTop = amount + document.body.parentNode.scrollTop = amount + document.body.scrollTop = amount +} + +function position() { + return document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.parentNode.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop +} + +/** + * @param {number} to + * @param {number} duration + * @param {Function} callback + */ +export function scrollTo(to, duration, callback) { + const start = position() + const change = to - start + const increment = 20 + let currentTime = 0 + duration = (typeof (duration) === 'undefined') ? 500 : duration + var animateScroll = function() { + // increment the time + currentTime += increment + // find the value with the quadratic in-out easing function + var val = Math.easeInOutQuad(currentTime, start, change, duration) + // move the document.body + move(val) + // do the animation unless its over + if (currentTime < duration) { + requestAnimFrame(animateScroll) + } else { + if (callback && typeof (callback) === 'function') { + // the animation is done so lets callback + callback() + } + } + } + animateScroll() +} diff --git a/src/utils/validate.js b/src/utils/validate.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57a568e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/validate.js @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +/** + * @param {string} path + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export function isExternal(path) { + return /^(https?:|mailto:|tel:)/.test(path) +} + +/** + * @param {string} str + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export function validUsername(str) { + const valid_map = ['admin', 'editor'] + return valid_map.indexOf(str.trim()) >= 0 +} + +/** + * @param {string} url + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export function validURL(url) { + const reg = /^(https?|ftp):\/\/([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+(:[a-zA-Z0-9.&%$-]+)*@)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]?)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9]?[0-9])){3}|([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.)*[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.(com|edu|gov|int|mil|net|org|biz|arpa|info|name|pro|aero|coop|museum|[a-zA-Z]{2}))(:[0-9]+)*(\/($|[a-zA-Z0-9.,?'\\+&%$#=~_-]+))*$/ + return reg.test(url) +} + +/** + * @param {string} str + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export function validLowerCase(str) { + const reg = /^[a-z]+$/ + return reg.test(str) +} + +/** + * @param {string} str + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export function validUpperCase(str) { + const reg = /^[A-Z]+$/ + return reg.test(str) +} + +/** + * @param {string} str + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export function validAlphabets(str) { + const reg = /^[A-Za-z]+$/ + return reg.test(str) +} + +/** + * @param {string} email + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export function validEmail(email) { + const reg = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/ + return reg.test(email) +} + +/** + * @param {string} str + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export function isString(str) { + return typeof str === 'string' || str instanceof String; +} + +/** + * @param {Array} arg + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export function isArray(arg) { + if (typeof Array.isArray === 'undefined') { + return === '[object Array]' + } + return Array.isArray(arg) +} diff --git a/src/views/dashboard/Announcement.vue b/src/views/dashboard/Announcement.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..46eb25e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/dashboard/Announcement.vue @@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/views/dashboard/BarChart.vue b/src/views/dashboard/BarChart.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..adf2829 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/dashboard/BarChart.vue @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/dashboard/FunnelChart.vue b/src/views/dashboard/FunnelChart.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bebac25 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/dashboard/FunnelChart.vue @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/dashboard/LineChart.vue b/src/views/dashboard/LineChart.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..591b5b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/dashboard/LineChart.vue @@ -0,0 +1,247 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/dashboard/PanelGroup.vue b/src/views/dashboard/PanelGroup.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e9150e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/dashboard/PanelGroup.vue @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/views/dashboard/PanelGroupProcess.vue b/src/views/dashboard/PanelGroupProcess.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95d2379 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/dashboard/PanelGroupProcess.vue @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/views/dashboard/PieChart.vue b/src/views/dashboard/PieChart.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e0b3dcd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/dashboard/PieChart.vue @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/dashboard/RaddarChart.vue b/src/views/dashboard/RaddarChart.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35782c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/dashboard/RaddarChart.vue @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/dashboard/mixins/resize.js b/src/views/dashboard/mixins/resize.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1e76e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/dashboard/mixins/resize.js @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +import { debounce } from '@/utils' + +export default { + data() { + return { + $_sidebarElm: null, + $_resizeHandler: null + } + }, + mounted() { + this.initListener() + }, + activated() { + if (!this.$_resizeHandler) { + // avoid duplication init + this.initListener() + } + + // when keep-alive chart activated, auto resize + this.resize() + }, + beforeDestroy() { + this.destroyListener() + }, + deactivated() { + this.destroyListener() + }, + methods: { + // use $_ for mixins properties + // + $_sidebarResizeHandler(e) { + if (e.propertyName === 'width') { + this.$_resizeHandler() + } + }, + initListener() { + this.$_resizeHandler = debounce(() => { + this.resize() + }, 100) + window.addEventListener('resize', this.$_resizeHandler) + + this.$_sidebarElm = document.getElementsByClassName('sidebar-container')[0] + this.$_sidebarElm && this.$_sidebarElm.addEventListener('transitionend', this.$_sidebarResizeHandler) + }, + destroyListener() { + window.removeEventListener('resize', this.$_resizeHandler) + this.$_resizeHandler = null + + this.$_sidebarElm && this.$_sidebarElm.removeEventListener('transitionend', this.$_sidebarResizeHandler) + }, + resize() { + const { chart } = this + chart && chart.resize() + } + } +} diff --git a/src/views/error/401.vue b/src/views/error/401.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..448b6ec --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/error/401.vue @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/views/error/404.vue b/src/views/error/404.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96f075c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/error/404.vue @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/views/index.vue b/src/views/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf7c3ce --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/views/index_v1.vue b/src/views/index_v1.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2d2ec6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/index_v1.vue @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/views/login.vue b/src/views/login.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13ccbb3 --- /dev/null +++ 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a/src/views/recruit/grade/index.vue b/src/views/recruit/grade/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7c271a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/recruit/grade/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,378 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/views/recruit/interview/index.vue b/src/views/recruit/interview/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5d78f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/recruit/interview/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,1180 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/views/recruit/jd/index.vue b/src/views/recruit/jd/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4b36e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/recruit/jd/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,504 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/views/recruit/mypost/index.vue b/src/views/recruit/mypost/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88895c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/recruit/mypost/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,581 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/views/recruit/pending/index.vue b/src/views/recruit/pending/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3046118 --- /dev/null +++ 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b/src/views/recruit/structure/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fcf303f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/recruit/structure/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,535 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/views/recruit/structure/index2.vue b/src/views/recruit/structure/index2.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b5d53d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/recruit/structure/index2.vue @@ -0,0 +1,355 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/recruit/structureMapNew/index.vue b/src/views/recruit/structureMapNew/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e6f34f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/recruit/structureMapNew/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ + + + + diff --git a/src/views/redirect.vue b/src/views/redirect.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db4c1d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/redirect.vue @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + diff --git a/src/views/register.vue b/src/views/register.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9dd228d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/register.vue @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/views/system/config/index.vue b/src/views/system/config/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ab81fc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/system/config/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,343 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/system/dept/index.vue b/src/views/system/dept/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e502b4e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/system/dept/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/system/dict/data.vue b/src/views/system/dict/data.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3befe4a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/system/dict/data.vue @@ -0,0 +1,402 @@ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/views/system/dict/index.vue b/src/views/system/dict/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ca5457 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/system/dict/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,347 @@ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/views/system/menu/index.vue b/src/views/system/menu/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c703fa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/system/menu/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,452 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/system/notice/index.vue b/src/views/system/notice/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7982b54 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/system/notice/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/system/post/index.vue b/src/views/system/post/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..444bf63 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/system/post/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,309 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/system/role/authUser.vue b/src/views/system/role/authUser.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..147aa33 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/system/role/authUser.vue @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/views/system/role/index.vue b/src/views/system/role/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb3b5ef --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/system/role/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,605 @@ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/views/system/role/selectUser.vue b/src/views/system/role/selectUser.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2b072f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/system/role/selectUser.vue @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/system/user/authRole.vue b/src/views/system/user/authRole.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..943710e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/system/user/authRole.vue @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/views/system/user/index.vue b/src/views/system/user/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6941bd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/system/user/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,685 @@ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/views/system/user/profile/index.vue b/src/views/system/user/profile/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..529c564 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/system/user/profile/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/system/user/profile/resetPwd.vue b/src/views/system/user/profile/resetPwd.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f329e6e --- 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a/src/views/tool/build/IconsDialog.vue b/src/views/tool/build/IconsDialog.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..958be50 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/tool/build/IconsDialog.vue @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/tool/build/RightPanel.vue b/src/views/tool/build/RightPanel.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c2760eb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/tool/build/RightPanel.vue @@ -0,0 +1,946 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/views/tool/build/TreeNodeDialog.vue b/src/views/tool/build/TreeNodeDialog.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa7f0b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/tool/build/TreeNodeDialog.vue @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ + + diff --git a/src/views/tool/build/index.vue b/src/views/tool/build/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2bd298b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/tool/build/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,768 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/views/tool/gen/basicInfoForm.vue b/src/views/tool/gen/basicInfoForm.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7029529 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/tool/gen/basicInfoForm.vue @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/tool/gen/createTable.vue b/src/views/tool/gen/createTable.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f914b5d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/tool/gen/createTable.vue @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/tool/gen/editTable.vue b/src/views/tool/gen/editTable.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..951497a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/tool/gen/editTable.vue @@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/tool/gen/genInfoForm.vue b/src/views/tool/gen/genInfoForm.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98daf6d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/tool/gen/genInfoForm.vue @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/tool/gen/importTable.vue b/src/views/tool/gen/importTable.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ea9532 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/tool/gen/importTable.vue @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/tool/gen/index.vue b/src/views/tool/gen/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9237c30 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/tool/gen/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/tool/swagger/index.vue b/src/views/tool/swagger/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a63e381 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/tool/swagger/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + diff --git a/vue.config.js b/vue.config.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e83d23 --- /dev/null +++ b/vue.config.js @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +'use strict' +const path = require('path') + +function resolve(dir) { + return path.join(__dirname, dir) +} + +const CompressionPlugin = require('compression-webpack-plugin') + +const name = process.env.VUE_APP_TITLE || 'ZeroErrOA系统' // 网页标题 + +const port = process.env.port || process.env.npm_config_port || 80 // 端口 + +// vue.config.js 配置说明 +//官方vue.config.js 参考文档 +// 这里只列一部分,具体配置参考文档 +module.exports = { + // 部署生产环境和开发环境下的URL。 + // 默认情况下,Vue CLI 会假设你的应用是被部署在一个域名的根路径上 + // 例如。如果应用被部署在一个子路径上,你就需要用这个选项指定这个子路径。例如,如果你的应用被部署在,则设置 baseUrl 为 /admin/。 + publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? "/" : "/", + // 在npm run build 或 yarn build 时 ,生成文件的目录名称(要和baseUrl的生产环境路径一致)(默认dist) + outputDir: 'dist', + // 用于放置生成的静态资源 (js、css、img、fonts) 的;(项目打包之后,静态资源会放在这个文件夹下) + assetsDir: 'static', + // 是否开启eslint保存检测,有效值:ture | false | 'error' + lintOnSave: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development', + // 如果你不需要生产环境的 source map,可以将其设置为 false 以加速生产环境构建。 + productionSourceMap: false, + // webpack-dev-server 相关配置 + devServer: { + host: '', + port: port, + open: true, + proxy: { + // detail: + [process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API]: { + target: ``, + //target: ``, + changeOrigin: true, + pathRewrite: { + ['^' + process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API]: '' + } + } + }, + disableHostCheck: true + }, + css: { + loaderOptions: { + sass: { + sassOptions: { outputStyle: "expanded" } + } + } + }, + configureWebpack: { + name: name, + resolve: { + alias: { + '@': resolve('src') + } + }, + plugins: [ + //使用gzip解压缩静态文件 + new CompressionPlugin({ + cache: false, // 不启用文件缓存 + test: /\.(js|css|html|jpe?g|png|gif|svg)?$/i, // 压缩文件格式 + filename: '[path][base].gz[query]', // 压缩后的文件名 + algorithm: 'gzip', // 使用gzip压缩 + minRatio: 0.8, // 压缩比例,小于 80% 的文件不会被压缩 + deleteOriginalAssets: false // 压缩后删除原文件 + }) + ], + }, + chainWebpack(config) { + config.plugins.delete('preload') // TODO: need test + config.plugins.delete('prefetch') // TODO: need test + + // set svg-sprite-loader + config.module + .rule('svg') + .exclude.add(resolve('src/assets/icons')) + .end() + config.module + .rule('icons') + .test(/\.svg$/) + .include.add(resolve('src/assets/icons')) + .end() + .use('svg-sprite-loader') + .loader('svg-sprite-loader') + .options({ + symbolId: 'icon-[name]' + }) + .end() + + config.when(process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development', config => { + config + .plugin('ScriptExtHtmlWebpackPlugin') + .after('html') + .use('script-ext-html-webpack-plugin', [{ + // `runtime` must same as runtimeChunk name. default is `runtime` + inline: /runtime\..*\.js$/ + }]) + .end() + + config.optimization.splitChunks({ + chunks: 'all', + cacheGroups: { + libs: { + name: 'chunk-libs', + test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/, + priority: 10, + chunks: 'initial' // only package third parties that are initially dependent + }, + elementUI: { + name: 'chunk-elementUI', // split elementUI into a single package + test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]_?element-ui(.*)/, // in order to adapt to cnpm + priority: 20 // the weight needs to be larger than libs and app or it will be packaged into libs or app + }, + commons: { + name: 'chunk-commons', + test: resolve('src/components'), // can customize your rules + minChunks: 3, // minimum common number + priority: 5, + reuseExistingChunk: true + } + } + }) + config.optimization.runtimeChunk('single') + }) + } +} + \ No newline at end of file